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Better Web Token - an iteration of web tokens with a bunch of improvements
/** Supported BWT versions. */export const SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: Set<number> = new Set<number>([0]);
/** Maximum allowed number of characters of a token. */export const MAX_TOKEN_CHARS: number = 4096;
/** Byte length of a Curve25519 secret key. */export const SECRET_KEY_BYTES: number = 32;
/** Byte length of a Curve25519 public key. */export const PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES: number = 32;
/** Byte length of a BWT kid. */export const KID_BYTES: number = 16;
/** Byte length of a serialized header. */const HEADER_BYTES: number = 60;
/** Global Curve25519 instance provding a scalar multiplication op. */const CURVE25519: Curve25519 = new Curve25519();
/** BigInt byte mask. */const BIGINT_BYTE_MASK: bigint = 255n;
/** BigInt 8. */const BIGINT_BYTE_SHIFT: bigint = 8n;
/** "BWT" as buffer - magic bytes. */const BWT_MAGIC: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from([66, 87, 84]);
/** HChacha20 all-zero nonce used for key stretching. */const HCHACHA20_ZERO_NONCE: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(HCHACHA20_NONCE_BYTES);
/** BWT context constant used with HChaCha20 for key stretching. */const BWT_CONTEXT: Uint8Array = encode("BETTER_WEB_TOKEN", "utf8");
/** BWT format regex. */const BWT_PATTERN: RegExp = /^QldU[A-Za-z0-9-_]{76}\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]{3,3992}\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]{22}$/;
/** Curve25519 low-order public keys. */const LOW_ORDER_PUBLIC_KEYS: Uint8Array[] = [ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=", "AQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=", "4Ot6fDtBuK4WVuP68Z_EatoJjeucMrH9hmIFFl9JuAA=", "X5yVvKNQjCSx0LFVnIPvWwREXMRYHI6G2CJO3dCfEVc=", "7P_______________________________________38=", "7f_______________________________________38=", "7v_______________________________________38=", "zet6fDtBuK4WVuP68Z_EatoJjeucMrH9hmIFFl9JuIA=", "TJyVvKNQjCSx0LFVnIPvWwREXMRYHI6G2CJO3dCfEdc=", "2f________________________________________8=", "2v________________________________________8=", "2_________________________________________8=",].map((publicKey: string): Uint8Array => encode(publicKey, "base64url"));
/** Typ enum indicating a BWT version @ the Header.typ field. */export const enum Typ { BWTv0,}
/** * BWT header object. * * typ must be a supported BWT version, currently that is Typ.BWTv0 only. * iat and exp denote the issued-at and expiry ms timestamps of a token. * kid is the public key identifier of the issuing party. */export interface Header { typ: Typ; iat: number; exp: number; kid: Uint8Array;}
/** BWT body object. */export interface Body { [key: string]: unknown;}
/** Parsed contents of a token. */export interface Contents { header: Header; body: Body;}
/** BWT stringify function. */export interface Stringify { (header: Header, body: Body): null | string;}
/** BWT parse function. */export interface Parse { (token: string): null | Contents;}
/** * BWT keypair object including a key identifier for the public key. * * secretKey is the 32-byte secret key. * publicKey is the 32-byte public key. * kid is a 16-byte key identifier for the public key. */export interface KeyPair { secretKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array; kid: Uint8Array;}
/** * BWT public key of a peer. * * publicKey is the 32-byte public key. * kid is a 16-byte key identifer for the public key. * name can be an arbitrarily encoded string. */export interface PeerPublicKey { publicKey: Uint8Array; kid: Uint8Array; name?: string;}
/** Return values of the xchacha20-poly1305 seal op. */interface Sealed { aad: Uint8Array; ciphertext: Uint8Array; tag: Uint8Array;}
/** Branchless buffer equality check. */function constantTimeEqual( actual: Uint8Array, expected: Uint8Array, length: number,): boolean { let diff: number = 0;
for (let i: number = 0; i < length; ++i) { diff |= actual[i] ^ expected[i]; }
return diff === 0;}
