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Manage all your cron jobs in one file

GitHub license Features

  • Maintain one master crontab job.
  • Jobs run via DENO, so you can run them under any programmatic conditions.
  • Use ordinary crontab schedule syntax.

Getting Started

Create File

create main.ts file and import crony

import {Crony} from "";

// Create a new instance of Crony
const crony = new Crony();

// Every job has a name
    schedule : "* * * * *",
    enabled: true,
    command: "ps -ax | grep deno | cut -d ' ' -f 1"

// Or with function

    name: "Task2",
    schedule : "*/2 * * * *",
    debug: true,
    command: async () => {
        const res =  await fetch('').then(body => body.text())
        return {res}
    enabled: true


after that add the following line to your crontab:

* * * * * cd ~/your/project/path/ && deno run --allow-run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --unstable main.ts >> /dev/null 2>&1

Note: you might need to specify fully qualified deno path in order to run crontab. Also make sure that commands you running inside crontab is available

Available Options

Each job requires these configurations to run:

Key Type Description
name string Every job has a name. This will be displayed in debug.log file as a job identifier
schedule string Crontab schedule format e.g: */1 * * * * for more info run man -s 5 crontab
command string/function The shell command to run or function () => {}
enabled bool Enable or disable job
debug bool Enable or disable debugging. If any error happens inside jobs it will be dumped in debug.log file


Project was inspired by deno_cron