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import { objectToKeyValueArrays, toSQLKeyValuePair, toSQLValueType, valuePlaceholders,} from "./helpers.ts";
type WhereCondition = "=" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "!=" | "LIKE" | "IN";
export class Query<T extends Record<string, unknown>> { private _table = ""; private _query = ""; private _placeholderCount = 1;
public select(...fields: string[]) { const keys = fields.length > 0 ? fields.join(", ") : "*";
this._query = `SELECT ${keys} FROM ${this._table}`; return this; }
public insert(data: T) { const [keys, values] = objectToKeyValueArrays(data);
const keysSQL = `(${keys.join(", ")})`;
this._query = `INSERT INTO ${this._table} ${keysSQL} VALUES ${ valuePlaceholders(values, this._placeholderCount++) }`; return this; }
public update(data: T) { const [keys, values] = objectToKeyValueArrays(data);
let result = ""; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { result += ` ${toSQLKeyValuePair(keys[i], values[i])}`; if (i != keys.length - 1) { result += ","; } }
this._query += ` UPDATE ${this._table} SET ${result.trim()}`; return this; }
public delete() { this._query = `DELETE FROM ${this._table}`; return this; }
// TODO: This is the most basic form of where, need to improve. // Should I use value or placeholder? public where( key: string, condition: WhereCondition, value: string | number | boolean, ) { const valueSQL = toSQLValueType(value); this._query += ` WHERE ${key} ${condition} ${valueSQL}`; return this; }
public returning(...fields: string[]) { const keys = fields.length > 0 ? fields.join(", ") : "*";
this._query += ` RETURNING ${keys}`; return this; }
public table(name: string) { this._table = name; return this; }
public build() { const res = this._query.trim() + ";"; this._query = ""; return res; }}