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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
import { twox128 } from "../crypto/mod.ts"import * as $ from "../deps/scale.ts"
export function $storageKey<I, O>( palletName: string, entryName: string, $key: $.Codec<I, O>,): $.Codec<I, O> { const palletHash = twox128.hash(new TextEncoder().encode(palletName)) const entryHash = twox128.hash(new TextEncoder().encode(entryName)) return $.createCodec({ _metadata: $.metadata("$storageKey", $storageKey, palletName, entryName, $key), _staticSize: $key._staticSize + 32, _encode(buffer, key) { buffer.insertArray(palletHash) buffer.insertArray(entryHash) $key._encode(buffer, key) }, _decode(buffer) { // Ignore initial hashes buffer.index += 32 return $key._decode(buffer) }, _assert(assert) { $key._assert(assert) }, })}
export const $emptyKey = $.withMetadata($.metadata("$emptyKey"), $.constant<void>(undefined))
export const $partialEmptyKey = $.createCodec<void | null>({ _metadata: $.metadata("$partialEmptyKey"), _staticSize: 0, _encode() {}, _decode() { throw new Error("Cannot decode partial key") }, _assert(assert) { if (assert.value != null) { throw new $.ScaleAssertError(this, assert.value, `${assert.path} != null`) } },})
export function $partialSingleKey<I, O>($inner: $.Codec<I, O>): $.Codec<I | null, O | null> { return $.createCodec({ _metadata: $.metadata("$partialSingleKey", $partialSingleKey, $inner), _staticSize: $inner._staticSize, _encode(buffer, key) { if (key !== null) $inner._encode(buffer, key) }, _decode() { throw new Error("Cannot decode partial key") }, _assert(assert) { if (assert.value === null) return $inner._assert(assert) }, })}
export type PartialMultiKey<T extends unknown[]> = T extends [...infer A, any] ? T | PartialMultiKey<A> : T | null
export function $partialMultiKey<T extends $.AnyCodec[]>( ...keys: [...T]): $.Codec<PartialMultiKey<$.OutputTuple<T>>>export function $partialMultiKey<T>(...codecs: $.Codec<T>[]): $.Codec<T[] | null> { return $.createCodec({ _metadata: $.metadata("$partialMultiKey", $partialMultiKey, ...codecs), _staticSize: $.tuple(...codecs)._staticSize, _encode(buffer, key) { if (!key) return for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) { codecs[i]!._encode(buffer, key[i]!) } }, _decode() { throw new Error("Cannot decode partial key") }, _assert(assert) { if (assert.value === null) return assert.instanceof(this, Array) const assertLength = assert.key(this, "length") assertLength.typeof(this, "number") const length = assertLength.value as number $.tuple(...codecs.slice(0, length))._assert(assert) }, })}