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Image Upload Server

After having spent many hours looking for a simple and actually working image upload solution for Deno, I decided to program and publish this module.

This Deno Module supports the


At the moment it is still necessary to git clone this repo because is still experimental (I use e.g. npm:express and npm:formidable which are considered “local modules”). Let’s wait for some more magic by Ryan Dahl and Friends before improving the programmer experience even further.

git clone
cd cult-image-upload-microservice


deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --unstable --allow-env start-server.ts 8048

# visit http://localhost:8048 and do the obvious :) enjoy be happy and support the CULT


If you want to use e.g. an authentication middleware for specific routes you can check and execute start-server-with-authentication-middleware.ts

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write --unstable --allow-env start-server-with-authentication-middleware.ts 8048

# visit http://localhost:8048 and do the obvious :) enjoy be happy and support the CULT


If you like my work, please consider donating some Ether, CULT or RVLT to 0x9E972a43B3B8D68cD70930697E16429E47E88151. You might also be interested in contributing to