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A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
import { graphql } from "./deps.ts";import { renderPlaygroundPage } from "./graphql-playground-html/render-playground-html.ts";import { makeExecutableSchema } from "./graphql-tools/schema/makeExecutableSchema.ts";
interface Constructable<T> { new(...args: any): T & OakRouter;}
interface OakRouter { post: any; get: any;}
export interface ApplyGraphQLOptions<T> { Router: Constructable<T>; path?: string; typeDefs: any; resolvers: ResolversProps; context?: (ctx: any) => any; usePlayground?: boolean;}
export interface ResolversProps { Query?: any; Mutation?: any; [dynamicProperty: string]: any;}
export async function applyGraphQL<T>({ Router, path = "/graphql", typeDefs, resolvers, context, usePlayground = true,}: ApplyGraphQLOptions<T>): Promise<T> { const router = new Router();
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });
await, async (ctx: any) => { const { response, request } = ctx; if (request.hasBody) { try { const contextResult = context ? await context(ctx) : undefined; const body = await request.body().value; const result = await (graphql as any)( schema, body.query, resolvers, contextResult, body.variables || undefined, body.operationName || undefined, );
response.status = 200; response.body = result; return; } catch (error) { response.status = 200; response.body = { data: null, errors: [{ message: error.message ? error.message : error, }], } return; } } });
await router.get(path, async (ctx: any) => { const { request, response } = ctx; if (usePlayground) { // perform more expensive content-type check only if necessary // XXX We could potentially move this logic into the GuiOptions lambda, // but I don't think it needs any overriding const prefersHTML = request.accepts("text/html");
if (prefersHTML) { const playground = renderPlaygroundPage({ endpoint: request.url.origin + path, subscriptionEndpoint: request.url.origin, }); response.status = 200; response.body = playground; return; } } });
// await router.get("/", async (ctx) => { // const { request, response } = ctx; // const WS = new SubscriptionServer( // { // schema, // execute: execute as any, // subscribe, // onConnect: onConnect // ? onConnect // : (connectionParams: Object) => ({ ...connectionParams }), // onDisconnect: onDisconnect, // onOperation: async ( // message: { payload: any }, // connection: any, // ) => { // connection.formatResponse = (value: any) => value;
// // connection.formatError = this.requestOptions.formatError; // let contextResult; // try { // contextResult = context ? await context(ctx) : undefined; // } catch (error) { // response.status = 200; // response.body = { // data: null, // errors: [{ // message: error.message ? error.message : error, // }], // } // }
// return { ...connection, context: contextResult }; // }, // keepAlive: undefined, // validationRules: undefined // }, // ); // })
// await router.get("/", async (ctx) => { // if (ctx.isUpgradable) { // const socket = await ctx.upgrade(); // socket.send("graphql-ws") // await chat(socket) // } // })
return router;};