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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import { namespaces as d3Namespaces, select as d3Select} from "d3-selection";import type {d3Selection} from "../../../types/types";import {$CIRCLE, $COMMON, $SELECT} from "../../config/classes";import {document} from "../../module/browser";import {getBoundingRect, getPointer, getRandom, isFunction, isObject, isObjectType, isUndefined, isValue, toArray, notEmpty} from "../../module/util";
const getTransitionName = () => getRandom();
export default { hasValidPointType(type?: string): boolean { return /^(circle|rect(angle)?|polygon|ellipse|use)$/i.test(type || this.config.point_type); },
hasValidPointDrawMethods(type?: string): boolean { const pointType = type || this.config.point_type;
return isObjectType(pointType) && isFunction(pointType.create) && isFunction(pointType.update); },
initialOpacityForCircle(d): string | number | null { const {config, state: {withoutFadeIn}} = this; let opacity = config.point_opacity;
if (isUndefined(opacity)) { opacity = this.getBaseValue(d) !== null && withoutFadeIn[] ? this.opacityForCircle(d) : "0"; }
return opacity; },
opacityForCircle(d): string | number | null { const {config} = this; let opacity = config.point_opacity;
if (isUndefined(opacity)) { opacity = config.point_show && !config.point_focus_only ? null : "0";
opacity = isValue(this.getBaseValue(d)) ? (this.isBubbleType(d) || this.isScatterType(d) ? "0.5" : opacity) : "0"; }
return opacity; },
initCircle(): void { const $$ = this; const {$el: {main}} = $$;
$$.point = $$.generatePoint();
if (($$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter")) &&`.${$CIRCLE.chartCircles}`).empty()) {`.${$COMMON.chart}`) .append("g") .attr("class", $CIRCLE.chartCircles); } },
updateTargetForCircle(targetsValue, enterNodeValue): void { const $$ = this; const {config, data, $el} = $$; const selectionEnabled = config.interaction_enabled && config.data_selection_enabled; const isSelectable = selectionEnabled && config.data_selection_isselectable; const classCircles = $$.getClass("circles", true);
if (!config.point_show) { return; }
!$ && $$.initCircle();
let targets = targetsValue; let enterNode = enterNodeValue;
// only for scatter & bubble type should generate seprate <g> node if (!targets) { targets = (data.targets) .filter(d => this.isScatterType(d) || this.isBubbleType(d));
const mainCircle = $`.${$CIRCLE.chartCircles}`) .style("pointer-events", "none") .selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circles}`) .data(targets);
mainCircle.exit().remove(); enterNode = mainCircle.enter(); }
// Circles for each data point on lines selectionEnabled && enterNode.append("g") .attr("class", d => $$.generateClass($SELECT.selectedCircles,;
enterNode.append("g") .attr("class", classCircles) .call(selection => { $$.setCssRule(true, `.${$CIRCLE.circles}`, ["cursor:pointer"], isSelectable)(selection); $$.setCssRule(true, ` .${$}`, ["fill", "stroke"], $$.color)(selection); }) .style("opacity", function() { const parent = d3Select(this.parentNode);
// if the parent node is .bb-chart-circles (bubble, scatter), initialize <g bb-circles> with opacity "0" return parent.attr("class").indexOf($CIRCLE.chartCircles) > -1 ? "0" : null; });
// Update date for selected circles selectionEnabled && targets.forEach(t => { $el.main.selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircles}${$$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(}`) .selectAll(`${$SELECT.selectedCircle}`) .each(d => { d.value = t.values[d.index].value; }); }); },
updateCircle(isSub = false): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state, $el} = $$; const focusOnly = config.point_focus_only; const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el;
if (config.point_show && !state.toggling) { const circles = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circles}`) .selectAll(`.${$}`) .data(d => ( ($$.isLineType(d) && $$.shouldDrawPointsForLine(d)) || $$.isBubbleType(d) || $$.isRadarType(d) || $$.isScatterType(d) ? (focusOnly ? [d.values[0]] : d.values) : []) );
circles.enter() .filter(Boolean) .append($$.point("create", this, $$.pointR.bind($$), $$.getStylePropValue($$.color)));
$ = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$CIRCLE.circles} .${$}`) .style("stroke", $$.getStylePropValue($$.color)) .style("opacity", $$.initialOpacityForCircle.bind($$)); } },
redrawCircle(cx: Function, cy: Function, withTransition: boolean, flow, isSub = false) { const $$ = this; const {state: {rendered}, $el, $T} = $$; const $root = isSub ? $el.subchart : $el; const selectedCircles = $root.main.selectAll(`.${$SELECT.selectedCircle}`);
if (!$$.config.point_show) { return []; }
const fn = $$.point("update", $$, cx, cy, $$.getStylePropValue($$.color), withTransition, flow, selectedCircles); const posAttr = $$.isCirclePoint() ? "c" : "";
const t = getRandom(); const opacityStyleFn = $$.opacityForCircle.bind($$); const mainCircles: any[] = [];
