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Simple config handling for your app or module with Deno.
import { resolve as pathResolve, dirname as pathDirname,} from "";
import envPaths from "";
const defaultSuffix = "deno";const plainObject = () => Object.create(null);const encryptionAlgorithm = "aes-256-cbc";const INTERNAL_KEY = "__internal__";
interface ConfigParameters { projectName: string | null; configName?: string; fileExtension?: string; projectSuffix?: string; clearInvalidConfig?: boolean; serialize?: Function; deserialize?: Function; accessPropertiesByDotNotation?: boolean; cwd?: string; defaults?: {} | null; encryptionKey?: string | null;}
const checkValueType = (key: string, value: any) => { const nonJsonTypes = [ "undefined", "symbol", "function", ];
const type = typeof value;
if (nonJsonTypes.includes(type)) { throw new TypeError( `Setting a value of type \`${type}\` for key \`${key}\` is not allowed as it's not supported by JSON`, ); }};
export default class Config { private _options: ConfigParameters = { projectName: null, configName: "config", fileExtension: "json", projectSuffix: defaultSuffix, clearInvalidConfig: true, serialize: (value: string) => JSON.stringify(value, null, "\t"), deserialize: JSON.parse, accessPropertiesByDotNotation: false, defaults: null, encryptionKey: null, };
defaultValues: Record<string, any> = {};
encryptionKey: ConfigParameters["encryptionKey"] = null; serialize: Function; deserialize: Function; path: string;
constructor(options: ConfigParameters) { this._options = { ...this._options, ...options, };
// Try to locate path's if (!this._options.cwd) { if (!this._options.projectName) { throw new Error( "Project name could not be inferred. Please specify the `projectName` option.", ); }
this._options.cwd = envPaths( this._options.projectName, { suffix: this._options.projectSuffix || defaultSuffix }, ) .config; }
// Did we provided default value for our configs? if (this._options.defaults) { this.defaultValues = this._options.defaults; }
// make sure we have serializer if (!this._options.serialize) { throw new Error( "Invalid serializer. Please specify the `serialize` option.", ); }
if (!this._options.deserialize) { throw new Error( "Invalid serializer. Please specify the `deserialize` option.", ); }
this.encryptionKey = this._options.encryptionKey; this.serialize = this._options.serialize; this.deserialize = this._options.deserialize;
const fileExtension = this._options.fileExtension ? `.${this._options.fileExtension}` : "";
this.path = pathResolve( this._options.cwd, `${this._options.configName}${fileExtension}`, ); }
private _ensureDirectory() { // Ensure the directory exists as it could have been deleted in the meantime. Deno.mkdirSync(pathDirname(this.path), { recursive: true }); }
private _write(value: string) { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const data = encoder.encode(this.serialize(value)); try { Deno.writeFileSync(this.path, data); } catch (error) { console.log(error); throw error; } }
private _containsReservedKey(key: string) { if (typeof key === "object") { const firstKey = Object.keys(key)[0];
if (firstKey === INTERNAL_KEY) { return true; } }
if (typeof key !== "string") { return false; }
if (this._options.accessPropertiesByDotNotation) { if (key.startsWith(`${INTERNAL_KEY}.`)) { return true; }
return false; }
return false; }
has(key: string) { if (this._options.accessPropertiesByDotNotation) { // return dotProp.has(, key); }
return key in; }
reset(...keys: string[]) { if (!this.defaultValues) { return; }
for (const key of keys) { this.set(key, this.defaultValues[key]); } }
delete(key: string) { const { store } = this; if (this._options.accessPropertiesByDotNotation) { //dotProp.delete(store, key); } else { delete store[key]; } = store; }
clear() { = plainObject(); }
get size() { return Object.keys(; }
get store() { try { const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); let data = Deno.readFileSync(this.path); data = this.deserialize(decoder.decode(data)); return Object.assign(plainObject(), data); } catch (error) { // if nothing is found, return plain object if ( === "NotFound") { this._ensureDirectory(); return plainObject(); }
throw error; } }
set store(value) { this._ensureDirectory(); this._write(value); }
get options() { return this._options; }
get(key: string, defaultValue: any = null) { return key in ?[key] : defaultValue; }
set(key: string, value: any) { if (typeof key !== "string" && typeof key !== "object") { throw new TypeError( `Expected \`key\` to be of type \`string\` or \`object\`, got ${typeof key}`, ); }
if (typeof key !== "object" && value === undefined) { throw new TypeError("Use `delete()` to clear values"); }
if (this._containsReservedKey(key)) { throw new TypeError( `Please don't use the ${INTERNAL_KEY} key, as it's used to manage this module internal operations.`, ); }
const { store } = this;
const set = (key: string, value: any) => { checkValueType(key, value); if (this._options.accessPropertiesByDotNotation) { //dotProp.set(store, key, value); } else { store[key] = value; } };
if (typeof key === "object") { const object = key; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) { set(key, value); } } else { set(key, value); } = store; }
*[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( { yield [key, value]; } }}