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🧶 Convert dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase
/** * This module is browser compatible. * * Camel case * * * * * * Copyright (c) Eliaz Bobadilla. * * Released under the MIT License. * * @module */
export interface CamelCaseOptions { /** * Uppercase the first character: `foo-bar` → `FooBar`. * @default false */ readonly pascalCase?: boolean;
/** * Preserve the consecutive uppercase characters: `foo-BAR` → `FooBAR`. * @default false */ readonly preserveConsecutiveUppercase?: boolean;
/** * The locale parameter indicates the locale to be used to convert to * upper/lower case according to any locale-specific case mappings. * If multiple locales are given in an array, the best available locale is used.
* Setting `locale: false` ignores the platform locale and uses the [Unicode Default Case Conversion]( algorithm. * Default: The host environment’s current locale.
* @example * ```javascript * camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: 'en-US'}); * //=> 'loremIpsum' * camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: 'tr-TR'}); * //=> 'loremİpsum' * camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: ['en-US', 'en-GB']}); * //=> 'loremIpsum' * camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: ['tr', 'TR', 'tr-TR']}); * //=> 'loremİpsum' * ``` * */ readonly locale?: false | string | readonly string[];}
/** * Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase * or PascalCase: `foo-bar` → `fooBar`. * * Correctly handles Unicode strings. * * @param input - String to convert to camel case. * * @example * ```javascript * camelCase('foo-bar'); * //=> 'fooBar' * camelCase('foo_bar'); * //=> 'fooBar' * camelCase('Foo-Bar'); * //=> 'fooBar' * camelCase('розовый_пушистый_единорог'); * //=> 'розовыйПушистыйЕдинорог' * camelCase('Foo-Bar', {pascalCase: true}); * //=> 'FooBar' * camelCase('', {pascalCase: false}); * //=> 'fooBar' * camelCase('Foo-BAR', {preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true}); * //=> 'fooBAR' * camelCase('fooBAR', {pascalCase: true, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true})); * //=> 'FooBAR' * camelCase('foo bar'); * //=> 'fooBar' * camelCase(['foo', 'bar']); * //=> 'fooBar' * camelCase(['__foo__', '--bar'], {pascalCase: true}); * //=> 'FooBar' * camelCase(['foo', 'BAR'], {pascalCase: true, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true}) * //=> 'FooBAR' * camelCase('lorem-ipsum', {locale: 'en-US'}); * //=> 'loremIpsum' * ``` */export function camelCase( input: string | readonly string[], options?: CamelCaseOptions,) { const isArray = Array.isArray(input);
if (!(typeof input === "string" || isArray)) { throw new TypeError("Expected the input to be `string | string[]`"); }
const parsedOptions = { pascalCase: false, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: false, ...options, };
if (isArray) { input = (input as string[]) .map((x) => x.trim()) .filter((x) => x.length) .join("-"); } else { input = (input as string).trim(); }
if (input.length === 0) { return ""; }
const toLowerCase = !parsedOptions.locale ? (string: string) => string.toLowerCase() : (string: string) => string.toLocaleLowerCase(parsedOptions.locale as string | string[]);
const toUpperCase = !parsedOptions.locale ? (string: string) => string.toUpperCase() : (string: string) => string.toLocaleUpperCase(parsedOptions.locale as string | string[]);
if (input.length === 1) { return parsedOptions.pascalCase ? toUpperCase(input) : toLowerCase(input); }
const inputLowerCased = toLowerCase(input);
const hasUpperCase = input !== inputLowerCased;
if (hasUpperCase) { input = preserveCamelCase(input, toLowerCase, toUpperCase); }
input = input.replace(LEADING_SEPARATORS, "");
if (parsedOptions.preserveConsecutiveUppercase) { input = preserveConsecutiveUppercase(input, toLowerCase); } else { input = toLowerCase(input); }
if (parsedOptions.pascalCase) { input = toUpperCase(input.charAt(0)) + input.slice(1); }
return postProcess(input, toUpperCase);}
const UPPERCASE = /[\p{Lu}]/u;
const LOWERCASE = /[\p{Ll}]/u;
const LEADING_CAPITAL = /^[\p{Lu}](?![\p{Lu}])/gu;
const IDENTIFIER = /([\p{Alpha}\p{N}_]|$)/u;
const SEPARATORS = /[_.\- ]+/;
const LEADING_SEPARATORS = new RegExp("^" + SEPARATORS.source);
const SEPARATORS_AND_IDENTIFIER = new RegExp( SEPARATORS.source + IDENTIFIER.source, "gu",);
const NUMBERS_AND_IDENTIFIER = new RegExp("\\d+" + IDENTIFIER.source, "gu");
type modifyCase = (arg: string) => string;
const preserveCamelCase = ( string: string, toLowerCase: modifyCase, toUpperCase: modifyCase,) => { let isLastCharLower = false; let isLastCharUpper = false; let isLastLastCharUpper = false;
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { const character = string[i];
if (isLastCharLower && UPPERCASE.test(character)) { string = string.slice(0, i) + "-" + string.slice(i);
isLastCharLower = false;
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = true;
i++; } else if ( isLastCharUpper && isLastLastCharUpper && LOWERCASE.test(character) ) { string = string.slice(0, i - 1) + "-" + string.slice(i - 1);
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = false;
isLastCharLower = true; } else { const lowerCasedCharacter = toLowerCase(character); const upperCasedCharacter = toUpperCase(character);
isLastCharLower = lowerCasedCharacter === character && upperCasedCharacter !== character;
isLastLastCharUpper = isLastCharUpper;
isLastCharUpper = upperCasedCharacter === character && lowerCasedCharacter !== character; } }
return string;};
const preserveConsecutiveUppercase = ( input: string, toLowerCase: modifyCase,) => { LEADING_CAPITAL.lastIndex = 0;
return input.replace(LEADING_CAPITAL, toLowerCase);};
const postProcess = (input: string, toUpperCase: modifyCase) => { SEPARATORS_AND_IDENTIFIER.lastIndex = 0; NUMBERS_AND_IDENTIFIER.lastIndex = 0;
return input .replace( SEPARATORS_AND_IDENTIFIER, (_, identifier) => toUpperCase(identifier), ) .replace(NUMBERS_AND_IDENTIFIER, toUpperCase);};