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/** * @typedef JwtAlgorithm * @type {'ES256'|'ES384'|'ES512'|'HS256'|'HS384'|'HS512'|'RS256'|'RS384'|'RS512'} */export type JwtAlgorithm = 'ES256'|'ES384'|'ES512'|'HS256'|'HS384'|'HS512'|'RS256'|'RS384'|'RS512'
/** * @typedef JwtAlgorithms */export interface JwtAlgorithms { [key: string]: SubtleCryptoImportKeyAlgorithm}
/** * @typedef JwtHeader * @prop {string} [typ] Type */export interface JwtHeader { /** * Type (default: `"JWT"`) * * @default "JWT" */ typ?: string
[key: string]: any}
/** * @typedef JwtPayload * @prop {string} [iss] Issuer * @prop {string} [sub] Subject * @prop {string} [aud] Audience * @prop {string} [exp] Expiration Time * @prop {string} [nbf] Not Before * @prop {string} [iat] Issued At * @prop {string} [jti] JWT ID */export interface JwtPayload { /** Issuer */ iss?: string
/** Subject */ sub?: string
/** Audience */ aud?: string
/** Expiration Time */ exp?: number
/** Not Before */ nbf?: number
/** Issued At */ iat?: number
/** JWT ID */ jti?: string
[key: string]: any}
/** * @typedef JwtOptions * @prop {JwtAlgorithm | string} algorithm */export interface JwtOptions { algorithm?: JwtAlgorithm | string}
/** * @typedef JwtSignOptions * @extends JwtOptions * @prop {JwtHeader} [header] */export interface JwtSignOptions extends JwtOptions { header?: JwtHeader}
/** * @typedef JwtVerifyOptions * @extends JwtOptions * @prop {boolean} [throwError=false] If `true` throw error if checks fail. (default: `false`) */export interface JwtVerifyOptions extends JwtOptions { /** * If `true` throw error if checks fail. (default: `false`) * * @default false */ throwError?: boolean}
/** * @typedef JwtData * @prop {JwtHeader} header * @prop {JwtPayload} payload */export interface JwtData { header: JwtHeader payload: JwtPayload}
function base64UrlParse(s: string): Uint8Array { // @ts-ignore return new Uint8Array(, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').replace(/\s/g, '')), c => c.charCodeAt(0))) // return new Uint8Array(Array.from(atob(s.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').replace(/\s/g, ''))).map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)))}
function base64UrlStringify(a: Uint8Array): string { // @ts-ignore return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(0, a)).replace(/=/g, '').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_') // return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(0, Array.from(a))).replace(/=/g, '').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_')}
const algorithms: JwtAlgorithms = { ES256: { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-256', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, ES384: { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-384', hash: { name: 'SHA-384' } }, ES512: { name: 'ECDSA', namedCurve: 'P-521', hash: { name: 'SHA-512' } }, HS256: { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, HS384: { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-384' } }, HS512: { name: 'HMAC', hash: { name: 'SHA-512' } }, RS256: { name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', hash: { name: 'SHA-256' } }, RS384: { name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', hash: { name: 'SHA-384' } }, RS512: { name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', hash: { name: 'SHA-512' } }}
function _utf8ToUint8Array(str: string): Uint8Array { return base64UrlParse(btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(str))))}
function _str2ab(str: string): ArrayBuffer { str = atob(str)
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); }
return buf;}
function _decodePayload(raw: string): JwtHeader | JwtPayload | null { switch (raw.length % 4) { case 0: break case 2: raw += '==' break case 3: raw += '=' break default: throw new Error('Illegal base64url string!') }
try { return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(raw)))) } catch { return null }}
/** * Signs a payload and returns the token * * @param {JwtPayload} payload The payload object. To use `nbf` (Not Before) and/or `exp` (Expiration Time) add `nbf` and/or `exp` to the payload. * @param {string} secret A string which is used to sign the payload. * @param {JwtSignOptions | JwtAlgorithm | string} [options={ algorithm: 'HS256', header: { typ: 'JWT' } }] The options object or the algorithm. * @throws {Error} If there's a validation issue. * @returns {Promise<string>} Returns token as a `string`. */export async function jwtSign(payload: JwtPayload, secret: string, options: JwtSignOptions | JwtAlgorithm = { algorithm: 'HS256', header: { typ: 'JWT' } }): Promise<string> { if (typeof options === 'string') options = { algorithm: options, header: { typ: 'JWT' } }
