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A simple graphql middleware for oak deno framework.
import * as WebSocket from '^7.3.0';
import MessageTypes from './message-types.ts';import isObject from './utils/is-object.ts';import { parse, validate, ValidationContext, specifiedRules, GraphQLSchema} from '../deps.ts';import { createEmptyIterable } from './utils/empty-iterable.ts';import { createAsyncIterator, forAwaitEach, isAsyncIterable } from '^1.3.0';import { isASubscriptionOperation } from './utils/is-subscriptions.ts';import { parseLegacyProtocolMessage } from './legacy/parse-legacy-protocol.ts';
export type ExecutionIterator = AsyncIterator<any>;
export interface ExecutionParams<TContext = any> { query: string | any; variables: { [key: string]: any }; operationName: string; context: TContext; formatResponse?: Function; formatError?: Function; callback?: Function; schema?: any;}
export type ConnectionContext = { initPromise?: Promise<any>, isLegacy: boolean, socket: any, request: any, operations: { [opId: string]: ExecutionIterator, },};
export interface OperationMessagePayload { [key: string]: any; // this will support for example any options sent in init like the auth token query?: string; variables?: { [key: string]: any }; operationName?: string;}
export interface OperationMessage { payload?: OperationMessagePayload; id?: string; type: string;}
export type ExecuteFunction = (schema: any, document: any, rootValue?: any, contextValue?: any, variableValues?: { [key: string]: any }, operationName?: string, fieldResolver?: any) => any
export type SubscribeFunction = (schema: any, document: any, rootValue?: any, contextValue?: any, variableValues?: { [key: string]: any }, operationName?: string, fieldResolver?: any, subscribeFieldResolver?: any) => any
export interface ServerOptions { rootValue?: any; schema?: any; execute?: ExecuteFunction; subscribe?: SubscribeFunction; validationRules?: Array<(context: any) => any> | ReadonlyArray<any>; onOperation?: Function; onOperationComplete?: Function; onConnect?: Function; onDisconnect?: Function; keepAlive?: number;}
const isWebSocketServer = (socket: any) => socket.on;
export class SubscriptionServer { private onOperation?: Function; private onOperationComplete?: Function; private onConnect?: Function; private onDisconnect?: Function;
private wsServer: any; private execute?: ExecuteFunction; private subscribe?: SubscribeFunction; private schema: any; private rootValue: any; private keepAlive?: number; private closeHandler: () => void; private specifiedRules: Array<(context: any) => any> | ReadonlyArray<any>;
public static create(options: ServerOptions) { return new SubscriptionServer(options); }
constructor(options: ServerOptions) { const { onOperation, onOperationComplete, onConnect, onDisconnect, keepAlive, } = options;
this.specifiedRules = options.validationRules || specifiedRules; this.loadExecutor(options);
this.onOperation = onOperation; this.onOperationComplete = onOperationComplete; this.onConnect = onConnect; this.onDisconnect = onDisconnect; this.keepAlive = keepAlive;
this.wsServer = new (WebSocket as any).Server();
const connectionHandler = ((socket: any, request: any) => { // Add `upgradeReq` to the socket object to support old API, without creating a memory leak // See: (socket as any).upgradeReq = request; // NOTE: the old GRAPHQL_SUBSCRIPTIONS protocol support should be removed in the future // if (socket.protocol === undefined || // (socket.protocol.indexOf(GRAPHQL_WS) === -1 && socket.protocol.indexOf(GRAPHQL_SUBSCRIPTIONS) === -1)) { // // Close the connection with an error code, ws v2 ensures that the // // connection is cleaned up even when the closing handshake fails. // // 1002: protocol error // socket.close(1002);
// return; // }
const connectionContext: ConnectionContext = Object.create(null); connectionContext.initPromise = Promise.resolve(true); connectionContext.isLegacy = false; connectionContext.socket = socket; connectionContext.request = request; connectionContext.operations = {};
const connectionClosedHandler = (error: any) => { if (error) { this.sendError( connectionContext, '', { message: error.message ? error.message : error }, MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_ERROR, );
setTimeout(() => { // 1011 is an unexpected condition prevented the request from being fulfilled connectionContext.socket.close(1011); }, 10); } this.onClose(connectionContext);
if (this.onDisconnect) { this.onDisconnect(socket, connectionContext); } };
