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WASM bindings for the comrak markdown renderer
// @deno-types="./pkg/comrak_wasm.d.ts"import { default as initWASM, markdown_to_html as markdownToHTMLWASM,} from "./pkg/comrak_wasm.js";import { source } from "./wasm.js";
let inited: true | Promise<true> | undefined;
export async function init(): Promise<void> { if (inited !== undefined) { await inited; } inited = initWASM(source) .then(() => true); await inited; inited = true;}
export interface ComrakOptions { /** Enable CommonMark extensions. */ extension?: ComrakExtensionOptions; /** Configure parse-time options. */ parse?: ComrakParseOptions; /** Configure render-time options. */ render?: ComrakRenderOptions;}
/** Options to select extensions. */export interface ComrakExtensionOptions { /** Enables the * [autolink extension]( * from the GFM spec. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("Hello\n", { extension: { autolink: true } }); * "<p>Hello <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ autolink?: boolean;
/** Enables the description lists extension. * * Each term must be defined in one paragraph, followed by a blank line, and * then by the details. Details begins with a colon. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("Term\n\n: Definition", { extension: { descriptionLists: true } }); * "<dl><dt>Term</dt>\n<dd>\n<p>Definition</p>\n</dd>\n</dl>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */
descriptionLists?: boolean;
/** Enables the footnotes extension per cmark-gfm. * * The extension is modelled after * [Kramdown]( * * ```js * markdownToHTML("Hi[^x].\n\n[^x]: A greeting.\n", { extension: { footnotes: true } }); * "<p>Hi<sup class=\"footnote-ref\"><a href=\"#fn1\" id=\"fnref1\">1</a></sup>.</p>\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\n<ol>\n<li id=\"fn1\">\n<p>A greeting. <a href=\"#fnref1\" class=\"footnote-backref\">↩</a></p>\n</li>\n</ol>\n</section>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ footnotes?: boolean;
/** Enables the front matter extension. * * Front matter, which begins with the delimiter string at the beginning of * the file and ends at the end of the next line that contains only the * delimiter, is passed through unchanged in markdown output and omitted * from HTML output. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("---\nlayout: post\n---\nText\n", { extension: { frontMatterDelimiter: "---" } }); * "<p>Text</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `null`. */ frontMatterDelimiter?: string | null;
/** Enables the header IDs Comrak extension. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("# README\n", { extension: { headerIDs: "user-content-" } }); * "<h1><a href=\"#readme\" aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"anchor\" id=\"user-content-readme\"></a>README</h1>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `null`. */ headerIDs?: string | null;
/** Enables the * [strikethrough extension]( * from the GFM spec. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("Hello ~world~ there.\n", { extension: { strikethrough: true } }); * "<p>Hello <del>world</del> there.</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ strikethrough?: boolean;
/** Enables the superscript Comrak extension. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("e = mc^2^.\n", { extension: { superscript: true } }); * "<p>e = mc<sup>2</sup>.</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ superscript?: boolean;
/** Enables the * [table extension]( * from the GFM spec. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("| a | b |\n|---|---|\n| c | d |\n", { extension: { table: true } }); * "<table>\n<thead>\n<tr>\n<th>a</th>\n<th>b</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n\ * <tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>c</td>\n<td>d</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ table?: boolean;
/** Enables the * [tagfilter extension]( * from the GFM spec. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("Hello <xmp>.\n\n<xmp>", { extension: { tagfilter: true } }); * "<p>Hello &lt;xmp>.</p>\n&lt;xmp>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ tagfilter?: boolean;
/** Enables the * [task list items extension]( * from the GFM spec. * * Note that the spec does not define the precise output, so only the bare essentials are rendered. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("* [x] Done\n* [ ] Not done\n", { extension: { tasklist: true } }); * "<ul>\n<li><input type=\"checkbox\" disabled=\"\" checked=\"\" /> Done</li>\n\ * <li><input type=\"checkbox\" disabled=\"\" /> Not done</li>\n</ul>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ tasklist?: boolean;}
