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A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
import { $$asyncIterator } from "^1.3.0";import type { PubSubEngine } from "./pubsub-engine.ts";
/** * A class for digesting PubSubEngine events via the new AsyncIterator interface. * This implementation is a generic version of the AsyncIterator, so any PubSubEngine may * be used. * @class * * @constructor * * @property pullQueue @type {Function[]} * A queue of resolve functions waiting for an incoming event which has not yet arrived. * This queue expands as next() calls are made without PubSubEngine events occurring in-between. * * @property pushQueue @type {T[]} * A queue of PubSubEngine events waiting for next() calls to be made, which returns the queued events * for handling. This queue expands as PubSubEngine events arrive without next() calls occurring in-between. * * @property eventsArray @type {string[]} * An array of PubSubEngine event names that this PubSubAsyncIterator should watch. * * @property allSubscribed @type {Promise<number[]>} * undefined until next() called for the first time, afterwards is a promise of an array of all * subscription ids, where each subscription id identified a subscription on the PubSubEngine. * The undefined initialization ensures that subscriptions are not made to the PubSubEngine * before next() has ever been called. * * @property running @type {boolean} * Whether or not the PubSubAsyncIterator is in running mode (responding to incoming PubSubEngine events and next() calls). * running begins as true and turns to false once the return method is called. * * @property pubsub @type {PubSubEngine} * The PubSubEngine whose events will be observed. */export class PubSubAsyncIterator<T> implements AsyncIterator<T> { private pullQueue: ((value: IteratorResult<T>) => void)[]; private pushQueue: T[]; private eventsArray: string[]; private allSubscribed: Promise<number[]> | null; private running: boolean; private pubsub: PubSubEngine;
constructor(pubsub: PubSubEngine, eventNames: string | string[]) { this.pubsub = pubsub; this.pullQueue = []; this.pushQueue = []; this.running = true; this.allSubscribed = null; this.eventsArray = typeof eventNames === "string" ? [eventNames] : eventNames; }
public async next(): Promise<IteratorResult<T>> { if (!this.allSubscribed) { await (this.allSubscribed = this.subscribeAll()); } return this.pullValue(); }
public async return(): Promise<IteratorResult<T>> { await this.emptyQueue(); return { value: undefined, done: true }; }
public async throw(error: any) { await this.emptyQueue(); return Promise.reject(error); }
public [$$asyncIterator]() { return this; }
private async pushValue(event: T) { await this.allSubscribed; if (this.pullQueue.length !== 0) { (this.pullQueue as any).shift()( this.running ? { value: event, done: false } : { value: undefined, done: true } ); } else { this.pushQueue.push(event); } }
private pullValue(): Promise<IteratorResult<T>> { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this.pushQueue.length !== 0) { resolve( this.running ? ({ value: this.pushQueue.shift(), done: false } as any) : { value: undefined, done: true } ); } else { this.pullQueue.push(resolve); } }); }
private async emptyQueue() { if (this.running) { this.running = false; this.pullQueue.forEach((resolve) => resolve({ value: undefined, done: true }) ); this.pullQueue.length = 0; this.pushQueue.length = 0; const subscriptionIds = await this.allSubscribed; if (subscriptionIds) { this.unsubscribeAll(subscriptionIds); } } }
private subscribeAll() { return Promise.all( => this.pubsub.subscribe(eventName, this.pushValue.bind(this), {}) ) ); }
private unsubscribeAll(subscriptionIds: number[]) { for (const subscriptionId of subscriptionIds) { this.pubsub.unsubscribe(subscriptionId); } }}