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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { encode } from '';import { border } from './border.ts';import { Cell, ICell } from './cell.ts';import { CELL_PADDING, MAX_CELL_WIDTH, MIN_CELL_WIDTH } from './const.ts';import { IRow, Row } from './row.ts';import { consumeWords, longest, stripeColors } from './utils.ts';
export interface ITableOptions { indent?: number; border?: boolean; maxCellWidth?: number | number[]; minCellWidth?: number | number[]; padding?: number | number[];}
export type ITable = IRow[] | Table;
export interface ICalc { padding: number[], width: number[], columns: number}
export class Table extends Array<IRow> {
protected options: ITableOptions = {};
public static from( rows: ITable ): Table { const table = new Table( cells => [ ...cells ] ) ); if ( rows instanceof Table ) { table.options = Object.create( rows.options ); } return table; }
public static render( rows: ITable ): void { Table.from( rows ).render(); }
public render(): void { Deno.stdout.writeSync( encode( this.toString() ) ); }
/** * Calc: */
protected calc(): ICalc {
const padding: number[] = []; const width: number[] = [];
const columns: number = Math.max( row => Object.keys( row ).length ) );
for ( let colIndex: number = 0; colIndex < columns; colIndex++ ) {

let minCellWidth: number = Array.isArray( this.options.minCellWidth ) ? this.options.minCellWidth[ colIndex ] : ( typeof this.options.minCellWidth === 'undefined' ? MIN_CELL_WIDTH : this.options.minCellWidth );
let maxCellWidth: number = Array.isArray( this.options.maxCellWidth ) ? this.options.maxCellWidth[ colIndex ] : ( typeof this.options.maxCellWidth === 'undefined' ? MAX_CELL_WIDTH : this.options.maxCellWidth );
padding[ colIndex ] = Array.isArray( this.options.padding ) ? this.options.padding[ colIndex ] : ( typeof this.options.padding === 'undefined' ? CELL_PADDING : this.options.padding );
let cellWidth: number = longest( colIndex, this, maxCellWidth ); // let cellWidth: number = longest( colIndex, this ); width[ colIndex ] = Math.min( maxCellWidth, Math.max( minCellWidth, cellWidth ) ); }
return { padding, width, columns }; }
protected getRows(): Row<Cell>[] {
return ( iRow: IRow ) => {
const row: Row = Row.from( iRow );
if ( this.options.border ) { row.border( this.options.border, false ); }
row.forEach( ( iCell: ICell, i: number ) => { const cell = Cell.from( iCell ); if ( row.getBorder() ) { cell.border( row.getBorder() as boolean, false ); } row[ i ] = cell; } );
return row as Row<Cell>; } ); }
/** * Render: */
public toString(): string {
const calc: ICalc = this.calc(); const rows: Row<Cell>[] = this.getRows();
return this.renderRows( calc, rows ); }
protected renderRows( opts: ICalc, rows: Row<Cell>[], _rowGroupIndex: number = 0 ) {
let result: string = '';
result += this.renderRow( rows[ _rowGroupIndex ], rows[ _rowGroupIndex - 1 ], rows[ _rowGroupIndex + 1 ], opts, _rowGroupIndex );
if ( _rowGroupIndex < this.length - 1 ) { result += this.renderRows( opts, rows, ++_rowGroupIndex ); }
return result; }
protected renderRow( row: Row<Cell>, prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, opts: ICalc, _rowGroupIndex: number = 0, _rowIndex: number = 0 ): string {
let result: string = '';
if ( row.getBorder() && _rowGroupIndex === 0 && _rowIndex === 0 ) { result += this.renderBorderTopRow( row, prevRow, nextRow, opts ); }
const { cells, isMultilineRow } = this.renderCells( row, opts );
result += cells;
if ( isMultilineRow ) { result += this.renderRow( row, prevRow, nextRow, opts, _rowGroupIndex, ++_rowIndex ); } else if ( _rowGroupIndex < this.length - 1 ) { if ( row.getBorder() ) { result += this.renderBorderMidRow( row, prevRow, nextRow, opts ); } } else if ( _rowGroupIndex === this.length - 1 ) { if ( row.getBorder() ) { result += this.renderBorderBottomRow( row, prevRow, nextRow, opts ); } } else { throw new Error( `Invalid row index: ${ _rowGroupIndex }` ); }
return result; }
protected renderCells( row: Row<Cell>, opts: ICalc ) {
let cells: string = ' '.repeat( this.options.indent || 0 ); let isMultilineRow: boolean = false;
const rowCount = row.length; let prev: Cell | undefined;
for ( let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++ ) {
const cell: Cell = row[ i ];
if ( i === 0 ) { if ( cell.getBorder() ) { cells += border.left; } else { // cells += ' '; } }
const { current, next } = this.renderCell( cell, opts.width[ i ] );