$ { let result: d3Selection | any = fn.bind(this)(d);
result = $T(result, withTransition || !rendered, t) .style("opacity", opacityStyleFn);
mainCircles.push(result); });
return [ mainCircles, $T(selectedCircles, withTransition) .attr(`${posAttr}x`, cx) .attr(`${posAttr}y`, cy) ]; },
/** * Show focused data point circle * @param {object} d Selected data * @private */ showCircleFocus(d?): void { const $$ = this; const {config, state: {hasRadar, resizing, toggling, transiting}, $el} = $$; let {circle} = $el;
if (transiting === false && config.point_focus_only && circle) { const cx = (hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleX : $$.circleX).bind($$); const cy = (hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleY : $$.circleY).bind($$); const withTransition = toggling || isUndefined(d); const fn = $$.point("update", $$, cx, cy, $$.getStylePropValue($$.color), resizing ? false : withTransition);
if (d) { circle = circle .filter(function(t) { const data = d.filter(v => ===;
return data.length ? d3Select(this).datum(data[0]) : false; }); }
circle .attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)) .style("opacity", null) .each(function(d) { const {id, index, value} = d; let visibility = "hidden";
if (isValue(value)) { fn.bind(this)(d); $$.expandCircles(index, id); visibility = ""; } = visibility; }); } },
/** * Hide focused data point circle * @private */ hideCircleFocus(): void { const $$ = this; const {config, $el: {circle}} = $$;
if (config.point_focus_only && circle) { $$.unexpandCircles();"visibility", "hidden"); } },
circleX(d): number | null { return this.xx(d); },
updateCircleY(isSub = false): Function { const $$ = this; const getPoints = $$.generateGetLinePoints($$.getShapeIndices($$.isLineType), isSub);
return (d, i) => { const id =;
return $$.isGrouped(id) ? getPoints(d, i)[0][1] : $$.getYScaleById(id, isSub)($$.getBaseValue(d)); }; },
expandCircles(i: number, id: string, reset?: boolean): void { const $$ = this; const r = $$.pointExpandedR.bind($$);
reset && $$.unexpandCircles();
const circles = $$.getShapeByIndex("circle", i, id).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, true); const scale = r(circles) / $$.config.point_r; const ratio = 1 - scale;
if ($$.isCirclePoint()) { circles.attr("r", r); } else { // transform must be applied to each node individually circles.each(function() { const point = d3Select(this);
if (this.tagName === "circle") { point.attr("r", r); } else { const {width, height} = this.getBBox(); const x = ratio * (+point.attr("x") + width / 2); const y = ratio * (+point.attr("y") + height / 2);
point.attr("transform", `translate(${x} ${y}) scale(${scale})`); } }); } },
unexpandCircles(i): void { const $$ = this; const r = $$.pointR.bind($$);
const circles = $$.getShapeByIndex("circle", i) .filter(function() { return d3Select(this).classed($COMMON.EXPANDED); }) .classed($COMMON.EXPANDED, false);
circles.attr("r", r);
if (!$$.isCirclePoint()) { const scale = r(circles) / $$.config.point_r;
circles.attr("transform", scale !== 1 ? `scale(${scale})` : null); } },
pointR(d): number { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const pointR = config.point_r; let r = pointR;
if ($$.isBubbleType(d)) { r = $$.getBubbleR(d); } else if (isFunction(pointR)) { r = pointR.bind($$.api)(d); }
return r; },
pointExpandedR(d): number { const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const scale = $$.isBubbleType(d) ? 1.15 : 1.75;
return config.point_focus_expand_enabled ? (config.point_focus_expand_r || $$.pointR(d) * scale) : $$.pointR(d); },
pointSelectR(d): number { const $$ = this; const selectR = $$.config.point_select_r;
return isFunction(selectR) ? selectR(d) : (selectR || $$.pointR(d) * 4); },
isWithinCircle(node, r?: number): boolean { const mouse = getPointer(this.state.event, node); const element = d3Select(node); const prefix = this.isCirclePoint(node) ? "c" : ""; let cx = +element.attr(`${prefix}x`); let cy = +element.attr(`${prefix}y`);
// if node don't have cx/y or x/y attribute value if (!(cx || cy) && node.nodeType === 1) { const {x, y} = getBoundingRect(node);
cx = x; cy = y; }
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(cx - mouse[0], 2) + Math.pow(cy - mouse[1], 2) ) < (r || this.config.point_sensitivity); },
insertPointInfoDefs(point, id: string): void { const $$ = this; const copyAttr = (from, target) => { const attribs = from.attributes;
for (let i = 0, name; (name = attribs[i]); i++) { name =; target.setAttribute(name, from.getAttribute(name)); } };
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(point, "image/svg+xml"); const node = doc.documentElement; const clone = document.createElementNS(d3Namespaces.svg, node.nodeName.toLowerCase()); = id; = "inherit"; = "inherit";
copyAttr(node, clone);
if (node.childNodes?.length) { const parent = d3Select(clone);
if ("innerHTML" in clone) { parent.html(node.innerHTML); } else { toArray(node.childNodes).forEach(v => { copyAttr(v, parent.append(v.tagName).node()); }); } }
