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Write, test and deploy high-quality smart contracts to the Stacks blockchain and Bitcoin.
// deno-lint-ignore-file ban-ts-commentimport { ExpectFungibleTokenBurnEvent, ExpectFungibleTokenMintEvent, ExpectFungibleTokenTransferEvent, ExpectNonFungibleTokenBurnEvent, ExpectNonFungibleTokenMintEvent, ExpectNonFungibleTokenTransferEvent, ExpectPrintEvent, ExpectSTXTransferEvent, ExpectSTXBurnEvent,} from "./eventTypes.ts";import * as types from "./clarityTypes.ts";
export * from "./eventTypes.ts";export * as types from "./clarityTypes.ts";
export class Tx { type: number; sender: string; contractCall?: TxContractCall; transferStx?: TxTransfer; deployContract?: TxDeployContract;
constructor(type: number, sender: string) { this.type = type; this.sender = sender; }
static transferSTX(amount: number, recipient: string, sender: string) { const tx = new Tx(1, sender); tx.transferStx = { recipient, amount, }; return tx; }
static contractCall( contract: string, method: string, args: Array<string>, sender: string ) { const tx = new Tx(2, sender); tx.contractCall = { contract, method, args, }; return tx; }
static deployContract(name: string, code: string, sender: string) { const tx = new Tx(3, sender); tx.deployContract = { name, code, }; return tx; }}
export interface TxContractCall { contract: string; method: string; args: Array<string>;}
export interface TxDeployContract { code: string; name: string;}
export interface TxTransfer { amount: number; recipient: string;}
export interface TxReceipt { result: string; events: Array<unknown>;}
export interface Block { height: number; receipts: Array<TxReceipt>;}
export interface Account { address: string; balance: number; name: string;}
export interface Chain { sessionId: number;}
export interface ReadOnlyFn { session_id: number; result: string; events: Array<unknown>;}
export interface EmptyBlock { session_id: number; block_height: number;}
export interface AssetsMaps { session_id: number; assets: { [name: string]: { [owner: string]: number; }; };}
export class Chain { sessionId: number; blockHeight = 1;
constructor(sessionId: number) { this.sessionId = sessionId; }
mineBlock(transactions: Array<Tx>): Block { const result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/mine_block", { sessionId: this.sessionId, transactions: transactions, }) ); this.blockHeight = result.block_height; return { height: result.block_height, receipts: result.receipts, }; }
mineEmptyBlock(count: number): EmptyBlock { const result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/mine_empty_blocks", { sessionId: this.sessionId, count, }) ); this.blockHeight = result.block_height; return { session_id: result.session_id, block_height: result.block_height, }; }
mineEmptyBlockUntil(targetBlockHeight: number): EmptyBlock { const count = targetBlockHeight - this.blockHeight; if (count < 0) { throw new Error( `Chain tip cannot be moved from ${this.blockHeight} to ${targetBlockHeight}` ); } return this.mineEmptyBlock(count); }
/** * Call a read-only function * @param contract Address of the contract implementing the function * @param method The read-only function to call * @param args Arguments to pass as clarity values * @param sender Address of the caller * @returns The result of th */ callReadOnlyFn( contract: string, method: string, args: Array<string>, sender: string ): ReadOnlyFn { const result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/call_read_only_fn", { sessionId: this.sessionId, contract, method, args, sender, }) ); return { session_id: result.session_id, result: result.result, events:, }; }
getAssetsMaps(): AssetsMaps { const result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/get_assets_maps", { sessionId: this.sessionId, }) ); return { session_id: result.session_id, assets: result.assets, }; }
switchEpoch(epoch: string): boolean { const result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/switch_epoch", { sessionId: this.sessionId, epoch, }) ); return result; }}
type PreDeploymentFunction = ( chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) => void | Promise<void>;
type TestFunction = ( chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>, contracts: Map<string, Contract>) => void | Promise<void>;
interface UnitTestOptions { name: string; only?: true; ignore?: true; deploymentPath?: string; preDeployment?: PreDeploymentFunction; fn: TestFunction;}
interface FunctionInterface { name: string; access: "read_only" | "public" | "private"; args: { name: string; type: string; }[];}
