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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import type { KeyCode } from "../keycode/key_code.ts";import { GenericPrompt, GenericPromptKeys, GenericPromptOptions, GenericPromptSettings,} from "./_generic_prompt.ts";import { blue, dim, stripColor, underline } from "./deps.ts";
/** Input keys options. */export interface GenericInputKeys extends GenericPromptKeys { moveCursorLeft?: string[]; moveCursorRight?: string[]; deleteCharLeft?: string[]; deleteCharRight?: string[];}
/** Generic input prompt options. */export interface GenericInputPromptOptions<T, V> extends GenericPromptOptions<T, V> { keys?: GenericInputKeys;}
/** Generic input prompt settings. */export interface GenericInputPromptSettings<T, V> extends GenericPromptSettings<T, V> { keys?: GenericInputKeys;}
/** Generic input prompt representation. */export abstract class GenericInput< T, V, S extends GenericInputPromptSettings<T, V>,> extends GenericPrompt<T, V, S> { protected inputValue = ""; protected inputIndex = 0;
/** * Prompt constructor. * @param settings Prompt settings. */ protected constructor(settings: S) { super({ ...settings, keys: { moveCursorLeft: ["left"], moveCursorRight: ["right"], deleteCharLeft: ["backspace"], deleteCharRight: ["delete"], ...(settings.keys ?? {}), }, }); }
protected getCurrentInputValue(): string { return this.inputValue; }
protected message(): string { const message: string = super.message() + " " + this.settings.pointer + " "; this.cursor.x = stripColor(message).length + this.inputIndex + 1; return message + this.input(); }
protected input(): string { return underline(this.inputValue); }
protected highlight( value: string | number, color1: (val: string) => string = dim, color2: (val: string) => string = blue, ): string { value = value.toString(); const inputLowerCase = this.getCurrentInputValue().toLowerCase(); const valueLowerCase = value.toLowerCase(); const index = valueLowerCase.indexOf(inputLowerCase); const matched: string = value.slice(index, index + inputLowerCase.length); return index >= 0 ? color1(value.slice(0, index)) + color2(matched) + color1(value.slice(index + inputLowerCase.length)) : value; }
/** * Handle user input event. * @param event Key event. */ protected async handleEvent(event: KeyCode): Promise<void> { switch (true) { case === "c" && event.ctrl: this.clear(); this.tty.cursorShow(); Deno.exit(130); return; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "moveCursorLeft", event): this.moveCursorLeft(); break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "moveCursorRight", event): this.moveCursorRight(); break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "deleteCharRight", event): this.deleteCharRight(); break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "deleteCharLeft", event): this.deleteChar(); break; case this.isKey(this.settings.keys, "submit", event): await this.submit(); break; default: if (event.sequence && !event.meta && !event.ctrl) { this.addChar(event.sequence); } } }
/** Add character to current input. */ protected addChar(char: string): void { this.inputValue = this.inputValue.slice(0, this.inputIndex) + char + this.inputValue.slice(this.inputIndex); this.inputIndex++; }
/** Move prompt cursor left. */ protected moveCursorLeft(): void { if (this.inputIndex > 0) { this.inputIndex--; } }
/** Move prompt cursor right. */ protected moveCursorRight(): void { if (this.inputIndex < this.inputValue.length) { this.inputIndex++; } }
/** Delete char left. */ protected deleteChar(): void { if (this.inputIndex > 0) { this.inputIndex--; this.deleteCharRight(); } }
/** Delete char right. */ protected deleteCharRight(): void { if (this.inputIndex < this.inputValue.length) { this.inputValue = this.inputValue.slice(0, this.inputIndex) + this.inputValue.slice(this.inputIndex + 1); } }}