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Ultra-fast CBOR encoder/decoder with extensions for records and structural cloning
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import { Decoder, mult10, Tag, typedArrays, addExtension as decodeAddExtension } from './decode.js'let textEncodertry { textEncoder = new TextEncoder()} catch (error) {}let extensions, extensionClassesconst hasNodeBuffer = typeof Buffer !== 'undefined'const ByteArrayAllocate = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow : Uint8Arrayconst ByteArray = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer : Uint8Arrayconst RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX = 0x69 // tag 105/0x69const MAX_STRUCTURES = 0x100const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = hasNodeBuffer ? 0x100000000 : 0x7fd00000let targetlet targetViewlet position = 0let safeEndconst RECORD_SYMBOL = Symbol('record-id')export class Encoder extends Decoder { constructor(options) { super(options) this.offset = 0 let typeBuffer let start let sharedStructures let hasSharedUpdate let structures let referenceMap let lastSharedStructuresLength = 0 let encodeUtf8 = ByteArray.prototype.utf8Write ? function(string, position, maxBytes) { return target.utf8Write(string, position, maxBytes) } : (textEncoder && textEncoder.encodeInto) ? function(string, position) { return textEncoder.encodeInto(string, target.subarray(position)).written } : false
let encoder = this let maxSharedStructures = 64 let isSequential = options && options.sequential if (isSequential) { maxSharedStructures = 0 this.structures = [] } let recordIdsToRemove = [] let transitionsCount = 0 let serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild = 0 if (this.structures && this.structures.length > maxSharedStructures) { throw new Error('Too many shared structures') }
this.encode = function(value) { if (!target) { target = new ByteArrayAllocate(8192) targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, 8192) position = 0 } safeEnd = target.length - 10 if (safeEnd - position < 0x800) { // don't start too close to the end, target = new ByteArrayAllocate(target.length) targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, target.length) safeEnd = target.length - 10 position = 0 } start = position referenceMap = encoder.structuredClone ? new Map() : null sharedStructures = encoder.structures if (sharedStructures) { if (sharedStructures.uninitialized) encoder.structures = sharedStructures = encoder.getStructures() let sharedStructuresLength = sharedStructures.length if (sharedStructuresLength > maxSharedStructures && !isSequential) sharedStructuresLength = maxSharedStructures if (!sharedStructures.transitions) { // rebuild our structure transitions sharedStructures.transitions = Object.create(null) for (let i = 0; i < sharedStructuresLength; i++) { let keys = sharedStructures[i] if (!keys) continue let nextTransition, transition = sharedStructures.transitions for (let i =0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { let key = keys[i] nextTransition = transition[key] if (!nextTransition) { nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null) } transition = nextTransition } transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = i } lastSharedStructuresLength = sharedStructures.length } if (!isSequential) sharedStructures.nextId = sharedStructuresLength } if (hasSharedUpdate) hasSharedUpdate = false structures = sharedStructures || [] try { encode(value) encoder.offset = position // update the offset so next serialization doesn't write over our buffer, but can continue writing to same buffer sequentially if (referenceMap && referenceMap.idsToInsert) { position += referenceMap.idsToInsert.length * 8 if (position > safeEnd) makeRoom(position) encoder.offset = position let serialized = insertIds(target.subarray(start, position), referenceMap.idsToInsert) referenceMap = null return serialized } return target.subarray(start, position) // position can change if we call encode again in saveStructures, so we get the buffer now } finally { if (sharedStructures) { if (serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild < 10) serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild++ if (transitionsCount > 10000) { // force a rebuild occasionally after a lot of transitions so it can get cleaned up sharedStructures.transitions = null serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild = 0 transitionsCount = 0 if (recordIdsToRemove.length > 0) recordIdsToRemove = [] } else if (recordIdsToRemove.length > 0 && !isSequential) { for (let i = 0, l = recordIdsToRemove.length; i < l; i++) { recordIdsToRemove[i][RECORD_SYMBOL] = undefined } recordIdsToRemove = [] } if (hasSharedUpdate && encoder.saveStructures) { if (encoder.structures.length > maxSharedStructures) { encoder.structures = encoder.structures.slice(0, maxSharedStructures) }
