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CookieDB for ESM

A fast and correct CookieDB driver for esm platforms (like Deno or the web)

Documentation for this module can be found here.

Documentation for CookieDB can be found on the official Github repo.


import { CookieDB } from "";

// Initialize instance
const cookieDB = new CookieDB(

// Create a table with a schema
await cookieDB.createTable("users", {
  name: "string",
  description: "nullable string",
  age: "number",

// Get schema for a table
await cookieDB.metaTable("users");

// Get schemas for all table
await cookieDB.meta();

// Insert document
const cookieFanKey = await cookieDB.insert("users", {
  name: "cookie_fan",
  description: null,
  age: 20,

interface User {
  name: string;
  description: string | null;
  age: number;
  key: string;

// Get document
const cookieFan = await cookieDB.get<User>("users", cookieFanKey);

// Update document
await cookieDB.update("users", cookieFanKey, {
  description: "a huge fan of cookies",
  age: 21,

// Select document by query
const usersThatStartWithCookie = await
  'starts_with($name, "cookie")',
    maxResults: 5,

// Delete document
await cookieDB.delete("users", cookieFanKey);

// Delete documents by query
await cookieDB.deleteByQuery("users", 'starts_with($name, "cookie")');

// Edit the table
await cookieDB.editTable("users", {
  name: "deprecatedUsers",
  schema: {
    name: "string",
  alias: {
    name: "$name",

// Drop the table
await cookieDB.dropTable("deprecatedUsers");

// Create a user
const { username, token } = await cookieDB.createUser({
  username: "cookie_fan",
  token: "a_very_secure_password",

// Regenerate a user's token
const { token: new_token } = await cookieDB.regenerateToken(

// Delete a user
await cookieDB.deleteUser("cookie_fan");