options = { algorithm: 'HS256', header: { typ: 'JWT' }, ...options }
if (payload === null || typeof payload !== 'object') throw new Error('payload must be an object')
if (typeof secret !== 'string') throw new Error('secret must be a string')
if (typeof options.algorithm !== 'string') throw new Error('options.algorithm must be a string')
const algorithm: SubtleCryptoImportKeyAlgorithm = algorithms[options.algorithm]
if (!algorithm) throw new Error('algorithm not found')
if (!payload.iat) payload.iat = Math.floor( / 1000)
const payloadAsJSON = JSON.stringify(payload) const partialToken = `${base64UrlStringify(_utf8ToUint8Array(JSON.stringify({ ...options.header, alg: options.algorithm })))}.${base64UrlStringify(_utf8ToUint8Array(payloadAsJSON))}` let keyFormat: 'raw' | 'pkcs8' = 'raw' let keyData if (secret.startsWith('-----BEGIN')) { keyFormat = 'pkcs8' keyData = _str2ab(secret.replace(/-----BEGIN.*?-----/g, '').replace(/-----END.*?-----/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '')) } else keyData = _utf8ToUint8Array(secret) const key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(keyFormat, keyData, algorithm, false, ['sign']) const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign(algorithm, key, _utf8ToUint8Array(partialToken))
return `${partialToken}.${base64UrlStringify(new Uint8Array(signature))}`}
/** * Verifies the integrity of the token and returns a boolean value. * * @param {string} token The token string generated by `jwt.sign()`. * @param {string} secret The string which was used to sign the payload. * @param {JWTVerifyOptions | JWTAlgorithm} options The options object or the algorithm. * @throws {Error | string} Throws an error `string` if the token is invalid or an `Error-Object` if there's a validation issue. * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns `true` if signature, `nbf` (if set) and `exp` (if set) are valid, otherwise returns `false`. */export async function jwtVerify(token: string, secret: string, options: JwtVerifyOptions | JwtAlgorithm = { algorithm: 'HS256', throwError: false }): Promise<boolean> { if (typeof options === 'string') options = { algorithm: options, throwError: false }
options = { algorithm: 'HS256', throwError: false, ...options }
if (typeof token !== 'string') throw new Error('token must be a string')
if (typeof secret !== 'string') throw new Error('secret must be a string')
if (typeof options.algorithm !== 'string') throw new Error('options.algorithm must be a string')
const tokenParts = token.split('.')
if (tokenParts.length !== 3) throw new Error('token must consist of 3 parts')
const algorithm: SubtleCryptoImportKeyAlgorithm = algorithms[options.algorithm]
if (!algorithm) throw new Error('algorithm not found')
const { payload } = jwtDecode(token)
if (!payload) { if (options.throwError) throw 'PARSE_ERROR'
return false }
if (payload.nbf && payload.nbf > Math.floor( / 1000)) { if (options.throwError) throw 'NOT_YET_VALID'
return false }
if (payload.exp && payload.exp <= Math.floor( / 1000)) { if (options.throwError) throw 'EXPIRED'
return false } let keyFormat: 'raw' | 'spki' = 'raw' let keyData if (secret.startsWith('-----BEGIN')) { keyFormat = 'spki' keyData = _str2ab(secret.replace(/-----BEGIN.*?-----/g, '').replace(/-----END.*?-----/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '')) } else keyData = _utf8ToUint8Array(secret) const key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(keyFormat, keyData, algorithm, false, ['verify']) return await crypto.subtle.verify(algorithm, key, base64UrlParse(tokenParts[2]), _utf8ToUint8Array(`${tokenParts[0]}.${tokenParts[1]}`))}
/** * Returns the payload **without** verifying the integrity of the token. Please use `jwt.verify()` first to keep your application secure! * * @param {string} token The token string generated by `jwt.sign()`. * @returns {JwtData} Returns an `object` containing `header` and `payload`. */export function jwtDecode(token: string): JwtData { return { header: _decodePayload(token.split('.')[0].replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/')) as JwtHeader, payload: _decodePayload(token.split('.')[1].replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/')) as JwtPayload }}
export default { jwtSign, jwtVerify, jwtDecode}