if (encoder.saveStructures(encoder.structures, lastSharedStructuresLength) === false) { // get updated structures and try again if the update failed encoder.structures = encoder.getStructures() || [] return encoder.encode(value) } lastSharedStructuresLength = encoder.structures.length } } } } const encode = (value) => { if (position > safeEnd) target = makeRoom(position)
var type = typeof value var length if (type === 'string') { let strLength = value.length let headerSize // first we estimate the header size, so we can write to the correct location if (strLength < 0x20) { headerSize = 1 } else if (strLength < 0x100) { headerSize = 2 } else if (strLength < 0x10000) { headerSize = 3 } else { headerSize = 5 } let maxBytes = strLength * 3 if (position + maxBytes > safeEnd) target = makeRoom(position + maxBytes)
if (strLength < 0x40 || !encodeUtf8) { let i, c1, c2, strPosition = position + headerSize for (i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { c1 = value.charCodeAt(i) if (c1 < 0x80) { target[strPosition++] = c1 } else if (c1 < 0x800) { target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 | 0xc0 target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80 } else if ( (c1 & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && ((c2 = value.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00 ) { c1 = 0x10000 + ((c1 & 0x03ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x03ff) i++ target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 18 | 0xf0 target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 12 & 0x3f | 0x80 target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80 target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80 } else { target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 12 | 0xe0 target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80 target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80 } } length = strPosition - position - headerSize } else { length = encodeUtf8(value, position + headerSize, maxBytes) }
if (length < 0x18) { target[position++] = 0x60 | length } else if (length < 0x100) { if (headerSize < 2) { target.copyWithin(position + 2, position + 1, position + 1 + length) } target[position++] = 0x78 target[position++] = length } else if (length < 0x10000) { if (headerSize < 3) { target.copyWithin(position + 3, position + 2, position + 2 + length) } target[position++] = 0x79 target[position++] = length >> 8 target[position++] = length & 0xff } else { if (headerSize < 5) { target.copyWithin(position + 5, position + 3, position + 3 + length) } target[position++] = 0x7a targetView.setUint32(position, length) position += 4 } position += length } else if (type === 'number') { if (value >>> 0 === value) {// positive integer, 32-bit or less // positive uint if (value < 0x18) { target[position++] = value } else if (value < 0x100) { target[position++] = 0x18 target[position++] = value } else if (value < 0x10000) { target[position++] = 0x19 target[position++] = value >> 8 target[position++] = value & 0xff } else { target[position++] = 0x1a targetView.setUint32(position, value) position += 4 } } else if (value >> 0 === value) { // negative integer if (value >= -0x18) { target[position++] = 0x1f - value } else if (value >= -0x100) { target[position++] = 0x38 target[position++] = ~value } else if (value >= -0x10000) { target[position++] = 0x39 targetView.setUint16(position, ~value) position += 2 } else { target[position++] = 0x3a targetView.setUint32(position, ~value) position += 4 } } else { let useFloat32 if ((useFloat32 = this.useFloat32) > 0 && value < 0x100000000 && value >= -0x80000000) { target[position++] = 0xfa targetView.setFloat32(position, value) let xShifted if (useFloat32 < 4 || // this checks for rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved ((xShifted = value * mult10[((target[position] & 0x7f) << 1) | (target[position + 1] >> 7)]) >> 0) === xShifted) { position += 4 return } else position-- // move back into position