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Cross platform shell tools for Deno inspired by zx.
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import { CommandHandler } from "./command_handler.ts";import { cdCommand } from "./commands/cd.ts";import { echoCommand } from "./commands/echo.ts";import { exitCommand } from "./commands/exit.ts";import { exportCommand } from "./commands/export.ts";import { sleepCommand } from "./commands/sleep.ts";import { testCommand } from "./commands/test.ts";import { delayToMs } from "./common.ts";import { Delay } from "./common.ts";import { Buffer, colors, path } from "./deps.ts";import { CapturingBufferWriter, NullPipeWriter, ShellPipeReader, ShellPipeWriter, ShellPipeWriterKind,} from "./pipes.ts";import { parseArgs, spawn } from "./shell.ts";
type BufferStdio = "inherit" | "null" | Buffer;
interface CommandBuilderState { command: string | undefined; stdin: ShellPipeReader; stdoutKind: ShellPipeWriterKind; stderrKind: ShellPipeWriterKind; noThrow: boolean; env: Record<string, string>; commands: Record<string, CommandHandler>; cwd: string; exportEnv: boolean; printCommand: boolean; timeout: number | undefined;}
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
const builtInCommands = { cd: cdCommand, echo: echoCommand, exit: exitCommand, export: exportCommand, sleep: sleepCommand, test: testCommand,};
/** * The underlying builder API for executing commands. * * This is what `$` uses to execute commands. Using this provides * a way to provide a raw text command or an array of arguments. * * Command builders are immutable where each method call creates * a new command builder. * * ```ts * const builder = new CommandBuilder() * .cwd("./src") * .command("echo $MY_VAR"); * * // outputs 5 * console.log(await builder.env("MY_VAR", "5").text()); * // outputs 6 * console.log(await builder.env("MY_VAR", "6").text()); * ``` */export class CommandBuilder implements PromiseLike<CommandResult> { #state: Readonly<CommandBuilderState> | undefined;
#getClonedState(): CommandBuilderState { const state = this.#state; if (state == null) { return this.#getDefaultState(); } return { // be explicit here in order to evaluate each property on a case by case basis command: state.command, stdin: state.stdin, stdoutKind: state.stdoutKind, stderrKind: state.stderrKind, noThrow: state.noThrow, env: { ...state.env }, cwd: state.cwd, commands: { ...state.commands }, exportEnv: state.exportEnv, printCommand: state.printCommand, timeout: state.timeout, }; }
#getDefaultState(): CommandBuilderState { return { command: undefined, stdin: "inherit", stdoutKind: "default", stderrKind: "default", noThrow: false, env: Deno.env.toObject(), cwd: Deno.cwd(), commands: { ...builtInCommands }, exportEnv: false, printCommand: false, timeout: undefined, }; }
#newWithState(action: (state: CommandBuilderState) => void): CommandBuilder { const builder = new CommandBuilder(); const state = this.#getClonedState(); action(state); builder.#state = state; return builder; }
then<TResult1 = CommandResult, TResult2 = never>( onfulfilled?: ((value: CommandResult) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | null | undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | null | undefined, ): PromiseLike<TResult1 | TResult2> { return this.spawn().then(onfulfilled).catch(onrejected); }
/** * Explicit way to spawn a command. * * This is an alias for awaiting the command builder or calling `.then(...)` */ spawn(): Promise<CommandResult> { // store a snapshot of the current command // in case someone wants to spawn multiple // commands with different state return parseAndSpawnCommand(this.#getClonedState()); }
/** * Register a command. */ registerCommand(command: string, handleFn: CommandHandler) { validateCommandName(command); return this.#newWithState(state => { state.commands[command] = handleFn; }); }
/** * Register multilple commands. */ registerCommands(commands: Record<string, CommandHandler>) { let command: CommandBuilder = this; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(commands)) { command = command.registerCommand(key, value); } return command; }
/** * Unregister a command. */ unregisterCommand(command: string) { return this.#newWithState(state => { delete state.commands[command]; }); }
/** Sets the raw command to execute. */ command(command: string | string[]) { return this.#newWithState(state => { if (typeof command === "string") { state.command = command; } else { state.command =" "); } }); }
