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Deno Body Parser

Generic body parser for Deno’s ServerRequest body.


  • Multiple input types: JSON, URL encoded
  • Custom Content-Type checks (strings/RegExps/functions)
  • Limit checks
  • Generalized (can be used with/by any framework) and well tested


import { createBodyParser, JsonBodyParser } from "./mod.ts";

const bodyParser = createBodyParser({
  parsers: [new JsonBodyParser()],

// ...

// Request with Content-Type of application/json with {"x": 1}

const results = await bodyParser(req);

assertEquals(results, {
  parser: "json",
  value: {
    x: 1,



Creates the body parser using a list a parsers as an option. The created body parser accepts a ServerRequest from Deno’s HTTP server, and returns undefined if no suitable parser is found (based on Content-Type), or an object of { parser: string, value: any} if one was found.

All parsers accept the follow options:

  • limit: The limit in bytes of body to parser
  • type: One of many strings, RegExps, of functions to check if the Content-Type is suitable for the parser

Built-in parsers

JsonBodyParser (json)

A parser for JSON requests using application/json.

Accepts the follow options (includiong the default ones listed above):

  • strict: If enabled, only objects/arrays will be allowed to be parsed. Defaults to `false
  • reviver: The second argument to JSON.parse. You shouldn’t need this. Read more about revivers

UrlencodedBodyParser (urlencoded)

A parser for form requests using application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Custom parsers

You can implement your own parsers by extending BodyParser. You can see examples for the JSON parser or URL encoded parser.


Since Deno is evolving quickly, only the latest version is officially supported.

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.