for writing a double } target[position++] = 0xfb targetView.setFloat64(position, value) position += 8 } } else if (type === 'object') { if (!value) target[position++] = 0xf6 else { if (referenceMap) { let referee = referenceMap.get(value) if (referee) { if (! { let idsToInsert = referenceMap.idsToInsert || (referenceMap.idsToInsert = []) = idsToInsert.push(referee) } target[position++] = 0xd9 target[position++] = 40010 >> 8 target[position++] = 40010 & 0xff target[position++] = 0x1a // uint32 targetView.setUint32(position, position += 4 return } else referenceMap.set(value, { offset: position - start }) } let constructor = value.constructor if (constructor === Object) { writeObject(value, true) } else if (constructor === Array) { length = value.length if (length < 0x18) { target[position++] = 0x80 | length } else { writeArrayHeader(length) } for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { encode(value[i]) } } else if (constructor === Map) { if (this.mapsAsObjects ? this.useTag259ForMaps !== false : this.useTag259ForMaps) { // use Tag 259 ( for maps if the user wants it that way target[position++] = 0xd9 target[position++] = 1 target[position++] = 3 } length = value.size if (length < 0x18) { target[position++] = 0xa0 | length } else if (length < 0x100) { target[position++] = 0xb8 target[position++] = length } else if (length < 0x10000) { target[position++] = 0xb9 target[position++] = length >> 8 target[position++] = length & 0xff } else { target[position++] = 0xba targetView.setUint32(position, length) position += 4 } for (let [ key, entryValue ] of value) { encode(key) encode(entryValue) } } else { for (let i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) { let extensionClass = extensionClasses[i] if (value instanceof extensionClass) { let extension = extensions[i] let tag = extension.tag if (tag < 0x18) { target[position++] = 0xc0 | tag } else if (tag < 0x100) { target[position++] = 0xd8 target[position++] = tag } else if (tag < 0x10000) { target[position++] = 0xd9 target[position++] = tag >> 8 target[position++] = tag & 0xff } else if (tag > -1) { target[position++] = 0xda targetView.setUint32(position, tag) position += 4 } // else undefined, don't write tag, value, encode, makeRoom) return } } if (value[Symbol.iterator]) { target[position++] = 0x9f // indefinite length array for (let entry of value) { encode(entry) } target[position++] = 0xff // stop-code return } // no extension found, write as object writeObject(value, !value.hasOwnProperty) // if it doesn't have hasOwnProperty, don't do hasOwnProperty checks } } } else if (type === 'boolean') { target[position++] = value ? 0xf5 : 0xf4 } else if (type === 'bigint') { if (value < (BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value >= 0) { // use an unsigned int as long as it fits target[position++] = 0x1b targetView.setBigUint64(position, value) } else if (value > -(BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value < 0) { // if we can fit an unsigned int, use that target[position++] = 0x3b targetView.setBigUint64(position, -value - BigInt(1)) } else { // overflow if (this.largeBigIntToFloat) { target[position++] = 0xfb targetView.setFloat64(position, Number(value)) } else { throw new RangeError(value + ' was too large to fit in CBOR 64-bit integer format, set largeBigIntToFloat to convert to float-64') } } position += 8 } else if (type === 'undefined') { target[position++] = 0xf7 } else { throw new Error('Unknown type ' + type) } }
const writeObject = this.useRecords === false ? this.variableMapSize ? (object) => { // this method is slightly slower, but generates "preferred serialization" (optimally small for smaller objects) let keys = Object.keys(object) let length = keys.length if (length < 0x18) { target[position++] = 0xa0 | length } else if (length < 0x100) { target[position++] = 0xb8 target[position++] = length } else if (length < 0x10000) { target[position++] = 0xb9 target[position++] = length >> 8 target[position++] = length & 0xff } else { target[position++] = 0xba targetView.setUint32(position, length) position += 4 } let key for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { encode(key = keys[i]) encode(object[key]) } } : (object, safePrototype) => { target[position++] = 0xb9 // always use map 16, so we can preallocate and set the length afterwards let objectOffset = position - start position += 2 let size = 0 for (let key in object) { if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { encode(key) encode(object[key]) size++ } } target[objectOffset++ + start] = size >> 8 target[objectOffset + start] = size & 0xff } :
