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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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/** Chainable ansi escape sequences. */import type { ImageOptions } from "./ansi_escapes.ts";
/** Chainable ansi escape method declarations. */export interface Chain<TContext extends Chain<TContext>> { /** Add text. */ text: (text: string) => TContext; toArray: () => Array<string>; /** Ring audio bell: `\u0007` */ bel: TContext; /** Get cursor position. */ cursorPosition: TContext; /** * Move cursor to x, y, counting from the top left corner. * @param x Position left. * @param y Position top. */ cursorTo: (x: number, y?: number) => TContext; /** * Move cursor by offset. * @param x Offset left. * @param y Offset top. */ cursorMove: (x: number, y: number) => TContext; /** * Move cursor up by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ cursorUp: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Move cursor down by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ cursorDown: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Move cursor forward by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ cursorForward: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Move cursor backward by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ cursorBackward: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines down. * @param count Number of lines. */ cursorNextLine: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines up. * @param count Number of lines. */ cursorPrevLine: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** Move cursor to first column of current row. */ cursorLeft: TContext; /** Hide cursor. */ cursorHide: TContext; /** Show cursor. */ cursorShow: TContext; /** Save cursor. */ cursorSave: TContext; /** Restore cursor. */ cursorRestore: TContext; /** * Scroll window up by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ scrollUp: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Scroll window down by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ scrollDown: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** Clear screen. */ eraseScreen: TContext; /** * Clear screen up by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ eraseUp: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** * Clear screen down by n lines. * @param count Number of lines. */ eraseDown: TContext & ((count: number) => TContext); /** Clear current line. */ eraseLine: TContext; /** Clear to line end. */ eraseLineEnd: TContext; /** Clear to line start. */ eraseLineStart: TContext; /** * Clear screen and move cursor by n lines up and move cursor to first column. * @param count Number of lines. */ eraseLines: (count: number) => TContext; /** Clear the terminal screen. (Viewport) */ clearScreen: TContext; /** * Clear the whole terminal, including scrollback buffer. * (Not just the visible part of it). */ clearTerminal: TContext; /** * Create link. * * @param text Link text. * @param url Link url. * * ```ts * import { ansi } from "./mod.ts"; * * console.log( *"Click me.", ""), * ); * ``` */ link: (text: string, url: string) => TContext; /** * Create image. * * @param buffer Image buffer. * @param options Image options. * * ```ts * import { ansi } from "./mod.ts"; * * const response = await fetch(""); * const imageBuffer: ArrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); * console.log( * ansi.image(imageBuffer), * ); * ``` */ image: (buffer: string | ArrayBuffer, options?: ImageOptions) => TContext;}