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⚡ Blazing fast, modern, Game Engine powered by WebGPU for Deno and the browser
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import { CreateWindowOptions, WindowKeyboardEvent } from "";import { WebGLCanvas } from "../deps.ts";import { Scene } from "../mod.ts";import { KeyManager } from "./events/KeyManager.ts";import { WebGLRenderer2D } from "./renderers/webgl/2d.ts";import type { MouseMotionEvent, RGBA, } from "./types.ts";import { hexToRGBA, printBanner, sleepSync } from "./utils/mod.ts";import { VERSION } from "./version.ts";
export class World extends WebGLCanvas { FPS = 500; params: CreateWindowOptions; scenes: Array<typeof Scene>; currentScene: Scene; renderer: WebGLRenderer2D; keyManager: KeyManager; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any plugins: any = {}; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any loadedPlugins: any = []; reRender = false; constructor(params: CreateWindowOptions, scenes: Array<typeof Scene>) { super(params); this.params = params; // this.params.glVersion = this.params.glVersion || [3, 3]; this.scenes = scenes; this.currentScene = new this.scenes[0](this); this.keyManager = new KeyManager(this); this.renderer = new WebGLRenderer2D(this); }
async start(): Promise<void> { printBanner(VERSION); this.setup(); await this.currentScene.loadResources(); this.renderer.start(this.currentScene.entities); requestAnimationFrame(this._draw.bind(this)); this.renderer.eventManager.on( "keyDown", // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (event: any) => this.keyDown(event), ); this.renderer.eventManager.on( "mouseDown", // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (event: any) => this._mouseDown(event), ); addEventListener("mousedown", (evt) => { this._mouseDown(evt); }); addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => { this.keyDown(evt); }); await; }
_draw(): void { this._fps()(); // if (this.shouldClose()) return; // this.updateEvents(); this.updateProgramLifeCycle(); if (this.reRender) { this.renderer.start(this.currentScene.entities); this.reRender = false; } this.renderer.render(this.currentScene.entities); if (this.loadedPlugins.length > 0) { for (const plug of this.loadedPlugins) { if (plug.onUpdate) plug.onUpdate(); } } requestAnimationFrame(this._draw.bind(this)); }
setFPS(fps: number): void { this.FPS = fps; }
_fps(): () => void { let start =; let frames = 0; return () => { frames++; if (( - start) >= 1000) { start =; frames = 0; } sleepSync(1 / this.FPS * 1000); }; }
keyDown(e: WindowKeyboardEvent): boolean { return this.currentScene.keyDown(e.key); }
setScene(scene: number | string): void { if (typeof scene === "string") { for (const s of this.scenes) { if ( === scene) { this.currentScene = new s(this); break; } } } else { this.currentScene = new this.scenes[scene](this); } this.setup(); }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any loadPlugin(name: string, plugin: any): void { this.plugins[name] = plugin; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any usePlugin(name: string): any { const plug = new this.plugins[name](this); plug.onStart(); this.loadedPlugins.push(plug); return plug; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any _mouseDown(e: any): void { this.currentScene._mouseDown(e); }
_mouseMotion(e: MouseMotionEvent): void { this.currentScene._mouseMotion(e); }
setup(): void { this.currentScene.setup(); }
updateProgramLifeCycle(): void { this.currentScene.tick(); this.currentScene.update(); }
setBackground(color: string | RGBA): void { this.renderer.setBackground( typeof color === "string" ? hexToRGBA(color) : color, ); }
// get mouseX(): number { // return this.renderer.canvas.getCurrentState().cursorX; // }
// get mouseY(): number { // return this.renderer.canvas.getCurrentState().cursorY; // }}