// it's required to call explicilty .length because next is a String class and not a string type. next.length && ( isMultilineRow = true ); row[ i ] = next;
if ( i > 0 ) { if ( cell.getBorder() && ( !prev || prev.getBorder() ) ) { cells += border.middle; } else { // cells += ' '; } }
if ( cell.getBorder() ) { cells += ' '.repeat( opts.padding[ i ] ); }
cells += current;
if ( cell.getBorder() || i < rowCount - 1 ) { cells += ' '.repeat( opts.padding[ i ] ); }
if ( i === rowCount - 1 ) { if ( cell.getBorder() ) { cells += border.right; } else { // cells += ' '; } }
prev = cell; }

cells += '\n';
return { cells, isMultilineRow }; }
protected renderCell( cell: Cell, maxLength: number ): { current: string, next: Cell } {
const length: number = Math.min( maxLength, stripeColors( cell.toString() ).length ); let words: string = consumeWords( length, cell.toString() );
// break word if word is longer than max length const breakWord = stripeColors( words ).length > length; if ( breakWord ) { words = words.slice( 0, length ); }
// get next content and remove leading space if breakWord is not true const next = cell.slice( words.length + ( breakWord ? 0 : 1 ) ); const fillLength = maxLength - stripeColors( words ).length; const current = words + ' '.repeat( fillLength );
return { current, next: cell.clone( next ) }; }
/** * Border: */
protected renderBorderTopRow( row: Row<Cell>, prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, opts: ICalc ): string {
let cells = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < opts.columns; i++ ) { const cell: Cell = row[ i ]; cells.push( ( cell.getBorder() ? : ' ' ).repeat( opts.padding[ i ] + opts.width[ i ] + opts.padding[ i ] ) ); }
return ' '.repeat( this.options.indent || 0 ) + border.topLeft + cells.join( border.topMid ) + ( border.topRight ) + '\n'; }
protected renderBorderMidRow( row: Row<Cell>, prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, opts: ICalc ): string {
let cells = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < opts.columns; i++ ) { const cell: Cell = row[ i ]; const nextCell = nextRow && nextRow[ i ]; cells.push( ( cell.getBorder() && nextCell?.getBorder() !== false ? border.mid : ' ' ).repeat( opts.padding[ i ] + opts.width[ i ] + opts.padding[ i ] ) ); }
return ' '.repeat( this.options.indent || 0 ) + border.leftMid + cells.join( border.midMid ) + ( border.rightMid ) + '\n'; }
protected renderBorderBottomRow( row: Row<Cell>, prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, opts: ICalc ): string {
let cells = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < opts.columns; i++ ) { const cell: Cell = row[ i ]; cells.push( ( cell.getBorder() ? border.bottom : ' ' ).repeat( opts.padding[ i ] + opts.width[ i ] + opts.padding[ i ] ) ); }
return ' '.repeat( this.options.indent || 0 ) + border.bottomLeft + cells.join( border.bottomMid ) + ( border.bottomRight ) + '\n'; }
/** * Setter: */
public indent( width: number, override: boolean = true ): this { if ( override || typeof this.options.indent === 'undefined' ) { this.options.indent = width; } return this; }
public maxCellWidth( width: number | number[], override: boolean = true ): this { if ( override || typeof this.options.maxCellWidth === 'undefined' ) { this.options.maxCellWidth = width; } return this; }
public minCellWidth( width: number | number[], override: boolean = true ): this { if ( override || typeof this.options.minCellWidth === 'undefined' ) { this.options.minCellWidth = width; } return this; }
public padding( padding: number | number[], override: boolean = true ): this { if ( override || typeof this.options.padding === 'undefined' ) { this.options.padding = padding; } return this; }
public border( enable: boolean, override: boolean = true ): this { if ( override || typeof this.options.border === 'undefined' ) { this.options.border = enable; } return this; }
/** * Getter: */
public getIndent( defaultValue?: number ): number | undefined { return this.options.indent ?? defaultValue; }
public getMaxCellWidth( defaultValue?: number | number[] ): number | number[] | undefined { return this.options.maxCellWidth ?? defaultValue; }
public getMinCellWidth( defaultValue?: number | number[] ): number | number[] | undefined { return this.options.minCellWidth ?? defaultValue; }
public getPadding( defaultValue?: number | number[] ): number | number[] | undefined { return this.options.padding ?? defaultValue; }
public getBorder( defaultValue?: boolean ): boolean | undefined { return this.options.border ?? defaultValue; }}