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  1. Install the CLI.

    Note: Deno v1.30.0 or later should be installed.

    deno run -A -q -n darkflare -u darkflare@$version/cli/mod.ts
  2. Add a import map to your deno.json.

      "imports": {
        "darkflare": "",
        "darkflare/authenticator": "",
        "darkflare/jwt": "",
        "darkflare/oauth2": "",
        "darkflare/realm": "",
        "darkflare/x": ""
  3. Add type declarations for your environment variables.

  4. Optionally, you can configure darkflare through a darkflare.yml file.

    To add autocompletion, install the yaml extension and add the below entry to yaml.schemas:

    "": "darkflare.yml"
    # name for your app.
    name: 'my-app' # defaults to 'darkflare-*'
    # base for your app, e.g. /api.
    base: '/api' # defaults to null
    # allowed origin for incoming requests.
    cors: '*' # defaults to null
    # cache responses for a given amount of seconds.
    cache: '5m' # defaults to 0
    cache: 300