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Write CI/CD pipelines using TypeScript
/** * # Cicada * * Write CI/CD pipelines in TypeScript * * ## Get started with a simple pipeline * * ```ts * import { Job, Pipeline } from ""; * * const job = new Job({ * name: "Hello World", * image: "node:18", * steps: [{ * run: "echo Hello World", * }], * }); * * export default new Pipeline([job]); * ``` * * For more information, see the [Cicada documentation]( * * @module */
import { resolve } from "";import { DockerImages } from "";
/** * A file path represented as a string. * * @example * ```ts * const filePath: FilePath = "node_modules" * ``` */export type FilePath = string;
/** * Options for a cached directory * * @example * ```ts * const cacheDir: CacheDirectoryOptions = { * path: "node_modules" * sharing: "private" * } * ``` */export interface CacheDirectoryOptions { /** * The path to the directory to cache * * @example * ```ts * const cacheDir: CacheDirectoryOptions = { * path: "node_modules" * } * ``` */ path: FilePath; /** * Directories default to `shared` * * - `shared` - can be used concurrently by multiple writers * - `private` - creates a new cache if there are multiple writers * - `locked` - pauses the second writer until the first one releases the cache * * @default "shared" */ sharing?: "shared" | "private" | "locked";}
/** * A directory to cache. This is an array of file/folder paths as strings or of CacheDirectoryOptions which allow for further configuration options * @example * [".node_modules"]` */export type CacheDirectories = (FilePath | CacheDirectoryOptions)[];
/** * The options to configure a shell * * @example * ```ts * const shell: ShellOptions = { * args: ["/bin/bash", "-c"] * } * ``` */export interface ShellOptions { args: string[];}
/** * The shell to use for running a command. This can be a string or a {@link ShellOptions shell options object}. */export type Shell = "bash" | "sh" | ShellOptions;
/** * A step function that can return void or a number and can be synchronous or asynchronous. */export type StepFn = () => void | Promise<void> | number | Promise<number>;
/** * The options available in a step such as the name, the script to run, what directories to cache, and the secrets/env variables needed. */export interface StepOptions { /** * The command to run as a string or a {@link StepFn step function}. * * @example * ```ts * const step: StepOptions = { * run: "echo Hello World" * } * ``` * * @example * ```ts * const step: StepOptions = { * run: () => console.log("Hello World") * } * ``` * * @example * ```ts * const step: StepOptions = { * run: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo Hello World"] * } * ``` */ run: string | string[] | StepFn;
/** * The name of the step. */ name?: string;
/** * Cache directories are mounted as docker volumes. You may use absolute or relative paths. They are mounted for this job only. Use cacheDirectories in a {@link Job Job} for caching at the Job level. */ cacheDirectories?: CacheDirectories;
/** * Disable caching for this step. This will cause the step to run every time and may cause subsequent steps to run every time as well. * * @default false */ ignoreCache?: boolean;
/** * Environment variables to set specifically for this step */ env?: Record<string, string>;
/** * Secrets to expose specifically for this step. Secrets are accessible in the run function via `secret.value()` or via the `/run/secrets` directory. * * Use secrets rather than env for greater security in job runs and caching. */ secrets?: Secret[];
/** * The directory where the step should run. * * @default "/app" */ workingDirectory?: FilePath;
/** * The shell to use for running the command. This can be `bash`, `sh`, or {@link ShellOptions}. * * @default "sh" */ shell?: Shell;}
/** * A step in the job. A step can either be an object with a run property, * a step function (which executed typescript), or a string command (which executes as bash). */export type Step = | StepOptions | StepFn | string;
export interface CommonImageOptions { /** * The base image to use for this job. * * If no domain is specified, the image will be pulled from Docker Hub. * * If no tag is specified, the image will be pulled from the `latest` tag. * * @example "node", "node:18", "node:18-alpine" */ image: DockerImages;
/** * A list of steps to run in the job. Each step can be a deno/typescript script or a shell script. */ steps: Step[];
/** * The name of the job. This will be displayed in the logs and can be referenced in another job's "dependsOn" property */ name?: string;
