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SQL Database Toolkit for Deno
import { compareWithOriginal, getPrimaryKeyInfo, getRelationValues, getTableName, getValues, isSaved, mapValueProperties, setSaved,} from "./utils/models.ts";import type { Adapter } from "./adapters/adapter.ts";import { range } from "./utils/number.ts";import { RelationType } from "./model.ts";import { ModelQuery } from "./modelquery.ts";import { Q } from "./q.ts";
/** * Same as Partial<T> but goes deeper and makes Partial<T> all its properties and sub-properties. */export type DeepPartial<T> = { [P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Array<infer U> ? Array<DeepPartial<U>> : T[P] extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? ReadonlyArray<DeepPartial<U>> : DeepPartial<T[P]>;};
/** * Query options to find a single record. */export interface FindOneOptions<T> { where?: DeepPartial<T>; includes?: string[];}
/** * Query options to find multiple records. */export type FindOptions<T> = FindOneOptions<T> & { limit?: number; offset?: number;};
/** * Manager allows you to perform queries to your model. */export class Manager { /** * Create a model manager. * * @param adapter the database adapter to perform queries */ constructor(private adapter: Adapter) {}
/** * Query a model. * * @param modelClass the model you want to query */ public query<T extends Object>(modelClass: { new (): T }): ModelQuery<T> { return new ModelQuery(modelClass, this.adapter); }
/** * Save model a instance to the database. * * @param model the model you want to save */ public async save<T extends Object>(model: T): Promise<T>;
/** * Save model instances to the database. * * @param models the models you want to save */ public async save<T extends Object>(models: T[]): Promise<T[]>;
/** * Save model instance to the database. * * @param model the model you want to save */ public async save<T extends Object>(model: T | T[]): Promise<T | T[]> { // If an Array of models is passed, perform INSERT in bulk. // Otherwise, check if the model is already saved to the // database or not. If it is, perform update instead of if (Array.isArray(model)) { // We wrap everything in transaction, this will undo every // changes in the database if one of the queries fail. await this.adapter.transaction(async () => { // We need to group the models by it's constructor first // in order to perform bulk insert. for (const [key, value] of this.groupModels(model)) { const insert: T[] = [];
// If one of the models is already saved, perform UPDATE. for (const data of value) { !data.isSaved ? insert.push(data.model) : await this.update(data.model); }
await this.bulkInsert(key, insert); } }); } else { // If the record is saved, we assume that the user want to update the record. // Otherwise, create a new record to the database. isSaved(model) ? await this.update(model) : await this.bulkInsert(model.constructor, [model]); }
return model; }
/** * Remove given model instance from the database. * * @param model the model you want to remove. */ public async remove<T extends Object>(model: T): Promise<T>;
/** * Remove given model instaces from the database. * * @param model the model you want to remove. */ public async remove<T extends Object>(model: T[]): Promise<T[]>;
/** * Remove given model from the database. * * @param model the model you want to remove. */ public async remove<T extends Object>(model: T | T[]): Promise<T | T[]> { if (Array.isArray(model)) { // Just like save, wrap everything in transaction. This will undo // every changes in the database if one of the queries fail. await this.adapter.transaction(async () => { for (const [key, value] of this.groupModels(model).entries()) { const tableName = getTableName(key); const primaryKeyInfo = getPrimaryKeyInfo(key);
// Holds the primary keys of the models to delete. const ids: number[] = [];
// Holds the model instances to clear it's original values. const models: T[] = [];
// Only delete saved models. for (const item of value) { if (item.isSaved) { ids.push((item.model as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey]); models.push(item.model); } }
// Perform bulk delete. await this.adapter .table(tableName) .where(, .delete() .execute();
// Set the `isSaved` value to be false on each models // and remove their original values. for (const item of models) { delete (item as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey]; setSaved(item, false); } } }); } else { const tableName = getTableName(model.constructor); const primaryKeyInfo = getPrimaryKeyInfo(model.constructor);
// Only remove model if it's already saved if (isSaved(model)) { const id = (model as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey]; await this.adapter .table(tableName) .where(, id) .delete() .execute();
// Remove the primary key delete (model as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey];
// Set the `isSaved` value to be false and remove the original values setSaved(model, false); } }
return model; }
/** * Perform update to a model. * * @param model the model you want to update. */ private async update<T extends Object>(model: T): Promise<T> { const tableName = getTableName(model.constructor); const primaryKeyInfo = getPrimaryKeyInfo(model.constructor); const { isDirty, diff } = compareWithOriginal(model);
if (isDirty) { await this.adapter .table(tableName) .where(, (model as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey], ) .update(diff) .execute();
// Save the model's original values setSaved(model, true); }
return model; }
/** * Group models by its constructor. */ private groupModels<T extends Object>(models: T[]) { return models.reduce((prev, next, index) => { const previousModels = prev.get(next.constructor); const data = { model: next, index, isSaved: isSaved(next) }; prev.set( next.constructor, previousModels ? previousModels.concat(data) : [data], ); return prev; }, new Map<Function, { model: T; index: number; isSaved: boolean }[]>()); }
/** * Insert multiple records to the database efficiently */ private async bulkInsert<T extends Object>( modelClass: Function, models: T[], ): Promise<T[]> { const tableName = getTableName(modelClass); const primaryKeyInfo = getPrimaryKeyInfo(modelClass);
// Get all model values const values = => { const values = getValues(model);
// If there's a belongs to relationship, add it to the INSERT statement for (const relation of getRelationValues(model)) { if (relation.description.type === RelationType.BelongsTo) { values[relation.description.targetColumn] = relation.value as number; } }
return values; });
// Execute query const query = this.adapter.table(tableName).insert(values);
// The postgres adapter doesn't have any equivalient `lastInsertedId` property. // So, we need to manually return the primary key. if (this.adapter.dialect === "postgres") { query.returning(; }
// Execute the query const result = await query.execute();
// Get last inserted id const lastInsertedId = this.adapter.dialect === "postgres" ? result[result.length - 1][] as number : this.adapter.lastInsertedId;
// Set the model primary keys const ids = range( lastInsertedId + 1 - models.length, lastInsertedId, );
// Assign values to the models for (const [index, model] of models.entries()) { // Get the models values that has been sent to the database // and map column names from `name` to `propertyKey`. const value = mapValueProperties( model.constructor, values[index], "propertyKey", );
// Set the primary key value[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey] = ids[index];
// Populate empty properties with default value Object.assign(model, value);
// If there's a has many relationship, update the foreign key for (const relation of getRelationValues(model)) { if (relation.description.type === RelationType.HasMany) { const ids = relation.value as number[]; const tableName = getTableName(relation.description.getModel()); const relationPkInfo = getPrimaryKeyInfo( relation.description.getModel(), );
await this.adapter .table(tableName) .update({ [relation.description.targetColumn]: (model as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey], }) .where(, .execute();
for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { (model as any)[relation.description.propertyKey][i][ relation.description.targetColumn ] = (model as any)[primaryKeyInfo.propertyKey]; } } }
// Update the `isSaved` status and save the original values setSaved(model, true); }
return models; }}