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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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Cliffy ❯ Prompt

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Interactive prompt’s for Deno with intelligent type interface


❯ Content

❯ Install

This module can be imported directly from the repo and from following registries.

Deno Registry

import { prompt } from "<version>/prompt/mod.ts";

Nest Registry

import { prompt } from "<version>/prompt/mod.ts";


import { prompt } from "<version>/prompt/mod.ts";

❯ Usage

Single Prompt

Each prompt type is usable as standalone module and can be imported directly from the prompt specific module or from the main prompt module. Each prompt has a static prompt method which accepts a prompt message or an options object and returns the prompt result.

Execute a single prompt with a single message.

import { Input } from "";

const name: string = await Input.prompt(`What's your name?`);

Execute a single prompt with an options object.

import { Input } from "";

const name: string = await Input.prompt({
  message: `Choose a username`,
  minLength: 8,

Prompt List

To execute a list of prompts you can use the prompt() method. The prompt method accapts an array of prompt options combined with a name and type property. Make sure to give each prompt a unique name to prevent overwriting values!

Unlike npm’s inquerer, the type property accepts a prompt object and not the name of the prompt. This makes it possible to extract the options and return types of each prompt to get typed options for any prompt and a typed result object. This works also with custom prompts which are easily implemented. Another advantage is that you only import the modules that you really need.

import {
} from "";

const result = await prompt([{
  name: "name",
  message: "What's your name?",
  type: Input,
}, {
  name: "age",
  message: "How old are you?",
  type: Number,
}, {
  name: "like",
  message: "Do you like animal's?",
  type: Confirm,
}, {
  name: "animals",
  message: "Select some animal's",
  type: Checkbox,
  options: ["dog", "cat", "snake"],


// if ( ) {} // error: Property 'foo' does not exist
// if ( && isNaN( ) ) {} // error: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
// if ( result.age && isNaN( result.age ) ) {} // no error: age is of type number
$ deno run --unstable

Dynamic Prompts

You can dynamicly control the flow of the prompt list with the before and after callbacks which works like a middleware function. The first argument is the result object and the second argument a next() method. The next method calls the next prompt in the list if no argument is passed to it. To jump to a specific prompt pass the name or the index of the prompt to the next method. To skip the next prompt pass true to it. To skip all other prompts simple omit the next call.

import {
} from "";

const result = await prompt([{
  name: "animals",
  message: "Select some animal's",
  type: Checkbox,
  options: ["dog", "cat", "snake"],
}, {
  name: "like",
  message: "Do you like animal's?",
  type: Confirm,
  after: async ({ like }, next) => { // executed after like prompt
    if (like) {
      await next(); // run age prompt
    } else {
      await next("like"); // run like prompt again
}, {
  name: "age",
  message: "How old are you?",
  type: Number,
  before: async ({ animals }, next) => { // executed before age prompt
    if (animals?.length === 3) {
      await next(); // run age prompt
    } else {
      await next("animals"); // begin from start

$ deno run --unstable

Custom Prompts

A prompt is nothing more than an object with a prompt method. You can use a plain object or a class with a static prompt method. The prompt method accepts an options object as argument and the return value will be stored in the results object. Be shure to define an options and return type for your custom prompt method. Cliffy extracts the type of the options and return value to get typed options and a typed result object also for custom prompts.

import { BufReader } from "";
import { tty } from "";
import {
} from "";

const result = await prompt([{
  name: "text",
  message: "Enter some text",
  // build-in prompt
  type: Input,
}, {
  name: "customText",
  message: "Enter more text",
  // using an object/method as custom prompt
  type: {
    async prompt(options: { message: string }): Promise<string> {
      const message = ` ? ${options.message} ${Figures.POINTER_SMALL} `;
      await Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(message));

      const result = await new BufReader(Deno.stdin).readLine();

      return result ? new TextDecoder().decode(result.line) : "";
}, {
  name: "customNumber",
  message: "Enter a number",
  // using a class as custom prompt
  type: class CustomPrompt {
    static async prompt(
      options: { message: string },
      error?: string,
    ): Promise<number> {
      const message = ` ? ${options.message} ${Figures.POINTER_SMALL} `;
      await Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(message));

      if (error) {
        await Deno.stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode("\n " + error));

      const readLineResult = await new BufReader(Deno.stdin).readLine();
      const result: number = Number(
        readLineResult ? new TextDecoder().decode(readLineResult.line) : null,

      if (isNaN(result)) {
        return this.prompt(options, `${result} is not a number.`);

      return result;


// if ( ) {} // error: Property 'foo' does not exist
// if ( result.customText && isNaN( result.customText ) ) {} // error: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
// if ( result.customNumber && isNaN( result.customNumber ) ) {} // no error: customNumber is of type number
$ deno run --unstable

OS Signals

The cbreak option is an unstable feature and requires Deno => 1.6 and works currently only on Linux and macOS!