/** Options for parser functions. */export interface ComrakParseOptions { /** The default info string for fenced code blocks. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("```\nfn hello();\n```\n"); * "<pre><code>fn hello();\n</code></pre>\n" * * markdownToHTML("```\nfn hello();\n```\n", { parse: { defaultInfoString: "rust" } }); * "<pre><code class=\"language-rust\">fn hello();\n</code></pre>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `null`. */ defaultInfoString?: string | null;
/** Punctuation (quotes, full-stops and hyphens) are converted into ‘smart’ * punctuation. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("'Hello,' \"world\" ..."); * "<p>'Hello,' &quot;world&quot; ...</p>\n" * * markdownToHTML("'Hello,' \"world\" ...", { parse: { smart: true } }); * "<p>‘Hello,’ “world” …</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ smart?: boolean;}
/** * Options for formatter functions. */export interface ComrakRenderOptions { /** Escape raw HTML instead of clobbering it. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("<i>italic text</i>"); * "<p><!-- raw HTML omitted -->italic text<!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>\n" * * markdownToHTML("<i>italic text</i>", { render: { escape: true } }); * "<p>&lt;i&gt;italic text&lt;/i&gt;</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ escape?: boolean;
/** GitHub-style `<pre lang="xyz">` is used for fenced code blocks with info * tags. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("``` rust\nfn hello();\n```\n"); * "<pre><code class=\"language-rust\">fn hello();\n</code></pre>\n" * * markdownToHTML("``` rust\nfn hello();\n```\n", { render: { githubPreLang: true } }); * "<pre lang=\"rust\"><code>fn hello();\n</code></pre>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ githubPreLang?: boolean;
/** [Soft line breaks]( in * the input translate into hard line breaks in the output. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("Hello.\nWorld.\n"); * "<p>Hello.\nWorld.</p>\n" * * markdownToHTML("Hello.\nWorld.\n", { render: { hardbreaks: true } }); * "<p>Hello.<br />\nWorld.</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ hardbreaks?: boolean;
/** Allow rendering of raw HTML and potentially dangerous links. * * ```js * markdownToHTML("<script>\nalert('xyz');\n</script>\n\n\ * Possibly <marquee>annoying</marquee>.\n\n\ * [Dangerous](javascript:alert(document.cookie)).\n\n\ * [Safe](\n"); * "<!-- raw HTML omitted -->\n\ * <p>Possibly <!-- raw HTML omitted -->annoying<!-- raw HTML omitted -->.</p>\n\ * <p><a href=\"\">Dangerous</a>.</p>\n\ * <p><a href=\"\">Safe</a>.</p>\n" * * markdownToHTML("<script>\nalert('xyz');\n</script>\n\n\ * Possibly <marquee>annoying</marquee>.\n\n\ * [Dangerous](javascript:alert(document.cookie)).\n\n\ * [Safe](\n", * { render: { unsafe: true } }); * "<script>\nalert(\'xyz\');\n</script>\n\ * <p>Possibly <marquee>annoying</marquee>.</p>\n\ * <p><a href=\"javascript:alert(document.cookie)\">Dangerous</a>.</p>\n\ * <p><a href=\"\">Safe</a>.</p>\n" * ``` * * Defaults to `false`. */ unsafe?: boolean;
/** * The wrap column when outputting CommonMark. * * Defaults to `0`. */ width?: number;}
/** * Render Markdown to HTML. */export function markdownToHTML(markdown: string, options: ComrakOptions = {}) { const opts = { // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_autolink: options.extension?.autolink ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_description_lists: options.extension?.descriptionLists ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_footnotes: options.extension?.footnotes ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_front_matter_delimiter: options.extension?.frontMatterDelimiter ?? null, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_header_ids: options.extension?.headerIDs ?? null, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_strikethrough: options.extension?.strikethrough ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_superscript: options.extension?.superscript ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_table: options.extension?.table ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_tagfilter: options.extension?.tagfilter ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase extension_tasklist: options.extension?.tasklist ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase parse_default_into_string: options.parse?.defaultInfoString ?? null, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase parse_smart: options.parse?.smart ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase render_escape: options.render?.escape ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase render_github_pre_lang: options.render?.githubPreLang ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase render_hardbreaks: options.render?.hardbreaks ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase render_unsafe: options.render?.unsafe ?? false, // deno-lint-ignore camelcase render_width: options.render?.width ?? 0, }; return markdownToHTMLWASM(markdown, opts);}