$$.$el.defs.node().appendChild(clone); },
pointFromDefs(id: string) { return this.$`#${id}`); },
updatePointClass(d) { const $$ = this; const {circle} = $$.$el; let pointClass = false;
if (isObject(d) || circle) { pointClass = d === true ? circle.each(function(d) { let className = $$.getClass("circle", true)(d);
if (this.getAttribute("class").indexOf($COMMON.EXPANDED) > -1) { className += ` ${$COMMON.EXPANDED}`; }
this.setAttribute("class", className); }) : $$.getClass("circle", true)(d); }
return pointClass; },
generateGetLinePoints(lineIndices, isSub?: boolean):Function { // partial duplication of generateGetBarPoints const $$ = this; const {config} = $$; const x = $$.getShapeX(0, lineIndices, isSub); const y = $$.getShapeY(isSub); const lineOffset = $$.getShapeOffset($$.isLineType, lineIndices, isSub); const yScale = $$.getYScaleById.bind($$);
return (d, i) => { const y0 =$$,, isSub)($$.getShapeYMin(; const offset = lineOffset(d, i) || y0; // offset is for stacked area chart const posX = x(d); let posY = y(d);
// fix posY not to overflow opposite quadrant if (config.axis_rotated && ( (d.value > 0 && posY < y0) || (d.value < 0 && y0 < posY) )) { posY = y0; }
// 1 point that marks the line position const point = [posX, posY - (y0 - offset)];
return [ point, point, // from here and below, needed for compatibility point, point ]; }; },
generatePoint(): Function { const $$ = this; const {config, state: {datetimeId}} = $$; const ids: string[] = []; const pattern = notEmpty(config.point_pattern) ? config.point_pattern : [config.point_type];
return function(method, context, ...args) { return function(d) { const id: string = $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix( || || d); const element = d3Select(this);
ids.indexOf(id) < 0 && ids.push(id);
let point = pattern[ids.indexOf(id) % pattern.length];
if ($$.hasValidPointType(point)) { point = $$[point]; } else if (!$$.hasValidPointDrawMethods(point)) { const pointId = `${datetimeId}-point${id}`; const pointFromDefs = $$.pointFromDefs(pointId);
if (pointFromDefs.size() < 1) { $$.insertPointInfoDefs(point, pointId); }
if (method === "create") { return $$.custom.create.bind(context)(element, pointId, ...args); } else if (method === "update") { return $$.custom.update.bind(context)(element, ...args); } }
return point[method].bind(context)(element, ...args); }; }; },
custom: { create(element, id, fillStyleFn) { return element.append("use") .attr("xlink:href", `#${id}`) .attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)) .style("fill", fillStyleFn) .node(); },
update(element, xPosFn, yPosFn, fillStyleFn, withTransition, flow, selectedCircles) { const $$ = this; const {width, height} = element.node().getBBox();
const xPosFn2 = d => (isValue(d.value) ? xPosFn(d) - width / 2 : 0); const yPosFn2 = d => (isValue(d.value) ? yPosFn(d) - height / 2 : 0); let mainCircles = element;
if (withTransition) { flow && mainCircles.attr("x", xPosFn2);
mainCircles = $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName()); selectedCircles && $$.$T(selectedCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName()); }
return mainCircles .attr("x", xPosFn2) .attr("y", yPosFn2) .style("fill", fillStyleFn); } },
// 'circle' data point circle: { create(element, sizeFn, fillStyleFn) { return element.append("circle") .attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)) .attr("r", sizeFn) .style("fill", fillStyleFn) .node(); },
update(element, xPosFn, yPosFn, fillStyleFn, withTransition, flow, selectedCircles) { const $$ = this; let mainCircles = element;
// when '.load()' called, bubble size should be updated if ($$.hasType("bubble")) { mainCircles.attr("r", $$.pointR.bind($$)); }
if (withTransition) { flow && mainCircles.attr("cx", xPosFn);
if (mainCircles.attr("cx")) { mainCircles = $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName()); }
selectedCircles && $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName()); }
return mainCircles .attr("cx", xPosFn) .attr("cy", yPosFn) .style("fill", fillStyleFn); } },
// 'rectangle' data point rectangle: { create(element, sizeFn, fillStyleFn) { const rectSizeFn = d => sizeFn(d) * 2.0;
return element.append("rect") .attr("class", this.updatePointClass.bind(this)) .attr("width", rectSizeFn) .attr("height", rectSizeFn) .style("fill", fillStyleFn) .node(); },
update(element, xPosFn, yPosFn, fillStyleFn, withTransition, flow, selectedCircles) { const $$ = this; const r = $$.config.point_r; const rectXPosFn = d => xPosFn(d) - r; const rectYPosFn = d => yPosFn(d) - r;
let mainCircles = element;
if (withTransition) { flow && mainCircles.attr("x", rectXPosFn);
mainCircles = $$.$T(mainCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName()); selectedCircles && $$.$T(selectedCircles, withTransition, getTransitionName()); }
return mainCircles .attr("x", rectXPosFn) .attr("y", rectYPosFn) .style("fill", fillStyleFn); } }};