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Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { bold, brightBlue, cyan, green, red, yellow } from "../deps.ts";import { ValidationError } from "../_errors.ts";import { Table } from "../../table/table.ts";
export interface Versions { latest: string; versions: Array<string>;}
export interface UpgradeOptions { name: string; from?: string; to: string; args?: Array<string>; main?: string; importMap?: string;}
export abstract class Provider { abstract readonly name: string; protected readonly maxListSize: number = 25; private maxCols = 8;
abstract getVersions(name: string): Promise<Versions>;
abstract getRepositoryUrl(name: string): string;
abstract getRegistryUrl(name: string, version: string): string;
async isOutdated( name: string, currentVersion: string, targetVersion: string, ): Promise<boolean> { const { latest, versions } = await this.getVersions(name);
if (targetVersion === "latest") { targetVersion = latest; }
// Check if requested version exists. if (targetVersion && !versions.includes(targetVersion)) { throw new ValidationError( `The provided version ${ bold(red(targetVersion)) } is not found.\n\n ${ cyan( `Visit ${ brightBlue(this.getRepositoryUrl(name)) } for available releases or run again with the ${(yellow( "-l", ))} or ${(yellow("--list-versions"))} command.`, ) }`, ); }
// Check if requested version is already the latest available version. if (latest && latest === currentVersion && latest === targetVersion) { console.warn( yellow( `You're already using the latest available version ${currentVersion} of ${name}.`, ), ); return false; }
// Check if requested version is already installed. if (targetVersion && currentVersion === targetVersion) { console.warn( yellow(`You're already using version ${currentVersion} of ${name}.`), ); return false; }
return true; }
async upgrade( { name, from, to, importMap, main = `${name}.ts`, args = [] }: UpgradeOptions, ): Promise<void> { if (to === "latest") { const { latest } = await this.getVersions(name); to = latest; } const registry: string = new URL(main, this.getRegistryUrl(name, to)).href;
const cmdArgs = ["install"];
if (importMap) { const importJson: string = new URL(importMap, this.getRegistryUrl(name, to)).href;
cmdArgs.push("--import-map", importJson); }
if (args.length) { cmdArgs.push(...args, "--force", "--name", name, registry); } else { cmdArgs.push( "--no-check", "--quiet", "--force", "--name", name, registry, ); }
const cmd = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: cmdArgs, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const { success, stderr } = await cmd.output();
if (!success) { await Deno.stderr.write(stderr); throw new Error( `Failed to upgrade ${name} from ${from} to version ${to}!`, ); } `Successfully upgraded ${name} from ${from} to version ${to}! (${ this.getRegistryUrl(name, to) })`, ); }
public async listVersions( name: string, currentVersion?: string, ): Promise<void> { const { versions } = await this.getVersions(name); this.printVersions(versions, currentVersion); }
protected printVersions( versions: Array<string>, currentVersion?: string, { maxCols = this.maxCols, indent = 0 }: { maxCols?: number; indent?: number; } = {}, ): void { versions = versions.slice(); if (versions?.length) { versions = string) => currentVersion && currentVersion === version ? green(`* ${version}`) : ` ${version}` );
if (versions.length > this.maxListSize) { const table = new Table().indent(indent); const rowSize = Math.ceil(versions.length / maxCols); const colSize = Math.min(versions.length, maxCols); let versionIndex = 0; for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < colSize; colIndex++) { for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowSize; rowIndex++) { if (!table[rowIndex]) { table[rowIndex] = []; } table[rowIndex][colIndex] = versions[versionIndex++]; } } console.log(table.toString()); } else { console.log( => " ".repeat(indent) + version).join("\n"), ); } } }}