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πŸ—œ Brotli wasm module for deno
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// Copyright 2020-present the denosaurs team. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { encode } from "";import { compress } from "";import Terser from "";
const name = "deno_brotli";
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
async function requires(...executables: string[]) { const where = === "windows" ? "where" : "which";
for (const executable of executables) { const process ={ cmd: [where, executable], stderr: "null", stdin: "null", stdout: "null", });
if (!(await process.status()).success) { err(`Could not find required build tool ${executable}`); } }}
async function run(msg: string, cmd: string[]) { log(msg);
const process ={ cmd });
if (!(await process.status()).success) { err(`${msg} failed`); }}
function log(text: string): void { console.log(`[log] ${text}`);}
function err(text: string): never { console.log(`[err] ${text}`); return Deno.exit(1);}
await requires("rustup", "rustc", "cargo", "wasm-pack");
if (!(await Deno.stat("Cargo.toml")).isFile) { err(`the build script should be executed in the "${name}" root`);}
await run( "building using wasm-pack", ["wasm-pack", "build", "--target", "web", "--release"],);
const wasm = await Deno.readFile(`pkg/${name}_bg.wasm`);const compressed = compress(wasm);log( `compressed wasm using lz4, size reduction: ${wasm.length - compressed.length} bytes`,);const encoded = encode(compressed);log( `encoded wasm using base64, size increase: ${encoded.length - compressed.length} bytes`,);
log("inlining wasm in js");const source = `import * as lz4 from ""; export const source = lz4.decompress(Uint8Array.from(atob("${encoded}"), c => c.charCodeAt(0)));`;
const init = await Deno.readTextFile(`pkg/${name}.js`);
log("minifying js");const output = Terser.minify(`${source}\n${init}`, { mangle: { module: true }, output: { preamble: "//deno-fmt-ignore-file", },});
if (output.error) { err(`encountered error when minifying: ${output.error}`);}
const reduction = new Blob([(`${source}\n${init}`)]).size - new Blob([output.code]).size;log(`minified js, size reduction: ${reduction} bytes`);
log(`writing output to file ("wasm.js")`);await Deno.writeFile("wasm.js", encoder.encode(output.code));
const outputFile = await Deno.stat("wasm.js");log( `output file ("wasm.js"), final size is: ${outputFile.size} bytes`,);