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A Deno module and helper class that provides an easy way to read different types from a binary array buffer.


First of all, thank you for considering contributing to this module!

Where do I go from here?

If you’ve noticed a bug or have a feature request, [make one][new issue]! It’s generally best if you get confirmation of your bug or approval for your feature request this way before starting to code.

If you have a general question about this module, feel free to open a new issue.

Fork & create a branch

If this is something you think you can fix, then [fork binary_reader] and create a branch with a descriptive name.

A good branch name would be (where issue #325 is the ticket you’re working on):

git checkout -b 325-fix-read-bytes-oob

Get the test suite running

Ensure that you have Deno installed.

Now you should be able to run the entire suite using:

deno test .

Implement your fix or feature

At this point, you’re ready to make your changes!

Get the style right

Follow the Deno style guide where appropriate.

Your patch should follow the same conventions & pass the same code quality checks as the rest of the project. deno lint --unstable . will give you feedback in this regard.

Make a Pull Request

At this point, you should switch back to your master branch and make sure it’s up to date with binary_reader’s master branch:

git remote add upstream
git checkout master
git pull upstream master

Then update your feature branch from your local copy of master, and push it!

git checkout 325-fix-read-bytes-oob
git rebase master
git push --set-upstream origin 325-fix-read-bytes-oob

Finally, go to GitHub and [make a Pull Request][] :D

Keeping your Pull Request updated

If a maintainer asks you to “rebase” your PR, they’re saying that a lot of code has changed, and that you need to update your branch so it’s easier to merge.

To learn more about rebasing in Git, there are a lot of [good][git rebasing][resources][interactive rebase] but here’s the suggested workflow:

git checkout 325-fix-read-bytes-oob
git pull --rebase upstream master
git push --force-with-lease 325-fix-read-bytes-oob