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Search a given file for specific sections/context data, collect this and write to a new file. For Node and Deno.
import { hasBrackets, matchesContextTitle } from "../cross_runtime_helpers.ts";
/** * Write The Collected Data to a File * * Called once the line-reader has reached the end of the file, to * then write the contexts collected to a file * @param {string[]} dataToWrite Array holding every line found for all contexts asked for * @param {string} fileToWriteTo The file to write to */function writeToFile(dataToWrite: string[], fileToWriteTo: string): void { Deno.writeFileSync( Deno.cwd() + "/" + fileToWriteTo, new TextEncoder().encode(dataToWrite.join("\n")), );}
export const helpMessage: string = "\n" + "Extracts context blocks from a configuration file." + "\n" + "\n" + "USAGE:" + "\n" + " deno run --allow-read --allow-write <file to read> <file to write> <...contexts>" + "\n" + "\n" + "EXAMPLE USAGE:" + "\n" + " deno run --allow-read --allow-write read.conf write.conf user admin" + "\n";
/** * Read the File and Write to a New One * * The main function. Read a file line by line, checking if a context exists that matches * the list given. If it matches then the line-reader will save the whole * context block and repeat the process for reaching a new block. * Every other function is abstracted. * * @param {string[]} contextTitles The contexts to grab matching any of these values given from the CL * @param {string} fileToRead The file to read with the contexts * @param {string} fileToWriteTo The file to write to */export function contextFinder( contextTitles: string[], fileToRead: string, fileToWriteTo: string,): void { // Variables that we don't want redeclared let isContextWeNeed = false; // used to tell the line reader when we are in a context block we want to copy const dataToWrite: string[] = []; // to hold the data found const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const configFileContents = (decoder.decode(Deno.readFileSync(Deno.cwd() + "/" + fileToRead))).split( "\n", );
//Start the loop of reading each line of the file configFileContents.forEach((lineText: string, i) => { // Check the current line for brackets and matching titles const lineHasBrackets = hasBrackets(lineText); const LineMatchesTitle = matchesContextTitle(lineText, contextTitles);
// Tell the script we are in a context we want if we've reached a context we want if (lineHasBrackets && LineMatchesTitle) { isContextWeNeed = true; }
// Tell the script to stop extracting if reached a context we dont need if (lineHasBrackets && !LineMatchesTitle) { isContextWeNeed = false; }
// Pull data if we are reading a context we need if (isContextWeNeed) { dataToWrite.push(lineText); }
// Write to the file if we've reached the end of the file and there is data to write const isLastLine = configFileContents[i] ? true : false; if (isLastLine && dataToWrite.length > 0) { writeToFile(dataToWrite, fileToWriteTo); } });}