/* sharedStructures ? // For highly stable structures, using for-in can a little bit faster (object, safePrototype) => { let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions || (structures.transitions = Object.create(null)) let objectOffset = position++ - start let wroteKeys for (let key in object) { if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { nextTransition = transition[key] if (!nextTransition) { nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null) nextTransition.__keys__ = (transition.__keys__ || []).concat([key]) /*let keys = Object.keys(object) if let size = 0 let startBranch = transition.__keys__ ? transition.__keys__.length : 0 for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i++) { let key = keys[i] size += key.length << 2 if (i >= startBranch) { nextTransition = nextTransition[key] = Object.create(null) nextTransition.__keys__ = keys.slice(0, i + 1) } } makeRoom(position + size) nextTransition = transition[key] target.copy(target, ) objectOffset } transition = nextTransition encode(object[key]) } } let id = if (!id) { id = = structures.push(transition.__keys__) + 63 if (sharedStructures.onUpdate) sharedStructures.onUpdate(id, transition.__keys__) } target[objectOffset + start] = id }*/ (object) => { let keys = Object.keys(object) let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions || (structures.transitions = Object.create(null)) let newTransitions = 0 let length = keys.length for (let i =0; i < length; i++) { let key = keys[i] nextTransition = transition[key] if (!nextTransition) { nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null) newTransitions++ } transition = nextTransition } let recordId = transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] if (recordId !== undefined) { target[position++] = 0xd9 // tag two byte target[position++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX target[position++] = recordId } else { recordId = structures.nextId++ if (!recordId) { recordId = 0 structures.nextId = 1 } if (recordId >= MAX_STRUCTURES) {// cycle back around structures.nextId = (recordId = maxSharedStructures) + 1 } transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = recordId structures[recordId] = keys if (sharedStructures && sharedStructures.length <= maxSharedStructures) { target[position++] = 0xd9 // tag two byte target[position++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX target[position++] = recordId // tag number hasSharedUpdate = true } else { target[position++] = 0xd8 target[position++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX if (newTransitions) transitionsCount += serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild * newTransitions // record the removal of the id, we can maintain our shared structure if (recordIdsToRemove.length >= MAX_STRUCTURES - maxSharedStructures) recordIdsToRemove.shift()[RECORD_SYMBOL] = undefined // we are cycling back through, and have to remove old ones recordIdsToRemove.push(transition) if (length < 0x16) target[position++] = 0x82 + length // array header, length of values + 2 else writeArrayHeader(length + 2) encode(keys) target[position++] = 0x19 // uint16 target[position++] = RECORD_STARTING_ID_PREFIX target[position++] = recordId // now write the values for (let i =0; i < length; i++) encode(object[keys[i]]) return } } if (length < 0x18) { // write the array header target[position++] = 0x80 | length } else { writeArrayHeader(length) } for (let i =0; i < length; i++) encode(object[keys[i]]) } const makeRoom = (end) => { let newSize if (end > 0x1000000) { // special handling for really large buffers if ((end - start) > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) throw new Error('Encoded buffer would be larger than maximum buffer size') newSize = Math.min(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, Math.round(Math.max((end - start) * (end > 0x4000000 ? 1.25 : 2), 0x1000000) / 0x1000) * 0x1000) } else // faster handling for smaller buffers newSize = ((Math.max((end - start) << 2, target.length - 1) >> 12) + 1) << 12 let newBuffer = new ByteArrayAllocate(newSize) targetView = new DataView(newBuffer.buffer, 0, newSize) if (target.copy) target.copy(newBuffer, 0, start, end) else newBuffer.set(target.slice(start, end)) position -= start start = 0 safeEnd = newBuffer.length - 10 return target = newBuffer } } useBuffer(buffer) { // this means we are finished using our own buffer and we can write over it safely target = buffer targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, target.byteOffset, target.byteLength) position = 0 }}
