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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { GenericPrompt } from "./_generic_prompt.ts";import { GenericSuggestions, GenericSuggestionsKeys, GenericSuggestionsOptions, GenericSuggestionsSettings,} from "./_generic_suggestions.ts";import { blue, dim, normalize, underline, yellow } from "./deps.ts";import { Figures } from "./figures.ts";
/** List key options. */export type ListKeys = GenericSuggestionsKeys;
/** List prompt options. */export interface ListOptions extends GenericSuggestionsOptions<string[], string> { separator?: string; minLength?: number; maxLength?: number; minTags?: number; maxTags?: number; keys?: ListKeys;}
/** List prompt settings. */interface ListSettings extends GenericSuggestionsSettings<string[], string> { separator: string; minLength: number; maxLength: number; minTags: number; maxTags: number; keys?: ListKeys;}
/** List prompt representation. */export class List extends GenericSuggestions<string[], string, ListSettings> { /** Execute the prompt and show cursor on end. */ public static prompt(options: string | ListOptions): Promise<string[]> { if (typeof options === "string") { options = { message: options }; }
return new this({ pointer: blue(Figures.POINTER_SMALL), prefix: yellow("? "), indent: " ", listPointer: blue(Figures.POINTER), maxRows: 8, separator: ",", minLength: 0, maxLength: Infinity, minTags: 0, maxTags: Infinity, ...options, }).prompt(); }
/** * Inject prompt value. Can be used for unit tests or pre selections. * @param value Input value. */ public static inject(value: string): void { GenericPrompt.inject(value); }
protected input(): string { const oldInput: string = this.inputValue; const tags: string[] = this.getTags(oldInput); const separator: string = this.settings.separator + " ";
if (this.settings.files && tags.length > 1) { tags[tags.length - 2] = normalize(tags[tags.length - 2]); }
this.inputValue = tags.join(separator);
const diff = oldInput.length - this.inputValue.length; this.inputIndex -= diff; this.cursor.x -= diff;
return tags .map((val: string) => underline(val)) .join(separator) + dim(this.getSuggestion()); }
protected getTags(value: string = this.inputValue): Array<string> { return value.trim().split(this.regexp()); }
/** Create list regex.*/ protected regexp(): RegExp { return new RegExp( this.settings.separator === " " ? ` +` : ` *${this.settings.separator} *`, ); }
protected success(value: string[]): string | undefined { this.saveSuggestions(...value); return super.success(value); }
/** Get input value. */ protected getValue(): string { // Remove trailing comma and spaces. const input = this.inputValue.replace(/,+\s*$/, "");
if (!this.settings.files) { return input; }
return this.getTags(input) .map(normalize) .join(this.settings.separator + " "); }
protected getCurrentInputValue(): string { return this.getTags().pop() ?? ""; }
/** Add char. */ protected addChar(char: string): void { switch (char) { case this.settings.separator: if ( this.inputValue.length && this.inputValue.trim().slice(-1) !== this.settings.separator ) { super.addChar(char); } this.suggestionsIndex = -1; this.suggestionsOffset = 0; break; default: super.addChar(char); } }
/** Delete char left. */ protected deleteChar(): void { if (this.inputValue[this.inputIndex - 1] === " ") { super.deleteChar(); } super.deleteChar(); }
protected async complete(): Promise<string> { const tags = this.getTags().slice(0, -1); tags.push(await super.complete()); return tags.join(this.settings.separator + " "); }
/** * Validate input value. * @param value User input value. * @return True on success, false or error message on error. */ protected validate(value: string): boolean | string { if (typeof value !== "string") { return false; }
const values = this.transform(value);
for (const val of values) { if (val.length < this.settings.minLength) { return `Value must be longer then ${this.settings.minLength} but has a length of ${val.length}.`; } if (val.length > this.settings.maxLength) { return `Value can't be longer then ${this.settings.maxLength} but has a length of ${val.length}.`; } }
if (values.length < this.settings.minTags) { return `The minimum number of tags is ${this.settings.minTags} but got ${values.length}.`; } if (values.length > this.settings.maxTags) { return `The maximum number of tags is ${this.settings.maxTags} but got ${values.length}.`; }
return true; }
/** * Map input value to output value. * @param value Input value. * @return Output value. */ protected transform(value: string): string[] { return this.getTags(value).filter((val) => val !== ""); }
/** * Format output value. * @param value Output value. */ protected format(value: string[]): string { return value.join(`, `); }}