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✍️ Parser for the conventional commits specification
interface Options
import { type Options } from "";


mergePattern: Pattern

Pattern to match merge headers. EG: branch merge, GitHub or GitLab like pull requests headers. When a merge header is parsed, the next line is used for conventional header parsing.

For example, if we have a commit

Merge pull request #1 from user/feature/feature-name

feat(scope): broadcast $destroy event on scope destruction

We can parse it with these options and the default headerPattern:

 mergePattern: /^Merge pull request #(\d+) from (.*)$/,
 mergeCorrespondence: ['id', 'source']
mergeCorrespondence: Correspondence

Used to define what capturing group of mergePattern.

If it's a string it will be converted to an array separated by a comma.

headerPattern: Pattern

Used to match header pattern.

headerCorrespondence: Correspondence

Used to define what capturing group of headerPattern captures what header part. The order of the array should correspond to the order of headerPattern's capturing group. If the part is not captured it is null. If it's a string it will be converted to an array separated by a comma.

referenceActions: Actions

Keywords to reference an issue. This value is case insensitive. If it's a string it will be converted to an array separated by a comma.

Set it to null to reference an issue without any action.

issuePrefixes: Prefixes

The prefixes of an issue. EG: In gh-123 gh- is the prefix.

issuePrefixesCaseSensitive: boolean

Used to define if issuePrefixes should be considered case sensitive.

noteKeywords: Keywords

Keywords for important notes. This value is case insensitive. If it's a string it will be converted to an array separated by a comma.

fieldPattern: Pattern

Pattern to match other fields.

revertPattern: Pattern

Pattern to match what this commit reverts.

revertCorrespondence: Correspondence

Used to define what capturing group of revertPattern captures what reverted commit fields. The order of the array should correspond to the order of revertPattern's capturing group.

For example, if we had commit

Revert "throw an error if a callback is passed"

This reverts commit 9bb4d6c.

If configured correctly, the parsed result would be

 revert: {
   header: 'throw an error if a callback is passed',
   hash: '9bb4d6c'

It implies that this commit reverts a commit with header 'throw an error if a callback is passed' and hash '9bb4d6c'.

If it's a string it will be converted to an array separated by a comma.

commentChar: string | null

What commentChar to use. By default it is null, so no comments are stripped. Set to # if you pass the contents of .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG directly.

If you have configured the git commentchar via git config core.commentchar you'll want to pass what you have set there.

warn: (message?: string) => void | boolean

What warn function to use. For example, console.warn.bind(console) or grunt.log.writeln. By default, it's a noop. If it is true, it will error if commit cannot be parsed (strict).