/** * Environment variables to set for this job. These will be available for every step. */ env?: Record<string, string>;
/** * Cache the contents of directories created inside of a directories are mounted as docker volumes. They are mounted for all steps in a job. You may use absolute or relative paths. * @example * `[".node_modules"]` will cache the contents of the .node_modules directory on the first run */ cacheDirectories?: CacheDirectories;
/** * The directory where the job should run * * @default "/app" */ workingDirectory?: FilePath;}
/** * The options for a job, including the name, base image, environment variables, secrets, folder cache, and steps. */export interface JobOptions extends CommonImageOptions { /** * A list of jobs that must run before the current job can be executed. */ dependsOn?: Job[];
/** * What should the pipeline do if the job fails. * - `ignore` - ignore the failure and continue the pipeline * - `stop` - stop the pipeline * @default "stop" */ onFail?: "ignore" | "stop";}
/** * A job is a lightweight container that executes code. Jobs can be configured with JobOptions. By default, all jobs in a pipeline run in parallel. */export class Job { /** * @deprecated Do not use. The _uuid property is unstable and should be considered an internal implementation detail. */ readonly _uuid = crypto.randomUUID();
/** * Creates a new Job instance. * @param options - The options for the job. */ constructor(public options: JobOptions) {}}
/** * A git branch represented as a string. */export type Branch = string;
/** * The options for configuring a pipeline's trigger event. */export interface TriggerOptions { /** * Which branches when pushed to should trigger the pipeline. * * Use `'all'` if you'd like for any branch to trigger the pipeline. */ push?: Branch[] | "all";
/** * Which branches when a pull request is opened should trigger the pipeline. * * Use `'all'` if you'd like for any branch to trigger the pipeline. */ pullRequest?: Branch[] | "all";}
/** * A trigger function that returns a boolean value indicating whether the pipeline should run. */// export type TriggerFn = () => boolean | Promise<boolean>;
/** * The trigger events which determines when a pipeline should run. */export type Trigger = TriggerOptions; //TriggerFn | TriggerOptions;
/** * The options for a pipeline, including the name and the conditions under which the pipeline should run. */export interface PipelineOptions { /** * The name of the pipeline */ name?: string; /** * The trigger declares the conditions under which the pipeline should run. */ on: Trigger;}
/** * A pipeline is an array of jobs. Jobs are executed in parallel by default. */export class Pipeline { /** * Creates a new Pipeline instance. * @param jobs - An array of jobs to include in the pipeline. * @param options - The options for the pipeline. */ constructor(public jobs: Job[], public options?: PipelineOptions) {}}
/** * A secret is a secure variable, secrets are not cached whereas env variables are. * * To use: * - CLI: create a .env file or use the `--secret` flag. * - Dashboard: create your secret key-value in the [Cicada dashboard]( * * To access to secret in code doing the following: * * @example * ``` * var gh_token = new Secret.value("github-secret-key") * ``` * * `github-secret-key` is the name of the key for my secret stored in the .env file or in the cicada dashboard */export class Secret { static readonly #isInJob = Deno.env.has("CICADA_JOB"); static readonly #secretsDir = "/run/secrets"; #path = "";
/** * Creates a new Secret instance * * @param name - The name of the secret. */ constructor(public name: string) { if (!Secret.#isInJob) return; this.#path = resolve(Secret.#secretsDir, name); }
/** * A check that the secret file exists to avoid a cryptic error message. */ #assertFileExists = () => { try { Deno.statSync(this.#path); } catch (_) { throw new Error( `Secret \`${}\` is not available in this job, make sure it is specified in the job options.`, ); } };
/** * Get a secret value from the secrets directory asynchronously. * * This is an asynchronous version of {@linkcode valueSync()}. * * @returns The secret value */ value(): Promise<string> { if (!Secret.#isInJob) { throw new Error("Secrets are only available during a job."); }
return Deno.readTextFile(this.#path); }
/** * Get a secret value from the secrets directory synchronously. * * This is a synchronous version of {@linkcode value()}. * * @returns The secret value */ valueSync(): string { if (!Secret.#isInJob) { throw new Error("Secrets are only available during a job."); }
return Deno.readTextFileSync(this.#path); }}