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Fast uint8array to utf-8 codepoint iterator for streams and array buffers by @okikio & @jonathantneal
/** * @module * This module provides utilities for processing UTF-8 encoded text. It includes functions to work with iterables or async iterables of `Uint8Array` chunks, converting them into Unicode code points through different methods: * * - `asCodePointsIterator` for yielding code points asynchronously, * - `asCodePointsArray` for collecting code points into an array, * - `asCodePointsCallback` for invoking a callback function with each code point. * * These utilities are designed to handle text data efficiently, especially useful for streaming or batch processing scenarios. * * @example * Using `asCodePointsIterator` to asynchronously iterate over code points: * ```ts * // Example iterable of UTF-8 encoded Uint8Array chunks (representing 'hello') * const chunks = [new Uint8Array([104]), new Uint8Array([101, 108, 108, 111])]; * (async () => { * for await (const codePoint of asCodePointsIterator(chunks)) { * console.log(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint)); // Logs each character: 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' * } * })(); * ``` * * Using `asCodePointsArray` to get an array of code points: * ```ts * (async () => { * const codePoints = await asCodePointsArray(chunks); // Assuming 'chunks' from the previous example * console.log( => String.fromCodePoint(cp)).join('')); // Logs: 'hello' * })(); * ``` * * Using `asCodePointsCallback` to process code points with a callback: * ```ts * (async () => { * asCodePointsCallback(chunks, codePoint => { * console.log(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint)); // Logs each character: 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' * }); * })(); * ``` * Versatility in handling streamed or batched UTF-8 data, making it easier to work with text in modern JavaScript environments. */
/** * Converts an iterable of UTF-8 filled Uint8Array's into an async generator of Unicode code points. * * The function performs the following steps: * 1. Iterate through the input iterable, which yields chunks of bytes (Uint8Array). * 2. Process each chunk using a TextDecoder to extract UTF-8 characters. * 3. Calculate the corresponding Unicode code points for the extracted characters. * 4. Yield the code points one by one. * * @param iterable An iterator or async iterator of `Uint8Array` chunks filled with UTF-8 encoded text. * @returns An async generator yielding Unicode code points from the given iterable. * * @example * Convert an async iterable of `Uint8Array` chunks into an async iterable of Unicode code points. * ```ts * async function exampleIteratorUsage() { * const utf8Chunks = [new Uint8Array([0xF0, 0x9F, 0x92, 0x96])]; // Represents the 💖 emoji * for await (const codePoint of asCodePointsIterator(utf8Chunks)) { * console.log(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint)); // Output: 💖 * } * } * exampleIteratorUsage(); * ``` */export async function* asCodePointsIterator<T extends Uint8Array>( iterable: AsyncIterable<T> | Iterable<T>): AsyncIterable<number> { const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
// Create an async iterator from the source (works for both async and sync iterables). const iterator = Symbol.asyncIterator in iterable ? iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]() : Symbol.iterator in iterable ? iterable[Symbol.iterator]() : iterable;
// Use a while loop to iterate over the async iterator. while (true) { const result = await; if (result.done) break;
const chunk = result.value; const str = utf8Decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true });
// Extract code points in larger batches let i = 0; const len = str.length; while (i < len) { const codePoint = str.codePointAt(i)!; if (codePoint === undefined) break; // If codePointAt returns undefined, break the loop. yield codePoint; i += codePoint > 0xFFFF ? 2 : 1; // Adjust index based on code point size } }
// Flush the decoder's internal state utf8Decoder.decode(new Uint8Array());}
