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Implement different Data Structures using TypeScript. Deno Third-party Module.
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import { ILinkedList, NodeType, Node } from "./helper.ts";

export class SinglyLinkedList implements ILinkedList { head: null|NodeType tail: null|NodeType size: number
constructor() { this.head = null this.tail = null this.size = 0 }
insertInHead(data: string) { if (this.head === null) { const newNode = new Node(data); this.head = newNode this.tail = newNode this.size++; return true; }
const currentNode = this.head this.head = new Node(data) = currentNode if ( === null) { this.tail = currentNode } this.size++
return true; }
insertInTail(data: string) { if (this.head === null) { const newNode = new Node(data); this.head = newNode this.tail = newNode this.size++; return true; }
let currentNode = this.head while ( currentNode !== null ) { const newItem = new Node(data); this.tail = newItem
if ( === null) { = newItem
this.size++; return true; } currentNode = }
return false; }
insertInPositonX(data: string, position: number) { if (position === 0) { console.error("Use `insertAtHead()` method to insert data at Head."); return false; } else if (position === this.size) { console.error("Use `insertAtTail()` method to insert data at Tail."); return false; } else if (position > this.size && position != this.size + 1) { console.error(`Out of range. Size of the linkedList is ${this.size}`); return false; } let prevNode: NodeType = null; let currentNode = this.head let count = 0 while (currentNode !== null) { if (count === position) { prevNode!.next = new Node(data) prevNode! = currentNode this.size++ } prevNode = currentNode currentNode = count++ }
return true; }
getFromHead() { if (this.head === null) { return null }
return this.head.value; }
getFromTail() { if (this.tail === null) { return null }
return this.tail.value }
printValues() { let currentNode = this.head while (currentNode !== null) { console.log(currentNode.value); currentNode = } }}