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SQL Database Toolkit for Deno
import type { Adapter } from "../adapters/adapter.ts";import { CreateTableOptions, TableBuilder } from "./tablebuilder.ts";import type { ColumnBuilder } from "./columnbuilder.ts";
/** * Database schema migration helper */export class Schema { constructor( /** The database adapter */ private adapter: Adapter, ) {}
/** * Create a table * * @param name the table name */ public async createTable( name: string, fn: (builder: TableBuilder) => void, options?: CreateTableOptions, ) { const builder = new TableBuilder(name, this.adapter, options); fn(builder); await builder.execute(); }
/** * Rename a table * * @param name the previous table name * @param newName a new name for the table */ public async renameTable(name: string, newName: string) { await this.adapter.query(`ALTER TABLE ${name} RENAME TO ${newName}`); }
/** * Drop a single table * * @param tableName table to be dropped * @param options advanced options */ public dropTable( tableName: string, options?: { ifExists?: boolean }, ): Promise<void>;
/** * Drop multiple tables * * @param tableNames tables to be dropped * @param options advanced options */ public dropTable( tableNames: string[], options?: { ifExists?: boolean }, ): Promise<void>;
/** Drop table from the database */ public async dropTable( tableName: string | string[], options?: { ifExists?: boolean }, ): Promise<void> { // Populate options with default values options = Object.assign({}, { ifExists: false }, options);
// Build query string const query = [`DROP TABLE`]; if (options.ifExists) query.push(`IF EXISTS`);
if (Array.isArray(tableName)) { // SQLite doesn't support dropping multiple tables at once. // So, we need to execute multiple queries for it. if (this.adapter.dialect === "sqlite") { for (const table of tableName) { const tableQuery = query.join(" ") + ` ${table}`; await this.adapter.query(tableQuery); } } else { // Add the table name query.push(tableName.join(", "));
// Perform query await this.adapter.query(query.join(" ")); } } else { // Add the table name query.push(tableName);
// Perform query await this.adapter.query(query.join(" ")); } }
/** * Check if a table exists in the database * * @param tableName the table name you want to check */ public async hasTable(tableName: string): Promise<boolean> { let query: string;
// Decide the query switch (this.adapter.dialect) { case "sqlite": query = `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='${tableName}')`; break; case "postgres": query = `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = '${tableName}')`; break; case "mysql": query = `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '${tableName}' LIMIT 1)`; break; default: return false; }
// Execute query const result = await this.adapter.query(query);
// Get the result switch (this.adapter.dialect) { case "postgres": return result[0] && result[0].exists ? true : false; case "mysql": case "sqlite": default: return !!result[0][Object.keys(result[0])[0]]; } }
/** * Check if a column exists in a table * * @param tableName the table name you want to check * @param columnName the column name you're looking for */ public async hasColumn( tableName: string, columnName: string, ): Promise<boolean> { let query: string;
// Decide the query switch (this.adapter.dialect) { case "sqlite": query = `PRAGMA table_info(${tableName});`; break; case "mysql": case "postgres": default: query = `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='${tableName}' and column_name='${columnName}');`; break; }
// Execute the query const result = await this.adapter.query(query);
// Extract the result switch (this.adapter.dialect) { case "sqlite": return !!result.find((item) => === columnName); case "postgres": return result[0] && result[0].exists ? true : false; case "mysql": return !!result[0][Object.keys(result[0])[0]]; default: throw new Error("Database dialect not implemented!"); } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ALTER TABLE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Create an index */ public addIndex(index: string) { throw new Error("Not implemented yet!"); }
/** Remove an index */ public removeIndex(index: string) { throw new Error("Not implemented yet!"); }
/** * Rename a column * * @param tableName the table name where the column exists * @param columnName the column you want to rename * @param newColumnName the new column name */ public async renameColumn( tableName: string, columnName: string, newColumnName: string, ) { await this.adapter.query( `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} RENAME ${columnName} TO ${newColumnName}`, ); }
/** * Create a new column * * @param tableName the table name where the column should be added * @param column the column builder */ public async addColumn(tableName: string, column: ColumnBuilder) { await this.adapter.query( `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} ADD ${column.toSQL(this.adapter.dialect)}`, ); }
/** Update a column's datatype */ public alterColumn(column: string, newColumn: string) { throw new Error("Not implemented yet!"); }
/** * Remove a column * * @param tableName the table name where the column exists * @param columnName the name of the column you want to remove */ public async dropColumn(tableName: string, columnName: string) { switch (this.adapter.dialect) { case "sqlite": throw new Error("SQLite doesn't support DROP COLUMN at the moment!"); case "mysql": case "postgres": default: await this.adapter.query( `ALTER TABLE ${tableName} DROP COLUMN ${columnName}`, ); break; } }
/** Execute SQL query */ public query(query: string) { return this.adapter.query(query); }}