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Streaming API for reading and writing CSV for
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import { concat, indexOfNeedle } from "./deps.ts";import { dummyAsyncIterable, getUint8Array, hasPrefixFrom, isAsyncIterable, makeAsyncIterable, SyncAsyncIterable,} from "./utils.ts";
/** Options for CSV writer */export interface CSVWriterOptions { columnSeparator: string | Uint8Array; lineSeparator: string | Uint8Array; quote: string | Uint8Array;}
/** Options for `CSVWriter.writeCell` */export interface CSVWriteCellOptions { forceQuotes: boolean;}
const defaultCSVWriterOptions = { columnSeparator: ",", lineSeparator: "\n", quote: '"',};
/** Class for manual CSV writing: * * const writer = new CSVWriter(f, { * columnSeparator: "\t", * lineSeparator: "\r\n", * }); * await writer.writeCell("a\nb"); * await writer.nextLine(); * await writer.writeCell('1"2'); */export class CSVWriter { private writer: Deno.Writer; private columnSeparator: Uint8Array; private lineSeparator: Uint8Array; private quote: Uint8Array; private firstColumn: boolean;
constructor(writer: Deno.Writer, options?: Partial<CSVWriterOptions>) { this.writer = writer; this.columnSeparator = getUint8Array( (options && options.columnSeparator) || defaultCSVWriterOptions.columnSeparator, ); this.lineSeparator = getUint8Array( (options && options.lineSeparator) || defaultCSVWriterOptions.lineSeparator, ); this.quote = getUint8Array( (options && options.quote) || defaultCSVWriterOptions.quote, ); this.firstColumn = true; }
public writeCell( str: string | Uint8Array | AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, options?: Partial<CSVWriteCellOptions>, ): Promise<void> { if (isAsyncIterable(str)) { return this._writeCellAsyncIterable(str, { wrap: true }); }
const arr = getUint8Array(str); const wrap = options?.forceQuotes || indexOfNeedle(arr, this.quote) >= 0 || indexOfNeedle(arr, this.columnSeparator) >= 0 || indexOfNeedle(arr, this.lineSeparator) >= 0;
return this._writeCellAsyncIterable(dummyAsyncIterable(arr), { wrap, }); }
private async _writeCellAsyncIterable( iterable: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>, options: { wrap: boolean }, ): Promise<void> { const { quote } = this; const { wrap } = options;
const iterator = iterable[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
let inputBuffer = new Uint8Array(); let inputBufferEmpty = false; let inputBufferIndex = 0;
if (this.firstColumn) { this.firstColumn = false; } else { await this.writer.write(this.columnSeparator); }
if (wrap) { await this.writer.write(this.quote); }
while (true) { const inputBufferUnprocessed = inputBuffer.length - inputBufferIndex;
if (inputBufferEmpty && inputBufferUnprocessed === 0) { break; }
if (!inputBufferEmpty && inputBufferUnprocessed < quote.length) { const { done, value } = await; if (done) { inputBufferEmpty = true; } else { inputBuffer = concat(inputBuffer, value); } continue; }
if (wrap && hasPrefixFrom(inputBuffer, quote, inputBufferIndex)) { await this.writer.write(quote); await this.writer.write(quote); inputBufferIndex += quote.length; continue; }
if (inputBufferUnprocessed > 0) { await this.writer.write( inputBuffer.subarray(inputBufferIndex, inputBufferIndex + 1), ); inputBufferIndex++; continue; }
throw new Error("unexpected"); }
if (wrap) { await this.writer.write(this.quote); } }
public async nextLine() { this.firstColumn = true; await this.writer.write(this.lineSeparator); }}
/** Write CSV with sync or async row iterators: * * await writeCSV(f, [["a", "b"], ["1", "2"]]); * * const asyncRowGenerator = async function*() { * yield ["a", "b"]; * yield ["1", "2"]; * } * await writeCSV(f, asyncRowGenerator()); */export async function writeCSV( writer: Deno.Writer, iter: SyncAsyncIterable< SyncAsyncIterable<string | Uint8Array | AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>> >, options?: Partial<CSVWriterOptions & CSVWriteCellOptions>,) { const csv = new CSVWriter(writer, options);
let firstLine = true;
for await (const row of makeAsyncIterable(iter)) { if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; } else { await csv.nextLine(); }
for await (const cell of makeAsyncIterable(row)) { await csv.writeCell(cell, options); } }}
/** Write CSV with sync or async object iterators: * * await writeCSVObjects(f, [{a: "1"}, {a: "2"}], { header: ["a"] }); * * const asyncObjectsGenerator = async function*() { * yield { a: "1", b: "2", c: "3" }; * yield { a: "4", b: "5", c: "6" }; * } * await writeCSVObjects(f, asyncObjectsGenerator(), { header: ["a", "b", "c"] }); */export async function writeCSVObjects( writer: Deno.Writer, iter: SyncAsyncIterable<{ [key: string]: string }>, options: Partial<CSVWriterOptions & CSVWriteCellOptions> & { header: string[]; },) { const { header } = options;
const row = function* (obj: { [key: string]: string }) { for (const key of header) { yield obj[key]; } };
const rows = async function* () { yield header;
for await (const obj of makeAsyncIterable(iter)) { yield row(obj); } };
await writeCSV(writer, rows(), options);}