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A simple utility for the convenient clone
import { fs, path } from "./deps.ts";const { run } = Deno;
export function prepareDestPath(destDir: string, source: string) { const { hostname, pathname } = new URL(source, "ssh://"); const [, , sshHostname = "", sshPathname = ""] = pathname.match(/^\/(\w+)@(.*):(.*)$/) || [];
return path.join( destDir, sshHostname || hostname, (sshPathname || pathname).replace(/.git$/, ""), );}
export async function clone(source: string, dest: string) { const isCloned = await fs.exists(path.join(dest, ".git"));
if (isCloned) { console.log(`Repository '${source}' already exist.`); return; }
console.log(`Clone '${source}' into '${dest}'...`);
const clone = run({ cmd: ["git", "clone", source, dest], }); const cloneResult = await clone.status();
if (!cloneResult.success) { throw new Error("Failed to clone."); }}
export async function openEditor(editor: string, dest: string) { if (!editor) { console.log("Environment variable 'EDITOR' is empty."); return; }
console.log(`Open '${dest}' in '${editor}'...`);
const open = run({ cmd: [editor, dest], }); const openResult = await open.status();
if (!openResult.success) { throw new Error("Failed to open editor."); }}