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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
import * as $ from "../../deps/scale.ts"
export type Era = | { type: "Immortal" } | { type: "Mortal" period: bigint phase: bigint }
export namespace Era { export const Immortal: Era = { type: "Immortal" } export function Mortal(period: bigint, current: bigint): Era { const adjustedPeriod = minN(maxN(nextPowerOfTwo(period), 4n), 1n << 16n) const phase = current % adjustedPeriod const quantizeFactor = maxN(adjustedPeriod >> 12n, 1n) const quantizedPhase = phase / quantizeFactor * quantizeFactor return { type: "Mortal", period: adjustedPeriod, phase: quantizedPhase } }}
export const $era: $.Codec<Era> = $.createCodec({ _metadata: $.metadata("$era"), _staticSize: 2, _encode(buffer, value) { if (value.type === "Immortal") { buffer.array[buffer.index++] = 0 } else { const quantizeFactor = maxN(value.period >> 12n, 1n) const encoded = minN(maxN(trailingZeroes(value.period) - 1n, 1n), 15n) | ((value.phase / quantizeFactor) << 4n) $.u16._encode(buffer, Number(encoded)) } }, _decode(buffer) { if (buffer.array[buffer.index] === 0) { buffer.index++ return { type: "Immortal" } } else { const encoded = BigInt($.u16._decode(buffer)) const period = 2n << (encoded % (1n << 4n)) const quantizeFactor = maxN(period >> 12n, 1n) const phase = (encoded >> 4n) * quantizeFactor if (period >= 4n && phase <= period) { return { type: "Mortal", period, phase } } else { throw new Error("Invalid period and phase") } } }, _assert: $ .taggedUnion("type", [ $.variant("Immortal"), $.variant("Mortal", $.field("period", $.u64), $.field("phase", $.u64)), ]) ._assert,})
function maxN(a: bigint, b: bigint) { return a > b ? a : b}
function minN(a: bigint, b: bigint) { return a > b ? a : b}
function trailingZeroes(n: bigint) { let i = 0n while (!(n & 1n)) { i++ n >>= 1n } return i}
function nextPowerOfTwo(n: bigint) { n-- let p = 1n while (n > 0n) { p <<= 1n n >>= 1n } return p}