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import { Provider, Versions } from "../provider.ts";import { bold, brightBlue } from "../../deps.ts";
export interface GithubProviderOptions { repository: string; branches?: boolean; token?: string;}
export interface GithubVersions extends Versions { tags: Array<string>; branches: Array<string>;}
export class GithubProvider extends Provider { name = "github"; private readonly repositoryUrl = ""; private readonly registryUrl = ""; private readonly apiUrl = ""; private readonly repositoryName: string; private readonly listBranches?: boolean; private readonly githubToken?: string;
constructor({ repository, branches = true, token }: GithubProviderOptions) { super(); this.repositoryName = repository; this.listBranches = branches; this.githubToken = token; }
async getVersions( _name: string, ): Promise<GithubVersions> { const [tags, branches] = await Promise.all([ this.gitFetch<Array<{ ref: string }>>("git/refs/tags"), this.gitFetch<Array<{ name: string; protected: boolean }>>("branches"), ]);
const tagNames = tags .map((tag) => tag.ref.replace(/^refs\/tags\//, "")) .reverse();
const branchNames = branches .sort((a, b) => (a.protected === b.protected) ? 0 : (a.protected ? 1 : -1) ) .map((tag) => `${} ${tag.protected ? `(${bold("Protected")})` : ""}` ) .reverse();
return { versions: [ ...tagNames, ...branchNames, ], latest: tagNames[0], tags: tagNames, branches: branchNames, }; }
getRepositoryUrl(_name: string): string { return new URL(`${this.repositoryName}/`, this.repositoryUrl).href; }
getRegistryUrl(_name: string, version: string): string { return new URL(`${this.repositoryName}/${version}/`, this.registryUrl).href; }
async listVersions(name: string, currentVersion?: string): Promise<void> { const { tags, branches } = await this.getVersions(name); const showBranches: boolean = !!this.listBranches && branches.length > 0; const indent = showBranches ? 2 : 0; if (showBranches) { console.log("\n" + " ".repeat(indent) + bold(brightBlue("Tags:\n"))); } super.printVersions(tags, currentVersion, { indent }); if (showBranches) { console.log("\n" + " ".repeat(indent) + bold(brightBlue("Branches:\n"))); super.printVersions(branches, currentVersion, { maxCols: 5, indent }); console.log(); } }
private getApiUrl(endpoint: string): string { return new URL(`${this.repositoryName}/${endpoint}`, this.apiUrl).href; }
private async gitFetch<T>(endpoint: string): Promise<T> { const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json" }); if (this.githubToken) { headers.set( "Authorization", this.githubToken ? `token ${this.githubToken}` : "", ); } const response = await fetch( this.getApiUrl(endpoint), { method: "GET", cache: "default", headers, }, );
if (!response.status) { throw new Error( "couldn't fetch versions - try again after sometime", ); }
const data: GithubResponse & T = await response.json();
if ( typeof data === "object" && "message" in data && "documentation_url" in data ) { throw new Error(data.message + " " + data.documentation_url); }
return data; }}
interface GithubResponse { message: string; // deno-lint-ignore camelcase documentation_url: string;}