/** * Converts an iterable of Uint8Array (byte arrays) into an array of Unicode code points. * This is particularly useful for processing streams of text data, where each chunk * is represented as a Uint8Array, and you want to work with the text's Unicode code points. * * Similar to asCodePointsIterator, this function processes the input iterable to extract UTF-8 characters * and calculate their corresponding Unicode code points. However, instead of yielding the code points one by one, * it stores them in an array and returns the array once the processing is complete. * * @param iterable The source iterable, either synchronous or asynchronous, containing `Uint8Array` chunks. * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of Unicode code points. * * @example * Convert an iterable of `Uint8Array` chunks into an array of Unicode code points. * ```ts * async function exampleArrayUsage() { * const utf8Chunks = [new Uint8Array([0x68, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F])]; // Represents the string 'hello' * const codePoints = await asCodePointsArray(utf8Chunks); * console.log( => String.fromCodePoint(cp)).join('')); // Output: 'hello' * } * exampleArrayUsage(); * ``` */export async function asCodePointsArray<T extends Uint8Array>( iterable: AsyncIterable<T> | Iterable<T>): Promise<number[]> { const arr: number[] = []; const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
// Create an iterator from the source, accommodating both async and sync iterables. // Iterate over each chunk in the iterable. for await (const chunk of iterable) { // Decode the chunk of bytes into a string using UTF-8 decoding. const str = utf8Decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true });
// Process each character in the decoded string. let i = 0; const len = str.length; while (i < len) { // Use the custom codePointAt function to handle surrogate pairs and regular characters. const codePoint = str.codePointAt(i); if (codePoint === undefined) break; // If codePointAt returns undefined, break the loop. arr.push(codePoint);
// Increment the index based on the size of the character (1 for BMP characters, 2 for others). if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) i += 2; // Surrogate pairs take up two units. else i++; // Regular characters take up one unit. } }
// Flush the decoder's internal state utf8Decoder.decode(new Uint8Array()); return arr;}
/** * Processes an iterable or async iterable of Uint8Array chunks and invokes a callback for each code point. * The function performs the following steps: * - Iterate through the input iterable, which yields chunks of bytes (Uint8Array). * - Process each chunk using a TextDecoder to extract UTF-8 characters. * - Calculate the corresponding Unicode code points for the extracted characters. * - Invoke the provided callback for each code point. * * @template T The type of elements in the iterable (default: Uint8Array). * @param iterable An iterable or async iterable to process. * @param cb A callback function to invoke for each code point. * @returns A promise that resolves when all code points have been processed. * * @example * Process each Unicode code point from an iterable of `Uint8Array` chunks using a callback function. * ```ts * async function exampleCallbackUsage() { * const utf8Chunks = [new Uint8Array([0x77, 0x6F, 0x72, 0x6C, 0x64])]; // Represents the string 'world' * await asCodePointsCallback(utf8Chunks, codePoint => { * console.log(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint)); // Output: 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd' * }); * } * exampleCallbackUsage(); * ```*/export async function asCodePointsCallback<T extends Uint8Array>( iterable: AsyncIterable<T> | Iterable<T>, cb: (codePoint: number) => void): Promise<void> { const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
// Create an iterator from the source, accommodating both async and sync iterables. const iterator = Symbol.asyncIterator in iterable ? iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]() : Symbol.iterator in iterable ? iterable[Symbol.iterator]() : iterable;
// Iterate over each chunk in the iterable. while (true) { const result = await; if (result.done) { break; }
const chunk = result.value; // Decode the chunk of bytes into a string using UTF-8 decoding. const str = utf8Decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true });
// Extract code points in larger batches let i = 0; const len = str.length; while (i < len) { // Use the custom codePointAt function to handle surrogate pairs and regular characters. const codePoint = str.codePointAt(i); if (codePoint === undefined) break; // If codePointAt returns undefined, break the loop. cb(codePoint);
// Increment the index based on the size of the character (1 for BMP characters, 2 for others). if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) i += 2; // Surrogate pairs take up two units. else i++; // Regular characters take up one unit. } }
// Flush the decoder's internal state utf8Decoder.decode(new Uint8Array());}
export default asCodePointsIterator;
export * from "./iterable.ts"; export * from "./byte_methods.ts";export * from "./constants.ts";