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TypeScript-first curry function without upcast
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// Copyright 2021-present the Curry authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
/** * Alias for Any array types * * @internal */type AnyArray = readonly unknown[];
/** * @internal */type Union2Intersection<U> = ( U extends unknown ? (arg: U) => void : never) extends (arg: infer I) => void ? I : never;
/** * Pop types * @typeParams - T Any array * @example * ```ts * Pop<[1, 2, 3]> = [1, 2]. * ``` * * @internal */type Pop<T extends AnyArray> = T extends [...infer Head, unknown] ? Head : T extends readonly [...infer Head, unknown] ? readonly [...Head] : never;
/** * Shift types * @typeParams S - Any array * @example * ```ts * Shift<[1], [1, 2, 3]> = [2, 3]. * Shift<[1, 2], [1, 2, 3]> = [3]. * ``` * * @internal */type Shift<S extends AnyArray, T extends AnyArray> = T extends [ ...S, ...infer Rest,] ? Rest : never;
/** * @example * ```ts * UnionFactorial<[1, 2, 3]> = [1] | [1, 2] | [1, 2, 3]. * ``` * * @internal */type UnionFactorial<T extends AnyArray> = T extends readonly [] ? never : T | UnionFactorial<Pop<T>>;
/** * @example * ```ts * OverloadsByArgs<[1] | [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], 7> = * | CurriedWithFixArgs<[1], [2, 3], 7> * | CurriedWithFixArgs<[1, 2], [3], 7>. * ``` * * @internal */type OverloadsByArgs< Args extends AnyArray, FullArgs extends AnyArray, ReturnValue,> = Args extends unknown ? CurriedWithFixArgs<Args, Shift<Args, FullArgs>, ReturnValue> : never;
/** * @internal */type CurriedWithFixArgs< Args extends AnyArray, RestArgs extends AnyArray, ReturnValue,> = (...args: Args) => Curried<RestArgs, ReturnValue>;
/** * Curry types * * @internal */type Curried<Args extends AnyArray, ReturnValue> = Args extends [] ? ReturnValue : Union2Intersection< OverloadsByArgs<UnionFactorial<Args>, Args, ReturnValue> >;
/** * Creates a function that accepts arguments of `fn` and either invokes `fn` returning its result, if at least arity number of arguments have been provided, or returns a function that accepts the remaining `fn` arguments, and so on. * * @param fn - The function to curry * @returns The new curried function * * @remarks * Maximum number of arity is `19`. Beyond that, the type system will breaks. * * @example * ```ts * const replace = (from: string, to: string, val: string) => val.replace(from, to) * const curriedReplace = curry(replace) * const curriedReplace('hello', 'hi', 'hello world') // 'hi world' * const curriedReplace('hello')('hi', 'hello world') // 'hi world' * const curriedReplace('hello')('hi')('hello world') // 'hi world' * ``` * * @beta */const curry = <T extends unknown[], R>( fn: (...args: T) => R,): T["length"] extends 0 ? () => R : Curried<T, R> => { const curried: any = (...t: T) => t.length >= fn.length ? fn(...t) : curried.bind(null, ...t);
return curried;};
export { curry };export type { Pop, Shift, UnionFactorial };