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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
import { encode as hexEncode } from "../crypto/hex.ts"import * as $ from "../deps/scale.ts"import { Blake2b } from "../deps/wat_the_crypto.ts"import { getOrInit, WeakRefMap } from "../util/mod.ts"
export class Id { private constructor(public hex: string, public u8a: Uint8Array) {}
private static u8aMap = new WeakRefMap<string, Id>() private static fromU8a(u8a: Uint8Array) { const hex = hexEncode(u8a) return getOrInit(this.u8aMap, hex, () => new Id(hex, u8a)) }
static random() { return this.fromU8a(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(64))) }
private static locMap = new Map<TemplateStringsArray, Id>() static loc(tag: TemplateStringsArray) { return getOrInit(this.locMap, tag, () => this.random()) }
private static _hash(u8a: Uint8Array) { const hasher = new Blake2b() hasher.update(u8a) return this.fromU8a(hasher.digest()) }
private static valueMap = new WeakRefMap<unknown, Id>() static value(value: unknown): Id { if (value instanceof Id) { return value } else if ( typeof value === "object" && value && "id" in value && value["id" as never] as any instanceof Id ) { return value["id" as never] } return getOrInit(this.valueMap, value, () => { if (typeof value === "number") { return this._hash(new Uint8Array(new Float64Array([value]))) } if (typeof value === "string") { return this._hash(new TextEncoder().encode(value)) } if (typeof value === "bigint") { return this._hash($.i256.encode(value)) } if (typeof value === "boolean") { return this._hash(new Uint8Array([+value])) } return this.random() }) }
static hash(base: Id, unknown[]) { const hasher = new Blake2b() hasher.update(base.u8a) for (const value of rest) { hasher.update(this.value(value).u8a) } return this.fromU8a(hasher.digest()) }
toString() { return this.hex }}