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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
//** * A type to describe leaf position in the MMR. * * Note this is different from [`NodeIndex`], which can be applied to * both leafs and inner nodes. Leafs will always have consecutive `LeafIndex`, * but might be actually at different positions in the MMR `NodeIndex`. */export type LeafIndex = number
//** Retrieved MMR leaf and its proof. */export interface LeafProof { /** Block hash the proof was generated for. */ blockHash: string /** SCALE-encoded leaf data. */ leaf: string /** SCALE-encoded proof data. See [sp_mmr_primitives::Proof]. */ proof: string}
//** Retrieved MMR leaves and their proof. */export interface LeafBatchProof { /** Block hash the proof was generated for. */ blockHash: string /** SCALE-encoded vector of `LeafData`. */ leaves: string /** SCALE-encoded proof data. See [sp_mmr_primitives::Proof]. */ proof: string}
// type MmrCalls = { /** * Generate MMR proof for given leaf index. * * This method calls into a runtime with MMR pallet included and attempts to generate * MMR proof for leaf at given `leaf_index`. * Optionally, a block hash at which the runtime should be queried can be specified. * * Returns the (full) leaf itself and a proof for this leaf (compact encoding, i.e. hash of * the leaf). Both parameters are SCALE-encoded. */ mmr_generateProof(leafIndex: LeafIndex, at?: string): LeafProof /** * Generate MMR proof for the given leaf indices. * * This method calls into a runtime with MMR pallet included and attempts to generate * MMR proof for a set of leaves at the given `leaf_indices`. * Optionally, a block hash at which the runtime should be queried can be specified. * * Returns the leaves and a proof for these leaves (compact encoding, i.e. hash of * the leaves). Both parameters are SCALE-encoded. * The order of entries in the `leaves` field of the returned struct * is the same as the order of the entries in `leaf_indices` supplied */ mmr_generateBatchProof(leafIndices: LeafIndex[], at?: string): LeafBatchProof}