export interface Contract { contract_id: string; source: string; contract_interface: { functions: FunctionInterface[]; };}
export interface StacksNode { url: string;}
type ScriptFunction = ( accounts: Map<string, Account>, contracts: Map<string, Contract>, node: StacksNode) => void | Promise<void>;
interface ScriptOptions { fn: ScriptFunction;}
export class Clarinet { static test(options: UnitTestOptions) { // @ts-ignore Deno.test({ name:, only: options.only, ignore: options.ignore, async fn() { const hasPreDeploymentSteps = options.preDeployment !== undefined;
let result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/new_session", { name:, loadDeployment: !hasPreDeploymentSteps, deploymentPath: options.deploymentPath, }) );
if (options.preDeployment) { const chain = new Chain(result.session_id); const accounts: Map<string, Account> = new Map(); for (const account of result.accounts) { accounts.set(, account); } await options.preDeployment(chain, accounts);
result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/load_deployment", { sessionId: chain.sessionId, deploymentPath: options.deploymentPath, }) ); }
const chain = new Chain(result.session_id); const accounts: Map<string, Account> = new Map(); for (const account of result.accounts) { accounts.set(, account); } const contracts: Map<string, Contract> = new Map(); for (const contract of result.contracts) { contracts.set(contract.contract_id, contract); } await options.fn(chain, accounts, contracts);
JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/terminate_session", { sessionId: chain.sessionId, }) ); }, }); }
static run(options: ScriptOptions) { // @ts-ignore Deno.test({ name: "running script", async fn() { const result = JSON.parse( // @ts-ignore Deno.core.opSync("api/v1/new_session", { name: "running script", loadDeployment: true, deploymentPath: undefined, }) ); const accounts: Map<string, Account> = new Map(); for (const account of result.accounts) { accounts.set(, account); } const contracts: Map<string, Contract> = new Map(); for (const contract of result.contracts) { contracts.set(contract.contract_id, contract); } const stacks_node: StacksNode = { url: result.stacks_node_url, }; await options.fn(accounts, contracts, stacks_node); }, }); }}
declare global { interface String { expectOk(): string; expectErr(): string; expectSome(): string; expectNone(): void; expectBool(value: boolean): boolean; expectUint(value: number | bigint): bigint; expectInt(value: number | bigint): bigint; expectBuff(value: Uint8Array): ArrayBuffer; /** * @deprecated `value`should be a Uint8Array */ expectBuff(value: ArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer; expectAscii(value: string): string; expectUtf8(value: string): string; expectPrincipal(value: string): string; expectList(): Array<string>; expectTuple(): Record<string, string>; }
interface Array<T> { expectSTXTransferEvent( amount: number | bigint, sender: string, recipient: string ): ExpectSTXTransferEvent; expectSTXBurnEvent( amount: number | bigint, sender: String ): ExpectSTXBurnEvent; expectFungibleTokenTransferEvent( amount: number | bigint, sender: string, recipient: string, assetId: string ): ExpectFungibleTokenTransferEvent; expectFungibleTokenMintEvent( amount: number | bigint, recipient: string, assetId: string ): ExpectFungibleTokenMintEvent; expectFungibleTokenBurnEvent( amount: number | bigint, sender: string, assetId: string ): ExpectFungibleTokenBurnEvent; expectPrintEvent( contractIdentifier: string, value: string ): ExpectPrintEvent; expectNonFungibleTokenTransferEvent( tokenId: string, sender: string, recipient: string, assetAddress: string, assetId: string ): ExpectNonFungibleTokenTransferEvent; expectNonFungibleTokenMintEvent( tokenId: string, recipient: string, assetAddress: string, assetId: string ): ExpectNonFungibleTokenMintEvent; expectNonFungibleTokenBurnEvent( tokenId: string, sender: string, assetAddress: string, assetId: string ): ExpectNonFungibleTokenBurnEvent; }}
// deno-lint-ignore ban-typesfunction consume(src: String, expectation: string, wrapped: boolean) { let dst = (" " + src).slice(1); let size = expectation.length; if (!wrapped && src !== expectation) { throw new Error( `Expected ${green(expectation.toString())}, got ${red(src.toString())}` ); } if (wrapped) { size += 2; } if (dst.length < size) { throw new Error( `Expected ${green(expectation.toString())}, got ${red(src.toString())}` ); } if (wrapped) { dst = dst.substring(1, dst.length - 1); } const res = dst.slice(0, expectation.length); if (res !== expectation) { throw new Error( `Expected ${green(expectation.toString())}, got ${red(src.toString())}` ); } let leftPad = 0; if (dst.charAt(expectation.length) === " ") { leftPad = 1; } const remainder = dst.substring(expectation.length + leftPad); return remainder;}