By default, cliffy will call Deno.exit(0) after the user presses ctrl+c. If you need to use a custom signal handler, you can enable the cbreak option on your prompt. This will enable pass-through of os signals to deno, allowing you to register your own signal handler. Currently, when using prompts like Select or Toggle and cbreak mode is enabled, you have to show the cursor and clear the stdout before calling Deno.exit() manually. Maybe this will be improved somehow in the future.

import { tty } from "";
import { Toggle } from "";

const sig = Deno.signals.interrupt();
(async () => {
  for await (const _ of sig) {
    console.log("\nSigint received. Exiting deno process!");

const confirmed: boolean = await Toggle.prompt({
  message: "Please confirm",
  cbreak: true,

console.log({ confirmed });

$ deno run --unstable


prompt(prompts, options)

Execute a list of prompts.

An prompt object has following options and all type specific options. See the list of prompt types for all available options.

Param Type Required Description
name string Yes The response will be saved under this key/property in the returned response object.
type string Yes Defines the type of prompt to display. See the list of prompt types for valid values.
before (result, next) => Promise<void> No next()execute’s the next prompt in the list (for the before callback it’s the current prompt). To change the index to a specific prompt you can pass the name or index of the prompt to the next() method. To skip this prompt you can pass true to the next() method. If next() isn’t called all other prompts will be skipped.
after (result, next) => Promise<void> No Same as before but will be executed after the prompt.

The prompt method has also following global options.

Param Type Required Description
before (result, next) => Promise<void> No Same as above but will be executed before each prompt.
after (result, next) => Promise<void> No Same as above but will be executed after each prompt.
cbreak boolean No cbreak mode enables pass-through of os signals to deno, allowing you to register your own signal handler (see OS Signals). This is an unstable feature and requires Deno => 1.6!


For all available options see prompt types.

❯ Types

Base Options

All prompts have the following base options:

Param Type Required Description
message string Yes Prompt message to display.
default T No Default value. Type depends on prompt type.
transform (value: V) => T | undefined No Receive user input. The returned value will be returned by the .prompt() method.
validate (value: T | undefined) => ValidateResult No Receive sanitized user input. Should return true if the value is valid, and an error message String otherwise. If false is returned, a default error message is shown
hint string No Hint to display to the user.
pointer string No Change the pointer icon.
indent string No Prompt indentation. Defaults to ' '
cbreak boolean No cbreak mode enables pass-through of os signals to deno, allowing you to register your own signal handler (see OS Signals). This is an unstable feature and requires Deno => 1.6!

✏️ Input


import { Input } from "";

const name: string = await Input.prompt("What's your github user name?");
$ deno run --unstable

Auto suggestions

You can add suggestions to the Input, Number and List prompt to enable tab-completions.

import { Input } from "";

const color: string = await Input.prompt({
  message: "Choose a color",
  suggestions: [
    "Absolute Zero",
    "Acid Green",
    "Aero Blue",
    "African Violet",
    "Air Force Blue",

console.log({ color });
$ deno run --unstable

Suggestions can be also shown as a list. Matched suggestions will be highlighted in the list and can be completed with the tab key.

You can also enable the info bar to show the number of available suggestions and usage information.

import { Input } from "";

const color: string = await Input.prompt({
  message: "Choose a color",
  list: true,
  info: true,
  suggestions: [
    "Absolute Zero",
    "Acid Green",
    "Aero Blue",
    "African Violet",
    "Air Force Blue",

console.log({ color });
$ deno run --unstable


The Input prompt has all base and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
minLength number No Min length of value. Defaults to 0.
maxLength number No Max length of value. Defaults to infinity.
suggestions Array<string | number> No A list of auto suggestions.
list number No Show auto suggestions list.
maxRows number No Number of options suggestions per page. Defaults to 10.
listPointer string No Change the list pointer icon.
info number No Show some usage information.

↑ back to: Prompt types

💯 Number


import { Number } from "";

const age: number = await Number.prompt("How old are you?");
$ deno run --unstable


The Number prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
min number No Min value. Defaults to -infinity.
max number No Max value. Defaults to Infinity.
float boolean No Allow floating point inputs. Defaults to false.
round number No Round float values to x decimals. Defaults to 2.
suggestions Array<string | number> No A list of auto suggestions.
list number No Show auto suggestions list.
maxRows number No Number of options suggestions per page. Defaults to 10.
listPointer string No Change the list pointer icon.
info number No Show some usage information.

