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A collection of built-in object method and property as currying function
// Copyright 2021-present the Core-fn authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { TrimStart } from "./trim_start.ts";import { TrimEnd } from "./trim_end.ts";
/** * Infer the trimmed string. * * @typeParam T - Any string * @returns Trimmed string * * @remarks * The definition of space * - `''` * - `\n` * - `\t` * * @example * ```ts * Trim<'\t\n hello \t\n'> // 'hello' * ``` * * @category `String` * * @beta */type Trim<T extends string> = TrimStart<TrimEnd<T>>;
/** * Removes whitespace from both ends of the string. * * @param val - `string` to trim * @returns The result of `val.trim()` * * @example * ```ts * trim(' hello ') // 'hello' * ``` * * @category `String` * * @beta */const trim = <T extends string>(val: T): Trim<T> => val.trim() as Trim<T>;
export { trim };export type { Trim };