/** Whether given public key has a low order? */function isLowOrderPublicKey(publicKey: Uint8Array): boolean { return LOW_ORDER_PUBLIC_KEYS.some((lowOrderPublicKey: Uint8Array): boolean => constantTimeEqual(publicKey, lowOrderPublicKey, PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES) );}
/** Reads given bytes as an unsigned big-endian bigint. */function bytesToBigIntBE(buf: Uint8Array): bigint { return buf.reduce( (acc: bigint, byte: number): bigint => (acc << BIGINT_BYTE_SHIFT) | (BigInt(byte) & BIGINT_BYTE_MASK), 0n, );}
/** Writes given timestamp to big-endian bytes of an 8-byte out buffer. */function bigintToBytesBE(b: bigint, out: Uint8Array): void { for (let i: number = out.byteLength - 1; i >= 0; --i) { out[i] = Number(b & BIGINT_BYTE_MASK); b >>= BIGINT_BYTE_SHIFT; }}
/** Converts a header and nonce to a 60-byte buffer. */function headerAndNonceToBuffer( header: Header, nonce: Uint8Array,): Uint8Array { const buf: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(HEADER_BYTES);
buf.set(BWT_MAGIC, 0); buf[3] = header.typ;
bigintToBytesBE(BigInt(header.iat), buf.subarray(4, 12)); bigintToBytesBE(BigInt(header.exp), buf.subarray(12, 20));
buf.set(header.kid, 20); buf.set(nonce, 36);
return buf;}
/** Converts a buffer to metadata of the form: [header, kid, nonce]. */function bufferToMetadata(buf: Uint8Array): [Header, string, Uint8Array] { return [ { typ: buf[3], iat: Number(bytesToBigIntBE(buf.subarray(4, 12))), exp: Number(bytesToBigIntBE(buf.subarray(12, 20))), kid: buf.subarray(20, 36), }, decode(buf.subarray(20, 36), "base64url"), buf.subarray(36, HEADER_BYTES), ];}
/** Shared key derivation. */function deriveSharedKey( secretKey: Uint8Array, publicKey: Uint8Array,): Uint8Array { const sharedSecret: Uint8Array = CURVE25519.scalarMult(secretKey, publicKey);
const sharedKey: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(HCHACHA20_OUTPUT_BYTES);
hchacha20(sharedKey, sharedSecret, HCHACHA20_ZERO_NONCE, BWT_CONTEXT);
return sharedKey;}
/** Transforms a collection of peer public keys to a shared key map. */function toSharedKeyMap( ownSecretKey: Uint8Array, peerPublicKeys: PeerPublicKey[],): Map<string, Uint8Array> { return new Map<string, Uint8Array>( PeerPublicKey): [string, Uint8Array] => [ decode(peerPublicKey.kid, "base64url"), deriveSharedKey(ownSecretKey, peerPublicKey.publicKey), ]), );}
/** Concatenates aad, ciphertext, and tag to a token. */function assembleToken( aad: Uint8Array, ciphertext: Uint8Array, tag: Uint8Array,): string { return ( decode(aad, "base64url") + "." + decode(ciphertext, "base64url") + "." + decode(tag, "base64url") );}
/** Whether given input is a valid BWT header object. */function isValidHeader(x: any): boolean { const now: number =; return ( x && SUPPORTED_VERSIONS.has(x.typ) && x.kid && x.kid.byteLength === KID_BYTES && x.iat >= 0 && x.iat % 1 === 0 && x.iat <= now && x.exp >= 0 && x.exp % 1 === 0 && x.exp > now );}
/** Whether given input is a valid BWT secret key. */function isValidSecretKey(x: Uint8Array): boolean { return x && x.byteLength === SECRET_KEY_BYTES;}
/** Whether given input is a valid BWT peer public key. */function isValidPeerPublicKey(x: PeerPublicKey): boolean { return ( x && x.kid && x.kid.byteLength === KID_BYTES && x.publicKey && x.publicKey.byteLength === PUBLIC_KEY_BYTES && !isLowOrderPublicKey(x.publicKey) );}
/** Whether given input string has a valid token size. */function hasValidTokenSize(x: string): boolean { return x.length <= MAX_TOKEN_CHARS;}
/** Naive BWT format validation. */function hasValidTokenFormat(x: string): boolean { return BWT_PATTERN.test(x);}
/** Generates a BWT key pair. */export function generateKeyPair(): KeyPair { const seed: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(SECRET_KEY_BYTES); const kid: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(KID_BYTES);
// keypair is null only if seed.length != 32 :: SECRET_KEY_BYTES === 32 const keypair: { secretKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array; } = CURVE25519.generateKeys(seed) as { secretKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array; };
if (isLowOrderPublicKey(keypair.publicKey)) { keypair.secretKey.fill(0x00);
return generateKeyPair(); }
return { ...keypair, kid };}