↑ back to: Prompt types

🔑 Secret


import { Secret } from "";

const password: string = await Secret.prompt("Enter your password");
$ deno run --unstable


The Secret prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
label string No Name of secret. Defaults to Password.
hidden number No Hide input during typing and show a fix number of asterisk’s on success.
minLength number No Min length of secret value. Defaults to 0.
maxLength number No Max length of secret value. Defaults to infinity.

↑ back to: Prompt types

👌 Confirm


import { Confirm } from "";

const confirmed: boolean = await Confirm.prompt("Can you confirm?");
$ deno run --unstable


The Config prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
active string No Text for active state. Defaults to 'Yes'.
inactive string No Text for inactive state. Defaults to 'No'.

↑ back to: Prompt types

🔘 Toggle


import { Toggle } from "";

const confirmed: boolean = await Toggle.prompt("Can you confirm?");
$ deno run --unstable


The Toggle prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
active string No Text for active state. Defaults to 'Yes'.
inactive string No Text for inactive state. Defaults to 'No'.

↑ back to: Prompt types

📃 List


import { List } from "";

const keywords: string[] = await List.prompt("Enter some keywords");
$ deno run --unstable

Auto suggestions

You can add suggestions to the Input, Number and List prompt to enable tab-completions.

import { List } from "";

const color: string = await List.prompt({
  message: "Choose a color",
  suggestions: [
    "Absolute Zero",
    "Acid Green",
    "Aero Blue",
    "African Violet",
    "Air Force Blue",

console.log({ color });
$ deno run --unstable


The List prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
separator string No String separator. Will trim all white-spaces from start and end of string. Defaults to ','.
minLength number No Min length of a single tag. Defaults to 0.
maxLength number No Max length of a single tag. Defaults to infinity.
minTags number No Min number of tags. Defaults to 0.
maxTags number No Max number of tags. Defaults to infinity.
suggestions Array<string | number> No A list of auto suggestions.
list number No Show auto suggestions list.
maxRows number No Number of options suggestions per page. Defaults to 10.
listPointer string No Change the list pointer icon.
info number No Show some usage information.

↑ back to: Prompt types

❯ Select


import { Select } from "";

const color: string = await Select.prompt({
  message: "Pick a color",
  options: [
    { name: "Red", value: "#ff0000" },
    { name: "Green", value: "#00ff00", disabled: true },
    { name: "Blue", value: "#0000ff" },
    { name: "White", value: "#ffffff" },
    { name: "Black", value: "#000000" },
$ deno run --unstable


The Select prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
options (string | Option)[] Yes Array of string’s or Option’s.
maxRows number No Number of options displayed per page. Defaults to 10.
listPointer string No Change the list pointer icon.
search boolean No Enable search/filter input.
searchLabel string No Change the search input label.


Param Type Required Description
value string Yes Value which will be returned as result.
name string No Name is displayed in the list. Defaults to value
disabled boolean No Disabled item. Can’t be selected.

↑ back to: Prompt types

✔️ Checkbox


import { Checkbox } from "";

const colors: string[] = await Checkbox.prompt({
  message: "Pick a color",
  options: [
    { name: "Red", value: "#ff0000" },
    { name: "Green", value: "#00ff00", disabled: true },
    { name: "Blue", value: "#0000ff" },
    { name: "White", value: "#ffffff" },
    { name: "Black", value: "#000000" },
$ deno run --unstable


The Checkbox prompt has all base options and the following prompt specific options.

Param Type Required Description
options (string | Option)[] Yes Array of string’s or Option’s.
maxRows number No Number of options displayed per page. Defaults to 10.
minOptions number No Min number of selectable options. Defaults to 0.
maxOptions number No Max number of selectable options. Defaults to infinity.
listPointer string No Change the list pointer icon.
search boolean No Enable search/filter input.
searchLabel string No Change the search input label.
check string No Change the check icon.
uncheck string No Change the uncheck icon.


Param Type Required Description
value string Yes Value which will be added to the returned result array.
name string No Name is displayed in the list. Defaults to value.
disabled boolean No Disabled item. Can’t be selected.
checked boolean No Whether item is checked or not. Defaults to false.
icon boolean No Show or hide item icon. Defaults to true.

↑ back to: Prompt types

❯ Contributing

Any kind of contribution is welcome! Please take a look at the contributing guidelines.

❯ License