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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
interface known.RuntimeVersion
import { type known } from "";
const { RuntimeVersion } = known;

Runtime version. This should not be thought of as classic Semver (major/minor/tiny). This triplet have different semantics and mis-interpretation could cause problems. In particular: bug fixes should result in an increment of spec_version and possibly authoring_version, absolutely not impl_version since they change the semantics of the runtime.


specName: string

Identifies the different Substrate runtimes. There'll be at least polkadot and node. A different on-chain spec_name to that of the native runtime would normally result in node not attempting to sync or author blocks.

implName: string

Name of the implementation of the spec. This is of little consequence for the node and serves only to differentiate code of different implementation teams. For this codebase, it will be parity-polkadot. If there were a non-Rust implementation of the Polkadot runtime (e.g. C++), then it would identify itself with an accordingly different impl_name.

authoringVersion: number

authoring_version is the version of the authorship interface. An authoring node will not attempt to author blocks unless this is equal to its native runtime.

specVersion: number

Version of the runtime specification. A full-node will not attempt to use its native runtime in substitute for the on-chain Wasm runtime unless all of spec_name, spec_version and authoring_version are the same between Wasm and native.

implVersion: number

Version of the implementation of the specification. Nodes are free to ignore this; it serves only as an indication that the code is different; as long as the other two versions are the same then while the actual code may be different, it is nonetheless required to do the same thing. Non-consensus-breaking optimizations are about the only changes that could be made which would result in only the impl_version changing.

apis: [string, string | undefined][]

List of supported API "features" along with their versions.

transactionVersion: number

All existing dispatches are fully compatible when this number doesn't change. If this number changes, then spec_version must change, also.

This number must change when an existing dispatchable (module ID, dispatch ID) is changed, either through an alteration in its user-level semantics, a parameter added/removed/changed, a dispatchable being removed, a module being removed, or a dispatchable/module changing its index.

It need not change when a new module is added or when a dispatchable is added.

stateVersion: number

Version of the state implementation used by this runtime. Use of an incorrect version is consensus breaking.