function copyBinary(source, target, targetOffset, offset, endOffset) { while (offset < endOffset) { target[targetOffset++] = source[offset++] }}
function writeArrayHeader(length) { if (length < 0x100) { target[position++] = 0x98 target[position++] = length } else if (length < 0x10000) { target[position++] = 0x99 target[position++] = length >> 8 target[position++] = length & 0xff } else { target[position++] = 0x9a targetView.setUint32(position, length) position += 4 }}
extensionClasses = [ Date, Set, Error, RegExp, ArrayBuffer, ByteArray, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Uint16Array, Uint32Array, BigUint64Array, Int8Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, BigInt64Array, Float32Array, Float64Array]
//Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype).constructor /*TypedArray*/extensions = [{ tag: 1, encode(date, encode) { let seconds = date.getTime() / 1000 if ((this.useTimestamp32 || date.getMilliseconds() === 0) && seconds >= 0 && seconds < 0x100000000) { // Timestamp 32 target[position++] = 0x1a targetView.setUint32(position, seconds) position += 4 } else { // Timestamp float64 target[position++] = 0xfb targetView.setFloat64(position, seconds) position += 8 } }}, { tag: 258, // encode(set, encode) { let array = Array.from(set) encode(array) }}, { tag: 27, // encode(error, encode) { encode([, error.message ]) }}, { tag: 27, // encode(regex, encode) { encode([ 'RegExp', regex.source, regex.flags ]) }}, { encode(arrayBuffer, encode, makeRoom) { writeBuffer(arrayBuffer, makeRoom) }}, { encode(arrayBuffer, encode, makeRoom) { writeBuffer(arrayBuffer, makeRoom) }}, typedArrayEncoder(64), typedArrayEncoder(68), typedArrayEncoder(69), typedArrayEncoder(70), typedArrayEncoder(71), typedArrayEncoder(72), typedArrayEncoder(77), typedArrayEncoder(78), typedArrayEncoder(79), typedArrayEncoder(81), typedArrayEncoder(82)]
function typedArrayEncoder(tag) { return { tag: tag, encode: function writeExtBuffer(typedArray, encode) { let length = typedArray.byteLength let offset = typedArray.byteOffset || 0 let buffer = typedArray.buffer || typedArray encode(hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer.from(buffer, offset, length) : new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, length)) } }}function writeBuffer(buffer, makeRoom) { let length = buffer.byteLength if (length < 0x18) { target[position++] = 0x40 + length } else if (length < 0x100) { target[position++] = 0x58 target[position++] = length } else if (length < 0x10000) { target[position++] = 0x59 target[position++] = length >> 8 target[position++] = length & 0xff } else { target[position++] = 0x5a targetView.setUint32(position, length) position += 4 } if (position + length >= target.length) { makeRoom(position + length) } target.set(buffer, position) position += length}
function insertIds(serialized, idsToInsert) { // insert the ids that need to be referenced for structured clones let nextId let distanceToMove = idsToInsert.length * 8 let lastEnd = serialized.length - distanceToMove idsToInsert.sort((a, b) => a.offset > b.offset ? 1 : -1) while (nextId = idsToInsert.pop()) { let offset = nextId.offset let id = serialized.copyWithin(offset + distanceToMove, offset, lastEnd) distanceToMove -= 8 let position = offset + distanceToMove serialized[position++] = 0xd9 serialized[position++] = 40009 >> 8 serialized[position++] = 40009 & 0xff serialized[position++] = 0x1a // uint32 serialized[position++] = id >> 24 serialized[position++] = (id >> 16) & 0xff serialized[position++] = (id >> 8) & 0xff serialized[position++] = id & 0xff lastEnd = offset } return serialized}
export function addExtension(extension) { if (extension.Class) { if (!extension.encode) throw new Error('Extension has no encode function') extensionClasses.unshift(extension.Class) extensions.unshift(extension) } decodeAddExtension(extension)}let defaultEncoder = new Encoder({ useRecords: false })export const encode = defaultEncoder.encodeexport { FLOAT32_OPTIONS } from './decode.js'import { FLOAT32_OPTIONS } from './decode.js'export const { NEVER, ALWAYS, DECIMAL_ROUND, DECIMAL_FIT } = FLOAT32_OPTIONS