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Configurable talking cow for Deno
import * as cow from "./mod.ts"import { parse } from "";import { IOptions } from "./src/models/IOptions.ts";
const opts = { string: [ "text", "cow", "eyes", "tongue" ], boolean: [ "wrap", "random", "think", "help", "list" ], alias: { random: "r", think: "k", wrap: "w", wrapLength: "wl", help: "h", text: "t", cow: "c", tongue: "g", mode: "m", eyes: "e", list: "ls" }, default: { text: "Deno is great!", cow: "cow", eyes: "oo", tongue: "U", wrap: false, wrapLength: 40, mode: null, random: false, think: false, help: false, list: false }}
const help = ` arguments: --text | -t: Message Text [ex: --text="Hello world" ] --cow | -c: Cow image (default value is "cow") [ex: --cow="cat2" ] --mode | -m: Predefined eyes/tonges (from 1 to 8) [ex: --mode=3] --eyes | -e: Eyes of the image if exists (default: "oo") [ex: --eyes="@@" ] --tongue | -g: Tongue of the image (default: "U") [ex: --tongue="V" ] --random | -r: Pick random cow (default false) [ex: --random ] --think | -k: Use think insted of say (default false) [ex: --think ] --wrap | -w: Wrap the text (default false) [ex: --wrap ] --wrapLength | --wl: Where the message should be wrapped (default 40) [ex: --wrapLength=10 ] --list | --ls: List the available cows
example: deno -A -t="Hello World" -r `;
async function main() { const args = Deno.args const argv = parse(args, opts)

if ( { console.log(help) Deno.exit(0) }
if (argv.list) { console.table(cow.list()) Deno.exit(0) }
let res = ""
const options: IOptions = { text: argv.text, cow: argv.cow, eyes: argv.eyes, tongue: argv.tongue, wrap: argv.wrap, wrapLength: argv.wrapLength, random: argv.random, mode: argv.mode }
if (argv.think) { res = cow.think(options) } else { res = cow.say(options) }