String.prototype.expectOk = function expectOk() { return consume(this, "ok", true);};
String.prototype.expectErr = function expectErr() { return consume(this, "err", true);};
String.prototype.expectSome = function expectSome() { return consume(this, "some", true);};
String.prototype.expectNone = function expectNone() { return consume(this, "none", false);};
String.prototype.expectBool = function expectBool(value: boolean) { try { consume(this, `${value}`, false); } catch (error) { throw error; } return value;};
String.prototype.expectUint = function expectUint( value: number | bigint): bigint { try { consume(this, `u${value}`, false); } catch (error) { throw error; } return BigInt(value);};
String.prototype.expectInt = function expectInt( value: number | bigint): bigint { try { consume(this, `${value}`, false); } catch (error) { throw error; } return BigInt(value);};
String.prototype.expectBuff = function expectBuff(value: ArrayBuffer) { const buffer = types.buff(new Uint8Array(value)); if (this !== buffer) { throw new Error(`Expected ${green(buffer)}, got ${red(this.toString())}`); } return value;};
String.prototype.expectAscii = function expectAscii(value: string) { try { consume(this, `"${value}"`, false); } catch (error) { throw error; } return value;};
String.prototype.expectUtf8 = function expectUtf8(value: string) { try { consume(this, `u"${value}"`, false); } catch (error) { throw error; } return value;};
String.prototype.expectPrincipal = function expectPrincicipal(value: string) { try { consume(this, `${value}`, false); } catch (error) { throw error; } return value;};
String.prototype.expectList = function expectList() { if (!this.startsWith("[") || !this.endsWith("]")) { throw new Error( `Expected ${green("(list ...)")}, got ${red(this.toString())}` ); }
const stack = []; const elements = []; let start = 1; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this.charAt(i) === "," && stack.length == 1) { elements.push(this.substring(start, i)); start = i + 2; } if (["(", "[", "{"].includes(this.charAt(i))) { stack.push(this.charAt(i)); } if (this.charAt(i) === ")" && stack[stack.length - 1] === "(") { stack.pop(); } if (this.charAt(i) === "}" && stack[stack.length - 1] === "{") { stack.pop(); } if (this.charAt(i) === "]" && stack[stack.length - 1] === "[") { stack.pop(); } } const remainder = this.substring(start, this.length - 1); if (remainder.length > 0) { elements.push(remainder); } return elements;};
String.prototype.expectTuple = function expectTuple() { if (!this.startsWith("{") || !this.endsWith("}")) { throw new Error( `Expected ${green("(tuple ...)")}, got ${red(this.toString())}` ); }
let start = 1; const stack = []; const elements = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this.charAt(i) === "," && stack.length == 1) { elements.push(this.substring(start, i)); start = i + 2; } if (["(", "[", "{"].includes(this.charAt(i))) { stack.push(this.charAt(i)); } if (this.charAt(i) === ")" && stack[stack.length - 1] === "(") { stack.pop(); } if (this.charAt(i) === "}" && stack[stack.length - 1] === "{") { stack.pop(); } if (this.charAt(i) === "]" && stack[stack.length - 1] === "[") { stack.pop(); } } const remainder = this.substring(start, this.length - 1); if (remainder.length > 0) { elements.push(remainder); }
const tuple: Record<string, string> = {}; for (const element of elements) { for (let i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { if (element.charAt(i) === ":") { const key = element.substring(0, i).trim(); const value = element.substring(i + 2).trim(); tuple[key] = value; break; } } }
return tuple;};
Array.prototype.expectSTXTransferEvent = function (amount, sender, recipient) { for (const event of this) { try { const { stx_transfer_event } = event; return { amount: stx_transfer_event.amount.expectInt(amount), sender: stx_transfer_event.sender.expectPrincipal(sender), recipient: stx_transfer_event.recipient.expectPrincipal(recipient), }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected STXTransferEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectSTXBurnEvent = function (amount, sender) { for (const event of this) { try { const { stx_burn_event } = event; return { amount: stx_burn_event.amount.expectInt(amount), sender: stx_burn_event.sender.expectPrincipal(sender), }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected STXBurnEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectFungibleTokenTransferEvent = function ( amount, sender, recipient, assetId) { for (const event of this) { try { const { ft_transfer_event } = event; if (!ft_transfer_event.asset_identifier.endsWith(assetId)) continue;