/** The command should not throw when it fails or times out. */ noThrow(value = true) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.noThrow = value; }); }
/** Sets the stdin to use for the command. */ stdin(reader: ShellPipeReader | string | Uint8Array) { return this.#newWithState(state => { if (typeof reader === "string") { // todo: support cloning these buffers so that // the state is immutable when creating a new // builder... this is a bug state.stdin = new Buffer(new TextEncoder().encode(reader)); } else if (reader instanceof Uint8Array) { state.stdin = new Buffer(reader); } else { state.stdin = reader; } }); }
/** Set the stdout kind. */ stdout(kind: ShellPipeWriterKind) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.stdoutKind = kind; }); }
/** Set the stderr kind. */ stderr(kind: ShellPipeWriterKind) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.stderrKind = kind; }); }
/** Sets multiple environment variables to use at the same time via an object literal. */ env(items: Record<string, string | undefined>): CommandBuilder; /** Sets a single environment variable to use. */ env(name: string, value: string | undefined): CommandBuilder; env(nameOrItems: string | Record<string, string | undefined>, value?: string) { return this.#newWithState(state => { if (typeof nameOrItems === "string") { setEnv(state, nameOrItems, value); } else { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(nameOrItems)) { setEnv(state, key, value); } } });
function setEnv(state: CommandBuilderState, key: string, value: string | undefined) { if ( === "windows") { key = key.toUpperCase(); } if (value == null) { delete state.env[key]; } else { state.env[key] = value; } } }
/** Sets the current working directory to use when executing this command. */ cwd(dirPath: string) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.cwd = path.resolve(dirPath); }); }
/** * Exports the environment of the command to the executing process. * * So for example, changing the directory in a command or exporting * an environment variable will actually change the environment * of the executing process. * * ```ts * await $`cd src && export SOME_VALUE=5`; * console.log(Deno.env.get("SOME_VALUE")); // 5 * console.log(Deno.cwd()); // will be in the src directory * ``` */ exportEnv(value = true) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.exportEnv = value; }); }
/** * Prints the command text before executing the command. * * For example: * * ```ts * const text = "example"; * await $`echo ${text}`.printCommand(); * ``` * * Outputs: * * ``` * > echo example * example * ``` */ printCommand(value = true) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.printCommand = value; }); }
/** * Ensures stdout and stderr are piped if they have the default behaviour or are inherited. * * ```ts * // ensure both stdout and stderr is not logged to the console * await $`echo 1`.quiet(); * // ensure stdout is not logged to the console * await $`echo 1`.quiet("stdout"); * // ensure stderr is not logged to the console * await $`echo 1`.quiet("stderr"); * ``` */ quiet(kind: "stdout" | "stderr" | "both" = "both") { return this.#newWithState(state => { if (kind === "both" || kind === "stdout") { state.stdoutKind = getQuietKind(state.stdoutKind); } if (kind === "both" || kind === "stderr") { state.stderrKind = getQuietKind(state.stderrKind); } });
function getQuietKind(kind: ShellPipeWriterKind): ShellPipeWriterKind { switch (kind) { case "default": case "inherit": return "piped"; case "null": case "piped": return kind; default: const _assertNever: never = kind; throw new Error(`Unhandled kind ${kind}.`); } } }
/** * Specifies a timeout for the command. The command will exit with * exit code `124` (timeout) if it times out. * * Note that when using `.noThrow()` this won't cause an error to * be thrown when timing out. */ timeout(delay: Delay) { return this.#newWithState(state => { state.timeout = delayToMs(delay); }); }
/** * Sets stdout as quiet, spawns the command, and gets stdout as a Uint8Array. * * Shorthand for: * * ```ts * const data = (await $`command`.quiet("stdout")).stdoutBytes; * ``` */ async bytes() { return (await this.quiet("stdout")).stdoutBytes; }
/** * Sets stdout as quiet, spawns the command, and gets stdout as a string without the last newline. * * Shorthand for: * * ```ts * const data = (await $`command`.quiet("stdout")).stdout.replace(/\r?\n$/, ""); * ``` */ async text() { return (await this.quiet("stdout")).stdout.replace(/\r?\n$/, ""); }