socket.on('error', connectionClosedHandler); socket.on('close', connectionClosedHandler); socket.on('message', this.onMessage(connectionContext)); });
this.wsServer.on('connection', connectionHandler); this.closeHandler = () => { this.wsServer.removeListener('connection', connectionHandler); this.wsServer.close(); }; }
public get server(): any { return this.wsServer; }
public close(): void { this.closeHandler(); }
private loadExecutor(options: ServerOptions) { const { execute, subscribe, schema, rootValue } = options;
if (!execute) { throw new Error('Must provide `execute` for websocket server constructor.'); }
this.schema = schema; this.rootValue = rootValue; this.execute = execute; this.subscribe = subscribe; }
private unsubscribe(connectionContext: ConnectionContext, opId: string) { if (connectionContext.operations && connectionContext.operations[opId]) { if (connectionContext.operations[opId].return) { (connectionContext.operations as any)[opId].return(); }
delete connectionContext.operations[opId];
if (this.onOperationComplete) { this.onOperationComplete(connectionContext.socket, opId); } } }
private onClose(connectionContext: ConnectionContext) { Object.keys(connectionContext.operations).forEach((opId) => { this.unsubscribe(connectionContext, opId); }); }
private onMessage(connectionContext: ConnectionContext) { return (message: any) => { let parsedMessage: any; try { parsedMessage = parseLegacyProtocolMessage(connectionContext, JSON.parse(message)); } catch (e) { (this.sendError as any)(connectionContext, null, { message: e.message }, MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_ERROR); return; }
const opId: any =; switch (parsedMessage.type) { case MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_INIT: if (this.onConnect) { connectionContext.initPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { // TODO - this should become a function call with just 2 arguments in the future // when we release the breaking change api: parsedMessage.payload and connectionContext resolve((this.onConnect as any)(parsedMessage.payload, connectionContext.socket, connectionContext)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }
(connectionContext.initPromise as any).then((result: any) => { if (result === false) { throw new Error('Prohibited connection!'); }
(this.sendError as any)( connectionContext, undefined, MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_ACK, undefined, );
if (this.keepAlive) { this.sendKeepAlive(connectionContext); // Regular keep alive messages if keepAlive is set const keepAliveTimer = setInterval(() => { if (connectionContext.socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { this.sendKeepAlive(connectionContext); } else { clearInterval(keepAliveTimer); } }, this.keepAlive); } }).catch((error: Error) => { (this.sendError as any)( connectionContext, opId, { message: error.message }, MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_ERROR, );
// Close the connection with an error code, ws v2 ensures that the // connection is cleaned up even when the closing handshake fails. // 1011: an unexpected condition prevented the operation from being fulfilled // We are using setTimeout because we want the message to be flushed before // disconnecting the client setTimeout(() => { connectionContext.socket.close(1011); }, 10); }); break;
case MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_TERMINATE: connectionContext.socket.close(); break;
case MessageTypes.GQL_START: (connectionContext.initPromise as any).then((initResult: any) => { // if we already have a subscription with this id, unsubscribe from it first if (connectionContext.operations && connectionContext.operations[opId]) { this.unsubscribe(connectionContext, opId); }
const baseParams: any = { query: parsedMessage.payload.query, variables: parsedMessage.payload.variables, operationName: parsedMessage.payload.operationName, context: isObject(initResult) ? Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(initResult)), initResult) : {}, formatResponse: <any>undefined, formatError: <any>undefined, callback: <any>undefined, schema: this.schema, }; let promisedParams = Promise.resolve(baseParams);
// set an initial mock subscription to only registering opId connectionContext.operations[opId] = createEmptyIterable();
if (this.onOperation) { let messageForCallback: any = parsedMessage; promisedParams = Promise.resolve(this.onOperation(messageForCallback, baseParams, connectionContext.socket)); }
