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BLAKE2b implemented in WebAssembly
import { encode, decode} from "./deps.ts";
import { Wasm, loadWasm } from "./loadWasm.ts";
function assert(sth: any): void { if (!sth) { throw new Error("sth is falsy") }}
export const BYTES_MIN: number = 1;export const BYTES_MAX: number = 64;export const INPUTBYTES_MIN: number = 0;export const INPUTBYTES_MAX: bigint = 2n ** 128n - 1n;export const KEYBYTES_MIN: number = 0;export const KEYBYTES_MAX: number = 64;export const SALTBYTES: number = 16;export const PERSONALBYTES: number = 16;
/** * @classdesc Class Blake2b implements BLAKE2b as specified in RFC 7693 * and * "BLAKE2: simpler, smaller, fast as MD5" (the * salting and personalization features are specified in the latter only). * All BLAKE2b computations are carried out in WebAssembly. */export class Blake2b { protected static wasm: Wasm = loadWasm(); protected static freeList: number[] = []; protected static head: number = 64; public static readonly WASM: Uint8Array = Blake2b.wasm.buffer;
private finalized: boolean; private pointer: number; public readonly bytes: number;
/** * Creates a new Blake2b instance computing the BLAKE2b checksum with a custom * length. Providing a key turns the hash into a MAC. The key must be between * zero and 64 bytes long. The digest size can be a value between 1 and 64 but * it is highly recommended to use values equal or greater than: * - 32 if BLAKE2b is used as a hash function (key is zero bytes long). * - 16 if BLAKE2b is used as a MAC function (key is at least 16 bytes long). * @constructor * @param {number} bytes - Digest length. Must be inbetween * Blake2b.BYTES_MIN and Blake2b.BYTES_MAX. * @param {Uint8Array} [key] - Key length must be inbetween * Blake2b.KEYBYTES_MIN and Blake2b.KEYBYTES_MAX * @param {Uint8Array} [salt] - Must be Blake2b.SALTBYTES long. * @param {Uint8Array} [personal] - Must be Blake2b.PERSONALBYTES long. */ public constructor( bytes: number, key?: string | Uint8Array, salt?: string | Uint8Array, personal?: string | Uint8Array, inputEncoding?: string ) { assert(bytes >= BYTES_MIN); assert(bytes <= BYTES_MAX);
if (key) { if (typeof key === "string") { key = encode(key, inputEncoding) as Uint8Array; }
assert(key.byteLength <= KEYBYTES_MAX); }
if (salt) { if (typeof salt === "string") { salt = encode(salt, inputEncoding) as Uint8Array; }
assert(salt.byteLength === SALTBYTES); }
if (personal) { if (typeof personal === "string") { personal = encode(personal, inputEncoding) as Uint8Array; }
assert(personal.byteLength === PERSONALBYTES); }
if (!Blake2b.freeList.length) { Blake2b.freeList.push(Blake2b.head); Blake2b.head += 216; }
this.bytes = bytes; this.finalized = false; this.pointer = Blake2b.freeList.pop() ?? 0;
Blake2b.wasm.memory.fill(0, 0, 64); Blake2b.wasm.memory[0] = this.bytes; Blake2b.wasm.memory[1] = key ? key.length : 0; Blake2b.wasm.memory[2] = 1; // fanout Blake2b.wasm.memory[3] = 1; // depth
if (salt) { Blake2b.wasm.memory.set(salt as Uint8Array, 32); }
if (personal) { Blake2b.wasm.memory.set(personal as Uint8Array, 48); }
if (this.pointer + 216 > Blake2b.wasm.memory.byteLength) { Blake2b.wasm.realloc(this.pointer + 216); // we need 216 state bytes }
Blake2b.wasm.exports.blake2b_init(this.pointer, this.bytes);
if (key) { this.update(key); Blake2b.wasm.memory.fill(0, Blake2b.head, Blake2b.head + key.length); Blake2b.wasm.memory[this.pointer + 200] = 128; } }
/** Updates the hash with additional data. */ update(input: string | Uint8Array, inputEncoding?: string): Blake2b { if (typeof input === "string") { input = encode(input, inputEncoding) as Uint8Array; }
if (Blake2b.head + input.byteLength > Blake2b.wasm.memory.byteLength) { Blake2b.wasm.realloc(Blake2b.head + input.byteLength); }
Blake2b.wasm.memory.set(input, Blake2b.head);
Blake2b.wasm.exports.blake2b_update( this.pointer, Blake2b.head, Blake2b.head + input.byteLength );
return this; }
/** Obtains a digest of all fed-in data. */ digest(outputEncoding?: string): string | Uint8Array { assert(!this.finalized);
const out: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(this.bytes);
this.finalized = true;
for (let i: number = 0; i < this.bytes; i++) { out[i] = Blake2b.wasm.memory[this.pointer + 128 + i]; }
return outputEncoding ? decode(out, outputEncoding) : out; }}
/** * Convenience function for hashing of singular data. If any multiple of msg, * key, salt or personal are passed as strings they must have the same encoding. */export function blake2b( msg: string | Uint8Array, inputEncoding?: string, outputEncoding?: string, bytes: number = BYTES_MAX, key?: string | Uint8Array, salt?: string | Uint8Array, personal?: string | Uint8Array): string | Uint8Array { return new Blake2b(bytes, key, salt, personal) .update(msg, inputEncoding) .digest(outputEncoding);}