/** Gets the text as an array of lines. */ async lines() { const text = await this.text(); return text.split(/\r?\n/g); }
/** * Sets stdout as quiet, spawns the command, and gets stdout as JSON. * * Shorthand for: * * ```ts * const data = (await $`command`.quiet("stdout")).stdoutJson; * ``` */ async json<TResult = any>(): Promise<TResult> { return (await this.quiet("stdout")).stdoutJson; }}
export async function parseAndSpawnCommand(state: CommandBuilderState) { if (state.command == null) { throw new Error("A command must be set before it can be spawned."); }
if (state.printCommand) { console.log(colors.white(">"),; }
const stdoutBuffer = state.stdoutKind === "default" ? new CapturingBufferWriter(Deno.stderr, new Buffer()) : state.stdoutKind === "null" ? "null" : state.stdoutKind === "inherit" ? "inherit" : new Buffer(); const stdout = new ShellPipeWriter( state.stdoutKind, stdoutBuffer === "null" ? new NullPipeWriter() : stdoutBuffer === "inherit" ? Deno.stdout : stdoutBuffer, ); const stderrBuffer = state.stderrKind === "default" ? new CapturingBufferWriter(Deno.stderr, new Buffer()) : state.stderrKind === "null" ? "null" : state.stderrKind === "inherit" ? "inherit" : new Buffer(); const stderr = new ShellPipeWriter( state.stderrKind, stderrBuffer === "null" ? new NullPipeWriter() : stderrBuffer === "inherit" ? Deno.stderr : stderrBuffer, );
const abortController = new AbortController(); let timeoutId: number | undefined; if (state.timeout != null) { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => abortController.abort(), state.timeout); }
try { const list = await parseArgs(state.command); const code = await spawn(list, { stdin: state.stdin, stdout, stderr, env: state.env, commands: state.commands, cwd: state.cwd, exportEnv: state.exportEnv, signal: abortController.signal, }); if (code !== 0 && !state.noThrow) { if (abortController.signal.aborted) { throw new Error(`Timed out with exit code: ${code}`); } else { throw new Error(`Exited with code: ${code}`); } } return new CommandResult( code, stdoutBuffer instanceof CapturingBufferWriter ? stdoutBuffer.getBuffer() : stdoutBuffer, stderrBuffer instanceof CapturingBufferWriter ? stderrBuffer.getBuffer() : stderrBuffer, ); } finally { if (timeoutId != null) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } }}
/** Result of running a command. */export class CommandResult { #stdout: BufferStdio; #stderr: BufferStdio; /** The exit code. */ readonly code: number;
constructor(code: number, stdout: BufferStdio, stderr: BufferStdio) { this.code = code; this.#stdout = stdout; this.#stderr = stderr; }
#memoizedStdout: string | undefined;
/** Raw decoded stdout text. */ get stdout() { if (!this.#memoizedStdout) { this.#memoizedStdout = textDecoder.decode(this.stdoutBytes); } return this.#memoizedStdout; }
#memoizedStdoutJson: any | undefined;
/** * Stdout text as JSON. * * @remarks Will throw if it can't be parsed as JSON. */ get stdoutJson() { if (this.#memoizedStdoutJson == null) { this.#memoizedStdoutJson = JSON.parse(this.stdout); } return this.#memoizedStdoutJson; }
/** Raw stdout bytes. */ get stdoutBytes(): Uint8Array { if (typeof this.#stdout === "string") { throw new Error(`Stdout was not piped (was ${this.#stdout}). By default stdout is piped.`); } return this.#stdout.bytes(); }
#memoizedStderr: string | undefined;
/** Raw decoded stdout text. */ get stderr() { if (!this.#memoizedStderr) { this.#memoizedStderr = textDecoder.decode(this.stderrBytes); } return this.#memoizedStderr; }
#memoizedStderrJson: any | undefined;
/** * Stderr text as JSON. * * @remarks Will throw if it can't be parsed as JSON. */ get stderrJson() { if (this.#memoizedStderrJson == null) { this.#memoizedStderrJson = JSON.parse(this.stderr); } return this.#memoizedStderrJson; }
/** Raw stderr bytes. */ get stderrBytes(): Uint8Array { if (typeof this.#stderr === "string") { throw new Error(`Stderr was not piped (was ${this.#stderr}). Call .stderr("pipe") on the process.`); } return this.#stderr.bytes(); }}
export function escapeArg(arg: string) { // very basic for now if (/^[A-Za-z0-9]*$/.test(arg)) { return arg; } else { return `'${arg.replace("'", `'"'"'`)}'`; }}
function validateCommandName(command: string) { if (command.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/) == null) { throw new Error("Invalid command name"); }}