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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
import * as $ from "../deps/scale.ts"import { EncodeBuffer } from "../deps/scale.ts"import { Blake2b, Xxhash } from "../deps/wat_the_crypto.ts"
export abstract class Hasher { abstract create(): Hashing abstract digestLength: number abstract concat: boolean
$hash<I, O>($inner: $.Codec<I, O>): $.Codec<I, O> { return $hash(this, $inner) }
hash(data: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const output = new Uint8Array(this.digestLength + (this.concat ? data.length : 0)) const hashing = this.create() hashing.update(data) hashing.digestInto(output) hashing.dispose?.() if (this.concat) { output.set(data, this.digestLength) } return output }}
export function $hash<I, O>(hasher: Hasher, $inner: $.Codec<I, O>): $.Codec<I, O> { return $.createCodec({ _metadata: $.metadata("$hash", $hash, hasher, $inner), _staticSize: hasher.digestLength + $inner._staticSize, _encode(buffer, value) { const hashArray = buffer.array.subarray(buffer.index, buffer.index += hasher.digestLength) const cursor = hasher.concat ? buffer.createCursor($inner._staticSize) : new EncodeBuffer(buffer.stealAlloc($inner._staticSize)) $inner._encode(cursor, value) buffer.waitForBuffer(cursor, () => { if (hasher.concat) (cursor as ReturnType<EncodeBuffer["createCursor"]>).close() else cursor._commitWritten() const hashing = hasher.create() updateHashing(hashing, cursor) hashing.digestInto(hashArray) hashing.dispose?.() }) }, _decode(buffer) { if (!hasher.concat) throw new DecodeNonTransparentKeyError() buffer.index += hasher.digestLength return $inner._decode(buffer) }, _assert(assert) { $inner._assert(assert) }, })}
export class Blake2Hasher extends Hasher { digestLength constructor(size: 64 | 128 | 256 | 512, public concat: boolean) { super() this.digestLength = size / 8 }
create(): Hashing { return new Blake2b(this.digestLength) }}
export class IdentityHasher extends Hasher { digestLength = 0 concat = true
create(): Hashing { return { update() {}, digestInto() {}, } }
override $hash<I, O>($inner: $.Codec<I, O>): $.Codec<I, O> { return $inner }
override hash(data: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { return data.slice() }}
export class TwoxHasher extends Hasher { digestLength rounds constructor(size: 64 | 128 | 256, public concat: boolean) { super() this.digestLength = size / 8 this.rounds = size / 64 }
create(): Hashing { return new Xxhash(this.rounds) }}
export interface Hashing { update(data: Uint8Array): void digestInto(array: Uint8Array): void dispose?(): void}
export const blake2_64 = new Blake2Hasher(64, false)export const blake2_128 = new Blake2Hasher(128, false)export const blake2_128Concat = new Blake2Hasher(128, true)export const blake2_256 = new Blake2Hasher(256, false)export const blake2_512 = new Blake2Hasher(512, false)export const identity = new IdentityHasher()export const twox128 = new TwoxHasher(128, false)export const twox256 = new TwoxHasher(256, false)export const twox64Concat = new TwoxHasher(64, true)
function updateHashing(hashing: Hashing, data: EncodeBuffer) { for (const array of data.finishedArrays) { if (array instanceof EncodeBuffer) { updateHashing(hashing, array) } else { hashing.update(array) } }}
export class DecodeNonTransparentKeyError extends Error { override readonly name = "DecodeNonTransparentKeyError"}