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[WIP] A framework for crafting interactions with Substrate chains
import * as $ from "../deps/scale.ts"import { AnyCodec, Codec } from "../deps/scale.ts"import { getOrInit } from "../util/mod.ts"import { normalizeDocs, normalizeIdent, normalizeTypeName } from "../util/normalize.ts"import { overrides } from "./overrides/mod.ts"import { $field, Ty } from "./raw/Ty.ts"
/** * All derived codecs for ZSTs will use this exact codec, * so `derivedCodec === $null` is true iff the type is a ZST. */export const $null = $.withMetadata($.metadata("$null"), $.constant(null))
export interface ScaleInfo { ids: AnyCodec[] types: Record<string, AnyCodec> paths: Record<string, AnyCodec>}export function transformTys(tys: Ty[]): ScaleInfo { const memo = new Map<number, AnyCodec>() const types: Record<string, AnyCodec> = {} const paths: Record<string, AnyCodec> = {} const seenPaths = new Map<string, Ty | null>() const includePaths = new Set<string>() const names = new Map<string, string>() const nameCounts = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>()
for (const ty of tys) { const path = ty.path.join("::") if (!path) continue const last = seenPaths.get(path) if (last !== undefined) { if (last === null || !eqTy(tys,, { seenPaths.set(path, null) includePaths.delete(path) } continue } seenPaths.set(path, ty) includePaths.add(path) }
for (const path of includePaths) { const parts = path.split("::") const name =! const map = getOrInit(nameCounts, name, () => new Map()) for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { const pathPart = parts.slice(0, i).join("::") map.set(pathPart, (map.get(pathPart) ?? 0) + 1) } }
for (const path of includePaths) { const parts = path.split("::") const name =! const map = nameCounts.get(name)! const pathLength = parts.findIndex((_, i) => map.get(parts.slice(0, i).join("::")) === 1) const newPath = [, pathLength), name].join("::") const newName = normalizeTypeName(newPath) names.set(path, newName) }
return { ids:, i) => visit(i)), types, paths }
function visit(i: number): $.AnyCodec { return getOrInit(memo, i, () => { memo.set(i, $.deferred(() => memo.get(i)!)) const ty = tys[i]! const path = ty.path.join("::") const usePath = includePaths.has(path) const name = names.get(path)! if (usePath && types[name]) return types[name]! const codec = withDocs(, _visit(ty)) if (usePath) return types[name] ??= paths[path] = codec return codec }) }
function _visit(ty: Ty): $.AnyCodec { const overrideFn = overrides[ty.path.join("::")] if (overrideFn) return overrideFn(ty, visit) if (ty.type === "Struct") { if (ty.fields.length === 0) { return $null } else if (ty.fields[0]!.name === undefined) { if (ty.fields.length === 1) { // wrapper return visit(ty.fields[0]!.ty) } else { return $.tuple( => visit(x.ty))) } } else { return $.object( => withDocs(, maybeOptionalField(normalizeIdent(!), visit(x.ty))) ), ) } } else if (ty.type === "Tuple") { if (ty.fields.length === 0) { return $null } else if (ty.fields.length === 1) { // wrapper return visit(ty.fields[0]!) } else { return $.tuple( => visit(x))) } } else if (ty.type === "Union") { if (ty.members.length === 0) { return $.never as any } else if (ty.members.every((x) => x.fields.length === 0)) { const members: Record<number, string> = {} for (const { index, name } of ty.members) { members[index] = normalizeIdent(name) } return $.literalUnion(members) } else { const members: Record<number, $.Variant<any, never, unknown>> = {} for (const { fields, name, index } of ty.members) { let member: $.Variant<any, never, unknown> const type = normalizeIdent(name) if (fields.length === 0) { member = $.variant(type) } else if (fields[0]!.name === undefined) { // Tuple variant const $value = fields.length === 1 ? visit(fields[0]!.ty) : $.tuple( => visit(f.ty))) member = $.variant(type, maybeOptionalField("value", $value)) } else { // Object variant const memberFields = => { return withDocs(, maybeOptionalField(normalizeIdent(!), visit(field.ty)), ) }) member = $.variant(type, ...memberFields) } members[index] = member } return $.taggedUnion("type", members) } } else if (ty.type === "Sequence") { const $inner = visit(ty.typeParam) if ($inner === $.u8) { return $.uint8Array } else { return $.array($inner) } } else if (ty.type === "SizedArray") { const $inner = visit(ty.typeParam) if ($inner === $.u8) { return $.sizedUint8Array(ty.len) } else { return $.sizedArray($inner, ty.len) } } else if (ty.type === "Primitive") { if (ty.kind === "char") return $.str return $[ty.kind] } else if (ty.type === "Compact") { return $.compact(visit(ty.typeParam)) } else if (ty.type === "BitSequence") { return $.bitSequence } else { throw new Error("unreachable") } }}
function withDocs<I, O>(_docs: string[], codec: Codec<I, O>): Codec<I, O> { const docs = normalizeDocs(_docs) if (docs) return $.documented(docs, codec) return codec}
function eqTy(tys: Ty[], a: number, b: number) { const seen = new Set<string>() return eqTy(a, b)
function eqTy(ai: number, bi: number): boolean { const key = `${ai}=${bi}` if (seen.has(key)) return true seen.add(key) const a = tys[ai]! const b = tys[bi]! if ( === return true if (a.type !== b.type) return false if (a.path.join("::") !== b.path.join("::")) return false if (normalizeDocs( !== normalizeDocs( return false if ( !eqArray( a.params, b.params, (a, b) => === && (a.ty == null) === (b.ty == null) && (a.ty == null || eqTy(a.ty!, b.ty!)), ) ) { return false } if (a.type === "BitSequence") { return true } if (a.type === "Primitive" && b.type === "Primitive") { return a.kind === b.kind } if ( a.type === "Compact" && b.type === "Compact" || a.type === "Sequence" && b.type === "Sequence" ) { return eqTy(a.typeParam, b.typeParam) } if (a.type === "SizedArray" && b.type === "SizedArray") { return a.len === b.len && eqTy(a.typeParam, b.typeParam) } if (a.type === "Struct" && b.type === "Struct") { return eqArray(a.fields, b.fields, eqField) } if (a.type === "Tuple" && b.type === "Tuple") { return eqArray(a.fields, b.fields, eqTy) } if (a.type === "Union" && b.type === "Union") { return eqArray( a.members, b.members, (a, b) => a.index === b.index && === && normalizeDocs( === normalizeDocs( && eqArray(a.fields, b.fields, eqField), ) } return false }
function eqField(a: $.Output<typeof $field>, b: $.Output<typeof $field>) { return === && a.typeName === b.typeName && eqDocs(, && eqTy(a.ty, b.ty) }
function eqDocs(a: string[], b: string[]) { return normalizeDocs(a) === normalizeDocs(b) }
function eqArray<T>(a: T[], b: T[], eqVal: (a: T, b: T) => boolean) { return a.length === b.length && a.every((x, i) => eqVal(x, b[i]!)) }}
const optionInnerVisitor = new $.CodecVisitor<$.AnyCodec | null>() .add($.option, (_codec, $some) => $some) .fallback(() => null)function maybeOptionalField(key: PropertyKey, $value: $.AnyCodec): $.AnyCodec { const $inner = optionInnerVisitor.visit($value) return $inner ? $.optionalField(key, $inner) : $.field(key, $value)}