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A micro library for actual "dates", not "date times"
/** * The hours to offset the `DateOnly` from UTC time. Other valid options are * `'local'` and `'min-max'`. * * `'local'` => Uses the local timezone as determined via using `new Date().getTimezoneOffset()` * * `'min-max'` => Creates creates a 50 hour window instead of a 24 hours one to represent the * range that the date would have occurred for at least one timezone in the world. This comes * from the fact that all timezones in the world have a range of 30 hours from UTC -12 to * UTC + 14. This is useful for when you're unsure of the viewers timezone, such as filtering * server side for a query, and want to return all items which could possibly match depending * on their location. */export type DateOnlyTimezone = 'local' | 'min-max' | number;
/** * A class to represent Dates and the interval of time they represent. * * This allows easy and fast creation of an which has the properties * `.startEpoch` and `.endEpoch` which allow you to check if a given * epoch moment is within that date, before it, after it, etc. * * New class instances can be created via `new DateOnly(...)`, * `DateOnly.newOrUndefined(...)`, `DateOnly.fromString(...)`, and * `DateOnly.fromStringOrUndefined(...)`. * * @throws `DateOnlyError` on failure * * See documentation on type `DateOnlyTimezone` for details about * argument `timezoneShift`. * * Example: * ```typescript * const myDateOnly = new DateOnly(2021, 03, 14) * const nowEpoch = * * // Check if a moment in time is during a date * if (nowEpoch >= myDateOnly.startEpoch && nowEpoch <= myDateOnly.endEpoch) { ... } * * // Check if a moment in time was before a date (exclusive of day) * if (nowEpoch < myDateOnly.startEpoch) { ... } * * // Check if a moment in time was before a date (inclusive of day) * if (nowEpoch <= myDateOnly.endEpoch) { ... } * ``` */export class DateOnly { year: number; month: number; day: number; /** See docs on `DateOnlyTimezone` for details */ timezoneShift: DateOnlyTimezone; /** The inclusive epoch timestamp for when the day started (i.e. first millisecond of the day) */ startEpoch: number; /** The inclusive epoch timestamp for when the day ended (i.e. last millisecond of the day) */ endEpoch: number;
constructor(y: number, m: number, d: number, tz: DateOnlyTimezone = 'local') { const dateStart = isValidDate(y, m, d); if (dateStart === false) { throw new DateOnlyError( 'Attempted to initialized DateOnly with an invalid date', ); } const offset = getTimezoneOffset(tz); this.year = y; this.month = m; = d; this.timezoneShift = tz; this.startEpoch = dateStart.valueOf() + offset[0]; this.endEpoch = dateStart.valueOf() + 86_399_999 + offset[1]; }
/** Returns `'YYYY-MM-DD'` */ public toString() { return `${String(this.year).padStart(4, '0')}-${ String(this.month).padStart(2, '0') }-${String(, '0')}`; }
/** Returns `'YYYY-MM-DD'` */ public valueOf() { return this.toString(); }
/** Returns `'YYYY-MM-DD'` */ public toJSON() { return this.toString(); }
/** Same as constructor, but returns `undefined` on failure instead of throwing `DateOnlyError` */ static newOrUndefined( y: number, m: number, d: number, tz: DateOnlyTimezone = 'local', ): DateOnly | undefined { if (!isValidDate(y, m, d)) return; return new DateOnly(y, m, d, tz); }
/** * Parse string via `parseStringToDateComponents` and then create new `DateOnly` * * @throws `DateOnlyError` on failure */ static fromString(s: string, tz: DateOnlyTimezone = 'local'): DateOnly { const x = parseStringToDateComponents(s); if (x === undefined) { throw new DateOnlyError('DateOnly.fromString given invalid date'); } return new DateOnly(...x, tz); }
/** Same as `.fromString`, but returns `undefined` on failure instead of throwing `DateOnlyError` */ static fromStringOrUndefined( s: string, tz: DateOnlyTimezone = 'local', ): DateOnly | undefined { const x = parseStringToDateComponents(s); if (x === undefined) return; if (!isValidDate(...x)) return; return new DateOnly(...x, tz); }}
/** Checks if given date is valid as tested by builtin `Date` logic */export function isValidDate(y: number, m: number, d: number): Date | false { const dt = new Date(Date.UTC(y, m - 1, d)); if ( isNaN(dt.valueOf()) || dt.getUTCFullYear() !== y || dt.getUTCMonth() !== m - 1 || dt.getUTCDate() !== d ) { return false; } return dt;}
const dateStringRegex = new RegExp('^(-?\\d{1,4})-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{1,2})$');
/** * Parses string and returns their date components using regex: * * `^(-?\d{1,4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})$` */export function parseStringToDateComponents( s: string,): [number, number, number] | undefined { if (typeof s !== 'string') return; const match = s.match(dateStringRegex); if (!match) return; const y = parseInt(match[1]); const m = parseInt(match[2]); const d = parseInt(match[3]); if (isNaN(y) || isNaN(m) || isNaN(d)) return; return [y, m, d];}
/** * Get timezone offset in milliseconds from UTC for start and end epoch. * * @throws `DateOnlyError` if invalid input given */export function getTimezoneOffset(tz: DateOnlyTimezone): [number, number] { if (tz === 'local') { const o = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60_000; return [o, o]; } if (tz === 'min-max') return [-43_200_000, 50_400_000]; if (!isNaN(tz) && tz <= 14 && tz >= -12) { return [tz * 3_600_000, tz * 3_600_000]; } throw new DateOnlyError( 'Timezone must be "local", "min-max", or a number between -12 and 14', );}
/** Error for when DateOnly class or helper functions attempts to do an action and fails */export class DateOnlyError extends Error {}