promisedParams.then((params) => { if (typeof params !== 'object') { const error = `Invalid params returned from onOperation! return values must be an object!`; this.sendError(connectionContext, opId, { message: error });
throw new Error(error); }
if (!params.schema) { const error = 'Missing schema information. The GraphQL schema should be provided either statically in' + ' the `SubscriptionServer` constructor or as a property on the object returned from onOperation!'; this.sendError(connectionContext, opId, { message: error });
throw new Error(error); }
const document = typeof baseParams.query !== 'string' ? baseParams.query : (parse as any)(baseParams.query); let executionPromise: Promise<AsyncIterator<any> | any>; const validationErrors = (validate as any)(params.schema, document, this.specifiedRules);
if (validationErrors.length > 0) { executionPromise = Promise.resolve({ errors: validationErrors }); } else { let executor: any = this.execute; if (this.subscribe && isASubscriptionOperation(document, params.operationName)) { executor = this.subscribe; } executionPromise = Promise.resolve(executor(params.schema, document, this.rootValue, params.context, params.variables, params.operationName)); }
return executionPromise.then((executionResult) => ({ executionIterable: isAsyncIterable(executionResult) ? executionResult : createAsyncIterator([executionResult]), params, })); }).then(({ executionIterable, params }) => { (forAwaitEach as any)( executionIterable as any, (value: any) => { let result = value;
if (params.formatResponse) { try { result = params.formatResponse(value, params); } catch (err) { console.error('Error in formatError function:', err); } }
this.sendMessage(connectionContext, opId, MessageTypes.GQL_DATA, result); }) .then(() => { this.sendMessage(connectionContext, opId, MessageTypes.GQL_COMPLETE, null); }) .catch((e: Error) => { let error = e;
if (params.formatError) { try { error = params.formatError(e, params); } catch (err) { console.error('Error in formatError function: ', err); } }
// plain Error object cannot be JSON stringified. if (Object.keys(e).length === 0) { error = { name:, message: e.message }; }
this.sendError(connectionContext, opId, error); });
return executionIterable; }).then((subscription: any) => { connectionContext.operations[opId] = subscription; }).then(() => { // NOTE: This is a temporary code to support the legacy protocol. // As soon as the old protocol has been removed, this coode should also be removed. this.sendMessage(connectionContext, opId, MessageTypes.SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS, undefined); }).catch((e: any) => { if (e.errors) { this.sendMessage(connectionContext, opId, MessageTypes.GQL_DATA, { errors: e.errors }); } else { this.sendError(connectionContext, opId, { message: e.message }); }
// Remove the operation on the server side as it will be removed also in the client this.unsubscribe(connectionContext, opId); return; }); return promisedParams; }).catch((error: any) => { // Handle initPromise rejected this.sendError(connectionContext, opId, { message: error.message }); this.unsubscribe(connectionContext, opId); }); break;
case MessageTypes.GQL_STOP: // Find subscription id. Call unsubscribe. this.unsubscribe(connectionContext, opId); break;
default: this.sendError(connectionContext, opId, { message: 'Invalid message type!' }); } }; }
private sendKeepAlive(connectionContext: ConnectionContext): void { if (connectionContext.isLegacy) { (this.sendMessage as any)(connectionContext, undefined, MessageTypes.KEEP_ALIVE, undefined); } else { (this.sendMessage as any)(connectionContext, undefined, MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE, undefined); } }
private sendMessage(connectionContext: ConnectionContext, opId: string, type: string, payload: any): void { const parsedMessage = parseLegacyProtocolMessage(connectionContext, { type, id: opId, payload, });
if (parsedMessage && connectionContext.socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { connectionContext.socket.send(JSON.stringify(parsedMessage)); } }
private sendError(connectionContext: ConnectionContext, opId: string, errorPayload: any, overrideDefaultErrorType?: string): void { const sanitizedOverrideDefaultErrorType = overrideDefaultErrorType || MessageTypes.GQL_ERROR; if ([ MessageTypes.GQL_CONNECTION_ERROR, MessageTypes.GQL_ERROR, ].indexOf(sanitizedOverrideDefaultErrorType) === -1) { throw new Error('overrideDefaultErrorType should be one of the allowed error messages' + ' GQL_CONNECTION_ERROR or GQL_ERROR'); }
this.sendMessage( connectionContext, opId, sanitizedOverrideDefaultErrorType, errorPayload, ); }}