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DataBatcher implementation in deno
const isFunction = x => typeof x === "function";const isUndefined = x => typeof x === "undefined";const isDefined = x => typeof x !== "undefined";const isObject = x => typeof x === "object";
type BatchLoadFn = (keys: any[]) => Promise<any[]>;type Write = [any, any];type WriteResult = Error | void;type BatchSaveFn = (write: [Write?]) => Promise<WriteResult[]>;
type DataBatcherOptions = { cache?: boolean; cacheKeyFn?: (any) => string | number; maxBatchSize?: number;};type BatchOp = { key: any; value?: any; type: "load" | "save"; resolve: (any?) => void; reject: (any?) => void;};type BatchQueue = BatchOp[];
export class DataBatcher { private batchLoadFn: BatchLoadFn; private batchSaveFn?: BatchSaveFn; private options: DataBatcherOptions;
private flushing: boolean; private queue: BatchQueue; private loadCache: Map<any,Promise<any>>;
constructor( batchLoadFn: BatchLoadFn, batchSaveFn?: BatchSaveFn | DataBatcherOptions, options?: DataBatcherOptions ) { this.batchLoadFn = this.prepareBatchLoadFn(batchLoadFn); this.batchSaveFn = this.prepareBatchSaveFn(batchSaveFn, options); this.options = this.prepareOptions(batchSaveFn, options);
this.loadCache = new Map(); this.flushing = false; this.queue = []; }
prepareBatchLoadFn(batchLoadFn: BatchLoadFn) { if (!isFunction(batchLoadFn)) { throw new TypeError( "DataBatcher must be constructed with a batch load function which accepts " + `Array<key> and returns Promise<Array<value>>, but got: ${batchLoadFn}.` ); }
return batchLoadFn; }
prepareBatchSaveFn(batchSaveFn:BatchSaveFn|DataBatcherOptions, options?:DataBatcherOptions) : BatchSaveFn | null { // second param is options if (isUndefined(options) && isObject(batchSaveFn)) { return null; }
if (isDefined(batchSaveFn) && !isFunction(batchSaveFn)) { throw new TypeError( "DataBatcher must be constructed with a batch save function which accepts " + `Array<[key,value]> and returns Promise<Array<void>>, but got: ${batchSaveFn}.` ); }
// @ts-ignore return batchSaveFn; }
prepareOptions(batchSaveFn:BatchSaveFn|DataBatcherOptions, options?: DataBatcherOptions) { if (isUndefined(options) && isObject(batchSaveFn)) { // @ts-ignore options = batchSaveFn; }
return options || {}; }
loadMany(keys: any[]) { return Promise.all(; }
load(key:any) { const shouldCache = this.options.cache !== false; const cacheKeyFn = this.options.cacheKeyFn; const cacheKey = cacheKeyFn ? cacheKeyFn(key) : key;
if (shouldCache) { console.log(this.loadCache.get(cacheKey))
if (!this.loadCache.has(cacheKey)) { this.loadCache.set(cacheKey, this._loadLater(key)) }
return this.loadCache.get(cacheKey); } else { return this._loadLater(key); } }
_loadLater(key:any) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.queue.push({ resolve, reject, key, type: "load" }); if (this.queue.length === 1 && !this.flushing) { Promise.resolve().then(this.flushQueue.bind(this)); } }); }
saveMany(saves:Write[]) { return Promise.all([key, value]) =>, value))); }
save(key:any, value:any) { // clear item from load cache const cacheKeyFn = this.options.cacheKeyFn; const cacheKey = cacheKeyFn ? cacheKeyFn(key) : key; this.loadCache.delete(cacheKey);
return this._saveLater(key, value); }
_saveLater(key:any, value:any) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.queue.push({ resolve, reject, key, value, type: "save" }); if (this.queue.length === 1 && !this.flushing) { Promise.resolve().then(this.flushQueue.bind(this)); } }); }
async flushQueue() { if (this.queue.length === 0) { this.flushing = false; return; }
this.flushing = true;
const queueLength = this.queue.length; const maxBatchSize = this.options.maxBatchSize ? Math.min(this.options.maxBatchSize, queueLength) : queueLength;
const batchType = this.queue[0].type;
let batchSize = 1; while ( batchSize < maxBatchSize && this.queue[batchSize].type === batchType ) { batchSize++; }
const batch = this.queue.splice(0, batchSize); if (batchType === "load") { await this._batchLoad(batch); } /* if (batchType === 'save') */ else { await this.batchSave(batch); }
this.flushQueue(); }
async _batchLoad(batch) { const loadResult = await this._checkLoadResult( this.batchLoadFn({ key }) => key)), batch.length ); if (loadResult instanceof Error) { batch.forEach(({ reject }) => reject(loadResult)); } else { batch.forEach(({ resolve, reject }, index) => { const result = loadResult[index]; return result instanceof Error ? reject(result) : resolve(result); }); } }
async _checkLoadResult(loadResultPromise, expectedLength) { if (!loadResultPromise || !loadResultPromise.then) { return new Error( `batchLoadFn must return Promise<Array<value>> but got: ${loadResultPromise}` ); }
let loadResult = await loadResultPromise; if (!Array.isArray(loadResult)) { return new Error( `batchLoadFn must return Promise<Array<value>> but got: Promise<${loadResult}>` ); }
if (loadResult.length !== expectedLength) { return new Error( `batchLoadFn must return Promise<Array<value>> of length ${expectedLength} but got length: ${ loadResult.length }` ); }
return loadResult; }
private async batchSave(batch) { const saveResult = await this.checkSaveResult( this.batchSaveFn({ key, value }) => [key, value])), batch.length );
if (saveResult instanceof Error) { batch.forEach(({ reject }) => reject(saveResult)); } else { batch.forEach(({ resolve, reject }, index) => { const result = saveResult[index]; return result instanceof Error ? reject(result) : resolve(result); }); } }
private async checkSaveResult(saveResultPromise, expectedLength) { if (!saveResultPromise || !saveResultPromise.then) { return new Error( `batchSaveFn must return Promise<Array<any>> but got: ${saveResultPromise}` ); }
let saveResult = await saveResultPromise; if (!Array.isArray(saveResult)) { return new Error( `batchSaveFn must return Promise<Array<any>> but got: Promise<${saveResult}>` ); }
if (saveResult.length !== expectedLength) { return new Error( `batchSaveFn must return Promise<Array<any>> of length ${expectedLength} but got length: ${ saveResult.length }` ); }
return saveResult; }}