return { amount: ft_transfer_event.amount.expectInt(amount), sender: ft_transfer_event.sender.expectPrincipal(sender), recipient: ft_transfer_event.recipient.expectPrincipal(recipient), assetId: ft_transfer_event.asset_identifier, }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error( `Unable to retrieve expected FungibleTokenTransferEvent(${amount}, ${sender}, ${recipient}, ${assetId})\n${JSON.stringify( this )}` );};
Array.prototype.expectFungibleTokenMintEvent = function ( amount, recipient, assetId) { for (const event of this) { try { const { ft_mint_event } = event; if (!ft_mint_event.asset_identifier.endsWith(assetId)) continue;
return { amount: ft_mint_event.amount.expectInt(amount), recipient: ft_mint_event.recipient.expectPrincipal(recipient), assetId: ft_mint_event.asset_identifier, }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected FungibleTokenMintEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectFungibleTokenBurnEvent = function ( amount, sender, assetId) { for (const event of this) { try { const { ft_burn_event } = event; if (!ft_burn_event.asset_identifier.endsWith(assetId)) continue;
return { amount: ft_burn_event.amount.expectInt(amount), sender: ft_burn_event.sender.expectPrincipal(sender), assetId: ft_burn_event.asset_identifier, }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected FungibleTokenBurnEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectPrintEvent = function (contractIdentifier, value) { for (const event of this) { try { const { contract_event } = event; if (!contract_event) continue; if (!contract_event.topic.endsWith("print")) continue; if (!contract_event.value.endsWith(value)) continue;
return { contract_identifier: contract_event.contract_identifier.expectPrincipal( contractIdentifier ), topic: contract_event.topic, value: contract_event.value, }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected PrintEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectNonFungibleTokenTransferEvent = function ( tokenId, sender, recipient, assetAddress, assetId) { for (const event of this) { try { const { nft_transfer_event } = event; if (nft_transfer_event.value !== tokenId) continue; if (nft_transfer_event.asset_identifier !== `${assetAddress}::${assetId}`) continue;
return { tokenId: nft_transfer_event.value, sender: nft_transfer_event.sender.expectPrincipal(sender), recipient: nft_transfer_event.recipient.expectPrincipal(recipient), assetId: nft_transfer_event.asset_identifier, }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected NonFungibleTokenTransferEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectNonFungibleTokenMintEvent = function ( tokenId, recipient, assetAddress, assetId) { for (const event of this) { try { const { nft_mint_event } = event; if (nft_mint_event.value !== tokenId) continue; if (nft_mint_event.asset_identifier !== `${assetAddress}::${assetId}`) continue;
return { tokenId: nft_mint_event.value, recipient: nft_mint_event.recipient.expectPrincipal(recipient), assetId: nft_mint_event.asset_identifier, }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected NonFungibleTokenMintEvent");};
Array.prototype.expectNonFungibleTokenBurnEvent = function ( tokenId, sender, assetAddress, assetId) { for (const event of this) { try { if (event.nft_burn_event.value !== tokenId) continue; if ( event.nft_burn_event.asset_identifier !== `${assetAddress}::${assetId}` ) continue;
return { assetId: event.nft_burn_event.asset_identifier, tokenId: event.nft_burn_event.value, sender: event.nft_burn_event.sender.expectPrincipal(sender), }; } catch (_error) { continue; } } throw new Error("Unable to retrieve expected NonFungibleTokenBurnEvent");};
const noColor = Deno.noColor ?? true;const enabled = !noColor;
interface Code { open: string; close: string; regexp: RegExp;}
function code(open: number[], close: number): Code { return { open: `\x1b[${open.join(";")}m`, close: `\x1b[${close}m`, regexp: new RegExp(`\\x1b\\[${close}m`, "g"), };}
function run(str: string, code: Code): string { return enabled ? `${}${str.replace(code.regexp,}${code.close}` : str;}
function red(str: string): string { return run(str, code([31], 39));}
function green(str: string): string { return run(str, code([32], 39));}