/** * Creates a BWT stringify function. * * ownSecretKey must be a buffer of 32 bytes. * peerPublicKey must be a peer public key object. * * Throws TypeErrors if any of its arguments are invalid. */export function createStringify( ownSecretKey: Uint8Array, peerPublicKey: PeerPublicKey,): Stringify { if (!isValidSecretKey(ownSecretKey)) { throw new TypeError("invalid secret key"); }
if (!isValidPeerPublicKey(peerPublicKey)) { throw new TypeError("invalid peer public key"); }
const sharedKey: Uint8Array = deriveSharedKey( ownSecretKey, peerPublicKey.publicKey, );
/** * Stringifies header and body to an authenticated and encrypted token. * * header must be a BWT header object. * body must be a serializable object with string keys. * * Returns null in case of invalid inputs, if the body is too big * (token.length > 4096), or other exceptions, fx JSON.stringify(body) -> 💥 */ return function stringify(header: Header, body: Body): null | string { if (!isValidHeader(header) || !body) { return null; }
let token: string;
try { const nonce: Uint8Array = crypto.getRandomValues( new Uint8Array(XCHACHA20_POLY1305_NONCE_BYTES), );
const aad: Uint8Array = headerAndNonceToBuffer(header, nonce);
if (aad.byteLength > XCHACHA20_POLY1305_AAD_BYTES_MAX) { return null; }
const plaintext: Uint8Array = encode(JSON.stringify(body), "utf8");
if (plaintext.byteLength > XCHACHA20_POLY1305_PLAINTEXT_BYTES_MAX) { return null; }
// NOTE: all args to seal r of correct length - will return Sealed const sealed: Sealed = seal(sharedKey, nonce, plaintext, aad) as Sealed;
token = assembleToken(sealed.aad, sealed.ciphertext, sealed.tag); } catch (_) { return null; }
if (!hasValidTokenSize(token)) { return null; }
return token; };}
/** * Creates a BWT parse function. * * ownSecretKey must be a buffer of 32 bytes. * peerPublicKeys must be a non-empty peer public key collection to be used for * verification of incoming tokens. * * Throws TypeErrors if any of its arguments are invalid. */export function createParse( ownSecretKey: Uint8Array, ...peerPublicKeys: PeerPublicKey[]): Parse { if (!isValidSecretKey(ownSecretKey)) { throw new TypeError("invalid secret key"); }
if (!peerPublicKeys.length) { throw new TypeError("no peer public keys provided"); }
if (!peerPublicKeys.every(isValidPeerPublicKey)) { throw new TypeError("invalid peer public keys"); }
const sharedKeyMap: Map<string, Uint8Array> = toSharedKeyMap( ownSecretKey, peerPublicKeys, );
/** * Parses the contents of a BWT token. * * token must be a BWT token. * * Returns null if the token is malformatted, corrupt, expired, from an * unknown issuer, or if any other exceptions occur while marshalling, such as * JSON.parse(body) -> 💥 * * In case of a valid token parse returns an object containing the token * header and body. * * This function encapsulates all validation and cryptographic verification of * a token. Note that, as BWT requires every token to expire, parse does this * basic metadata check. * * Additional application-specific metadata checks can be made as parse, * besides the main body, returns the token header that contains metadata. Fx, * an app could choose to reject all tokens of a certain age by additionally * checking the mandatory iat claim of a token header. */ return function parse(token: string): null | Contents { if (!hasValidTokenFormat(token)) { return null; }
let header: Header; let body: Body;
try { let kid: string; let nonce: Uint8Array;
const parts: string[] = token.split(".");
const aad: Uint8Array = encode(parts[0], "base64url");
if (aad.byteLength > XCHACHA20_POLY1305_AAD_BYTES_MAX) { return null; }
[header, kid, nonce] = bufferToMetadata(aad);
const ciphertext: Uint8Array = encode(parts[1], "base64url");
if (ciphertext.byteLength > XCHACHA20_CIPHERTEXT_BYTES_MAX) { return null; }
const tag: Uint8Array = encode(parts[2], "base64url");
const sharedKey: undefined | Uint8Array = sharedKeyMap.get(kid);
if (!sharedKey) { return null; }
const plaintext: null | Uint8Array = open( sharedKey, nonce, ciphertext, aad, tag, );
if (!plaintext) { return null; }
const jsonPlaintext: string = decode(plaintext, "utf8");
body = JSON.parse(jsonPlaintext); } catch (_) { return null; }
if (!body || body.constructor !== Object || !isValidHeader(header)) { return null; }
return { header, body }; };}